Ep. 1 Introduction to Twitter
Ep. 2 Getting familiar with JupyterLab
- We harvest the bjules timeline in order to test the installation
- We do first and last with bjules and hashtag gas.
- Generally, this is too long. This isn’t a Jupyter lesson (or could it be?)
- After configuring twarc in jupyterlab, helpers can help struggling learners on the twarc2 configuration while the instructor may go over the remaining episode content.
- We’ve written the lesson using @ecodatascience as the solution to the ‘2 Timelines’ so if you do that as an instructor, subsequent code should run as is. We plan to replace @ecodatascience with @bergisjules in subsequent episodes in order to simplify things.
Ep. 3: Anatomy of a Tweet
- The key point is to show a little bit of json and talk people into immediately converting to csv and dataframe
- The difference between timelines and search/filter datasets needs to be made explicit here.
Ep. 4: Twitter Public API
- @bjules vs #catsofinstagram. What’s the difference difference between a timeline and a sample/search capture?
- @ucsblibrary is going to be edited out
- The final challenge in episode 4 is to live harvest a dataset using a ‘cute’ hashtag. You may wish to pre-harvest a dataset. Beware of improvising: you may get results that you don’t want on your screen.
Ep. 5: Ethics
This Jupyter Notebook has most lines that use quota or take a long time to run
are commented out. -
This notebook will run the workshop from start to finish AND consume quota, assuming you have downloaded the appropriate data from the setup page.
Halfway notebook is a natural starting point for day two if you split this lesson in half. It runs and leaves you with three dataframes in memory.