Instructor Notes
Optionally, to stimulate engagement, the workshop can be run as a competition, as follows:
- Instructors form groups of 4-6 participants.
- Each group chooses a city name.
- Groups that solve a challenge or solve it first, receive a star. Stars are cumulated across lessons.
- At the end of the workshop, the team with most stars receives a prize.
- The competition is not individual and the take-away is that everyone wins.
- Awarding stars needs to be fair (i.e., with clear rules on how they are given) and balanced (i.e., when there’s a tie, the instructor can choose to award the team with less stars).
- It is important to form diverse groups with a good mix of experiences, backgrounds, gender.
- Stars can be collected on a flipover in front of the room where everyone can see it.
Introduction to R and RStudioProject management in RStudioIntroduction to R
Instructor Note
In interest of time, focus on one way of creating the folders. You can showcase an alternative method with just one example.
Once you have finished, ask the participants if they have managed to create a R Project and get the same folder structure. To do this, use green and red stickers.
This will become important, as we use relative paths together with
package to read and write objects.
Data Structures
Exploring Data Frames & Data frame Manipulation with dplyrExploring Data framesData frame Manipulation with dplyr
Introduction to visualisationIntroduction to VisualisationWriting data
Introduction to Geospatial Concepts
Open and Plot Vector Layers
Instructor Note
Make sure that the sf
package and its dependencies are
installed before the workshop. The installation can be lengthy, so
allocate enough extra time before the workshop for solving installation
problems. We recommend one or two installation ‘walk-in’ hours on a day
before the workshop. Also, 15-30 minutes at the beginning of the first
workshop day should be enough to tackle last-minute installation
Explore and plot by vector layer attributesQuery Vector Feature Metadata
Plot multiple shapefiles
Handling Spatial Projections & CRS
Intro to Raster Data
Plot Raster Data
Reproject Raster Data
Raster Calculations
Work with Multi-Band Rasters
Import and Visualise OSM Data
Instructor Note
If this does not work for some reason, the
can be found in the data folder:
Instructor Note
If this does not work for some reason, the buildings
be found in the data folder: “episodes/data/dataBrielle.shp”.