Intro to Raster Data
Last updated on 2025-03-11 | Edit this page
Estimated time: 32 minutes
- What is a raster dataset?
- How do I import, examine and plot raster data in R?
After completing this episode, participants should be able to…
- Import rasters into R using the
package. - Explore raster attributes and metadata using the
package. - Plot a raster file in R using the
package. - Describe the difference between single- and multi-band rasters.
Things you’ll need to complete this episode
See the setup instructions for detailed information about the software, data, and other prerequisites you will need to work through the examples in this episode.
This lesson uses the terra
package in particular. If you
have not installed it yet, do so by running
before loading it with
In this lesson, we will work with raster data. We will start with an introduction of the fundamental principles and metadata needed to work with raster data in R. We will discuss some of the core metadata elements needed to understand raster data in R, including CRS and resolution.
We continue to work with the tidyverse
package and we
will use the terra
package to work with raster data. Make
sure that you have those packages loaded.
The data used in this lesson
In this and lesson, we will use:
- data extracted from the AHN digital elevation dataset of the Netherlands for the TU Delft campus area; and
- high-resolution RGB aerial photos of the TU Delft library obtained from Beeldmateriaal Nederland.
View Raster File Attributes
We will be working with a series of GeoTIFF files in this lesson. The
GeoTIFF format contains a set of embedded tags with metadata about the
raster data. We can use the function describe()
from the
package to get information about our raster. It is
recommended to do this before importing the data. We first examine the
file tud-dsm-5m.tif
[1] "Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF"
[2] "Files: data/tud-dsm-5m.tif"
[3] "Size is 722, 386"
[4] "Coordinate System is:"
[5] "PROJCRS[\"Amersfoort / RD New\","
[6] " BASEGEOGCRS[\"Amersfoort\","
[7] " DATUM[\"Amersfoort\","
[8] " ELLIPSOID[\"Bessel 1841\",6377397.155,299.1528128,"
[9] " LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1]]],"
[10] " PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,"
[11] " ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433]],"
[12] " ID[\"EPSG\",4289]],"
[13] " CONVERSION[\"RD New\","
[14] " METHOD[\"Oblique Stereographic\","
[15] " ID[\"EPSG\",9809]],"
[16] " PARAMETER[\"Latitude of natural origin\",52.1561605555556,"
[17] " ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433],"
[18] " ID[\"EPSG\",8801]],"
[19] " PARAMETER[\"Longitude of natural origin\",5.38763888888889,"
[20] " ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433],"
[21] " ID[\"EPSG\",8802]],"
[22] " PARAMETER[\"Scale factor at natural origin\",0.9999079,"
[23] " SCALEUNIT[\"unity\",1],"
[24] " ID[\"EPSG\",8805]],"
[25] " PARAMETER[\"False easting\",155000,"
[26] " LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1],"
[27] " ID[\"EPSG\",8806]],"
[28] " PARAMETER[\"False northing\",463000,"
[29] " LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1],"
[30] " ID[\"EPSG\",8807]]],"
[31] " CS[Cartesian,2],"
[32] " AXIS[\"easting (X)\",east,"
[33] " ORDER[1],"
[34] " LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1]],"
[35] " AXIS[\"northing (Y)\",north,"
[36] " ORDER[2],"
[37] " LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1]],"
[38] " USAGE["
[39] " SCOPE[\"Engineering survey, topographic mapping.\"],"
[40] " AREA[\"Netherlands - onshore, including Waddenzee, Dutch Wadden Islands and 12-mile offshore coastal zone.\"],"
[41] " BBOX[50.75,3.2,53.7,7.22]],"
[42] " ID[\"EPSG\",28992]]"
[43] "Data axis to CRS axis mapping: 1,2"
[44] "Origin = (83565.000000000000000,447180.000000000000000)"
[45] "Pixel Size = (5.000000000000000,-5.000000000000000)"
[46] "Metadata:"
[47] " AREA_OR_POINT=Area"
[48] "Image Structure Metadata:"
[50] "Corner Coordinates:"
[51] "Upper Left ( 83565.000, 447180.000) ( 4d20'49.32\"E, 52d 0'33.67\"N)"
[52] "Lower Left ( 83565.000, 445250.000) ( 4d20'50.77\"E, 51d59'31.22\"N)"
[53] "Upper Right ( 87175.000, 447180.000) ( 4d23'58.60\"E, 52d 0'35.30\"N)"
[54] "Lower Right ( 87175.000, 445250.000) ( 4d23'59.98\"E, 51d59'32.85\"N)"
[55] "Center ( 85370.000, 446215.000) ( 4d22'24.67\"E, 52d 0' 3.27\"N)"
[56] "Band 1 Block=722x2 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Gray"
We will be using this information throughout this episode. By the end of the episode, you will be able to explain and understand the output above.
Open a Raster in R
Now that we’ve previewed the metadata for our GeoTIFF, let’s import
this raster file into R and explore its metadata more closely. We can
use the rast()
function to import a raster file in R.
