This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Machine Learning for Tabular Data in R: Setup


Learners should have updated versions of R and RStudio installed. There are instructions for installing R, RStudio, and additional R packages in the R Ecology Lesson.

R Packages

Please install the following R packages:

Executing the following line of code in the R console will install all of these packages.

install.packages(c("tidyverse", "here", "rpart", "rpart.plot", "randomForest", "xgboost"))

You can view all of the packages installed on your system in the Packages tab in RStudio. Alternatively, you can print the names of any missing packages by executing the following command.

setdiff(c("tidyverse", "here", "rpart", "rpart.plot", "randomForest", "xgboost"),

If the above command returns character(0), then you have successfully installed all of the packages that you need for this lesson.

Project and Data

Create a new RStudio project where you will keep all of the files for this workshop. In the project directory (where the .Rproj file is), create a subdirectory called data. You should then be able to download the data for the workshop using the following commands.

               here("data", "wine.csv"))