1. Project organisation: Introduction
Notes for exercise: Anything goes. Listen and record anything novel
2. Project organisation: Filenaming and metadata
Notes for exercise: Folders are poor (‘Stuff’, ‘etc’), filenames are poor (‘d1’, ‘d2’, ‘final’, ‘complete’, ‘draft’, ‘december’). What’s the copy all about? Which is the latest Word file? Will see one more addition to this later plus an example of a good folder
3. Project organisation: Meta-data
Notes: Talk about anecdotal examples of this being beneficial
4. Project organisation: Raw data
5. Project organisation: Data management plan
Notes for exercise: Could be same example as in opening episode or a new one
6. Spreadsheets: Introduction
Notes for exercise: Where appropriate, see next lesson. Where it isn’t (4 and 5) see R day
7. Spreadsheets: Guiding Principles
8. R introduction: Introduction
9. R introduction: Tidy data
10. R introduction: R and RStudio
11. R introduction: Fundamentals
12. R introduction: Data manipulation and plotting
13. R introduction: Beyond base R
Teaching online Via Teams
- Create online meeting and send out the link
- Explain camera, microphone and screen sharing options
- Explain that the ‘meeting chat’ section is a good way to ask questions if they don’t want to interupt
- Do a brief survey on background knowledge and experience
- Review schedule
- For exercises and breaks, one approach would be that everyone switch off camera and mic for a set time. As the host, I then switch on after the set time and ask people to switch back on. Alternatively, I as the host could leave the meeing and then return, to allow collaboration
- Be clear when sharing the screen to ask people to maximise Teams, and then to minimise when they need to focus on their work (exercises in Excel, coding in RStudio, etc)
- End with questions and next steps
See more here https://carpentries.org/blog/2020/03/tips-for-teaching-online/