Data tip - Object names
To improve code readability, use file and object names that make it
clear what is in the file. The raster data for this episode contain the
TU Delft campus and its surroundings so we will use the naming
convention <DATATYPE>_TUD
. The first object is a
Digital Surface Model (DSM) in GeoTIFF format stored in a file
which we will load into an object named
according to our naming convention DSM_TUD
Let’s load our raster file into R and view its data structure.
DSM_TUD <- rast("data/tud-dsm-5m.tif")
class : SpatRaster
dimensions : 386, 722, 1 (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
resolution : 5, 5 (x, y)
extent : 83565, 87175, 445250, 447180 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : Amersfoort / RD New (EPSG:28992)
source : tud-dsm-5m.tif
name : tud-dsm-5m
The information above includes a report on dimension, resolution,
extent and CRS, but no information about the values. Similar to other
data structures in R like vectors and data frames, descriptive
statistics for raster data can be retrieved with the
Warning: [summary] used a sample
Min. :-5.2235
1st Qu.:-0.7007
Median : 0.5462
Mean : 2.5850
3rd Qu.: 4.4596
Max. :89.7838
This output gives us information about the range of values in the
DSM. We can see, for instance, that the lowest elevation is
, the highest is 89.7838
. But note the
warning. Unless you force R to calculate these statistics using every
cell in the raster, it will take a random sample of 100,000 cells and
calculate from them instead. To force calculation all the values, you
can use the function values
Min. :-5.3907
1st Qu.:-0.7008
Median : 0.5573
Mean : 2.5886
3rd Qu.: 4.4648
Max. :92.0810
With a summary on all cells of the raster, the values range from a
smaller minimum of -5.3907
to a higher maximum of
To visualise the DSM in R using ggplot2
, we need to
convert it to a data frame. We learned about data frames in an earlier lesson. The terra
package has the built-in method
conversion to a data frame.
DSM_TUD_df <-, xy = TRUE)
Now when we view the structure of our data, we will see a standard
data frame format in which every row is a cell from the raster, each
containing information about the x
and y
coordinates and the raster value stored in the tud-dsm-5m
'data.frame': 278692 obs. of 3 variables:
$ x : num 83568 83572 83578 83582 83588 ...
$ y : num 447178 447178 447178 447178 447178 ...
$ tud-dsm-5m: num 10.34 8.64 1.25 1.12 2.13 ...
We can use ggplot()
to plot this data with a specific
function called geom_raster()
. We will
make the colour scale in our plot colour-blindness friendly with
, introduced in an earlier lesson. We will also
use the coord_equal()
function to ensure that the units
(meters in our case) on the two axes are equal.
ggplot() +
geom_raster(data = DSM_TUD_df , aes(x = x, y = y, fill = `tud-dsm-5m`)) +
scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "turbo") +

using the viridis color scale
Plotting tip
The "turbo"
scale in our code provides a good
contrasting scale for our raster, but another colour scale may be
preferred when plotting other rasters. More information about the
viridis palette used above can be found in the viridis
package documentation.
Plotting tip
For faster previews, you can use the plot()
function on
a terra
View Raster Coordinate Reference System (CRS)
The map above shows our Digital Surface Model (DSM), that is, the elevation of our study site including buildings and vegetation. From the legend we can confirm that the maximum elevation is around 90, but we cannot tell whether that is 90 feet or 90 meters because the legend does not show us the units. We can look at the metadata of our object to see what the units are. Much of the metadata that we are interested in is part of the CRS.
Now we will see how features of the CRS appear in our data file and what meaning they have.
We can view the CRS string associated with our R object using the
crs(DSM_TUD, proj = TRUE)
[1] "+proj=sterea +lat_0=52.1561605555556 +lon_0=5.38763888888889 +k=0.9999079 +x_0=155000 +y_0=463000 +ellps=bessel +units=m +no_defs"
Challenge: What units are our data in?
in the output of the code above tells us that
our data is in meters (m).
Understanding CRS in PROJ.4 format
The CRS for our data is given to us by R in PROJ.4 format. Let’s
break down the pieces of a PROJ.4 string. The string contains all of the
individual CRS elements that R or another GIS might need. Each element
is specified with a +
sign, similar to how a
file is delimited or broken up by a ,
After each +
we see the CRS element such as projection
) being defined.
See more about CRS and PROJ.4 strings in this lesson.
Calculate Raster Min and Max values
It is useful to know the minimum and maximum values of a raster dataset. In this case, as we are working with elevation data, these values represent the minimum-to-maximum elevation range at our site.
