Instructor Notes

Optionally, to stimulate engagement, the workshop can be run as a competition, as follows:

  1. Instructors form groups of 4-6 participants.
  2. Each group chooses a city name.
  3. Groups that solve a challenge or solve it first, receive a star. Stars are cumulated across lessons.
  4. At the end of the workshop, the team with most stars receives a prize.


  • The competition is not individual and the take-away is that everyone wins.
  • Awarding stars needs to be fair (i.e., with clear rules on how they are given) and balanced (i.e., when there’s a tie, the instructor can choose to award the team with less stars).
  • It is important to form diverse groups with a good mix of experiences, backgrounds, gender.
  • Stars can be collected on a flipover in front of the room where everyone can see it.