Raster statistics are often calculated and embedded in a GeoTIFF for us. We can view these values:
min Inf
max -Inf
Data tip - Set min and max values
If the min
and max
values are
and -Inf
respectively, it means that they
haven’t been calculated. We can calculate them using the
DSM_TUD <- setMinMax(DSM_TUD)
A call to minmax(DSM_TUD)
will now give us the correct
values. Alternatively, min(values())
will return the minimum and maximum values
[1] -5.39069
[1] 92.08102
We can see that the elevation at our site ranges from
m to 92.08102
Raster bands
The Digital Surface Model object (DSM_TUD
) that we have
been working with is a single band raster. This means that there is only
one layer stored in the raster: surface elevation in meters for one time
We can view the number of bands in a raster using the
[1] 1

Our DSM data has only one band. However, raster data can also be multi-band, meaning that one raster file contains data for more than one variable or time period for each cell. We will discuss multi-band raster data in a later episode.
Creating a histogram of raster values
A histogram can be used to inspect the distribution of raster values
visually. It can show if there are values above the maximum or below the
minimum of the expected range. We can plot a histogram using the
function geom_histogram()
. Histograms
are often useful in identifying outliers and bad data values in our
raster data. Read more on the use of histograms in this
Challenge: Explore raster metadata
Use describe()
to determine the following about the
- Does this file have the same CRS as
? - What is the resolution of the raster data?
- How large would a 5x5 pixel area be on the Earth’s surface?
- Is the file a multi- or single-band raster?
Note that this file is a hillshade raster. We will learn about hillshades in the Working with Multi-band Rasters in R episode.
[1] "Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF"
[2] "Files: data/tud-dsm-5m-hill.tif"
[3] "Size is 722, 386"
[4] "Coordinate System is:"
[5] "PROJCRS[\"Amersfoort / RD New\","
[6] " BASEGEOGCRS[\"Amersfoort\","
[7] " DATUM[\"Amersfoort\","
[8] " ELLIPSOID[\"Bessel 1841\",6377397.155,299.1528128,"
[9] " LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1]]],"
[10] " PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,"
[11] " ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433]],"
[12] " ID[\"EPSG\",4289]],"
[13] " CONVERSION[\"RD New\","
[14] " METHOD[\"Oblique Stereographic\","
[15] " ID[\"EPSG\",9809]],"
[16] " PARAMETER[\"Latitude of natural origin\",52.1561605555556,"
[17] " ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433],"
[18] " ID[\"EPSG\",8801]],"
[19] " PARAMETER[\"Longitude of natural origin\",5.38763888888889,"
[20] " ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433],"
[21] " ID[\"EPSG\",8802]],"
[22] " PARAMETER[\"Scale factor at natural origin\",0.9999079,"
[23] " SCALEUNIT[\"unity\",1],"
[24] " ID[\"EPSG\",8805]],"
[25] " PARAMETER[\"False easting\",155000,"
[26] " LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1],"
[27] " ID[\"EPSG\",8806]],"
[28] " PARAMETER[\"False northing\",463000,"
[29] " LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1],"
[30] " ID[\"EPSG\",8807]]],"
[31] " CS[Cartesian,2],"
[32] " AXIS[\"easting (X)\",east,"
[33] " ORDER[1],"
[34] " LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1]],"
[35] " AXIS[\"northing (Y)\",north,"
[36] " ORDER[2],"
[37] " LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1]],"
[38] " USAGE["
[39] " SCOPE[\"Engineering survey, topographic mapping.\"],"
[40] " AREA[\"Netherlands - onshore, including Waddenzee, Dutch Wadden Islands and 12-mile offshore coastal zone.\"],"
[41] " BBOX[50.75,3.2,53.7,7.22]],"
[42] " ID[\"EPSG\",28992]]"
[43] "Data axis to CRS axis mapping: 1,2"
[44] "Origin = (83565.000000000000000,447180.000000000000000)"
[45] "Pixel Size = (5.000000000000000,-5.000000000000000)"
[46] "Metadata:"
[47] " AREA_OR_POINT=Area"
[48] "Image Structure Metadata:"
[50] "Corner Coordinates:"
[51] "Upper Left ( 83565.000, 447180.000) ( 4d20'49.32\"E, 52d 0'33.67\"N)"
[52] "Lower Left ( 83565.000, 445250.000) ( 4d20'50.77\"E, 51d59'31.22\"N)"
[53] "Upper Right ( 87175.000, 447180.000) ( 4d23'58.60\"E, 52d 0'35.30\"N)"
[54] "Lower Right ( 87175.000, 445250.000) ( 4d23'59.98\"E, 51d59'32.85\"N)"
[55] "Center ( 85370.000, 446215.000) ( 4d22'24.67\"E, 52d 0' 3.27\"N)"
[56] "Band 1 Block=722x11 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Gray"
[57] " NoData Value=0"
More resources
- See the manual and tutorials of the
package on
Key Points
- The GeoTIFF file format includes metadata about the raster data that
can be inspected with the
function from theterra
package. - To plot raster data with the
package, we need to convert them to data frames. - PROJ is a widely used standard format to store, represent and transform CRS.
- Histograms are useful to identify missing or bad data values.