Constructing a whole new workflow
Last updated on 2024-10-07 | Edit this page
- How do I approach making a new workflow from scratch?
- How do I understand and debug the errors I see?
- Apply what you have learned so far in a new example
- Understand how to diagnose errors in a workflow
A script to assemble the sequences
This episode comprises a longer challenge to build a workflow from scratch, using the Snakemake concepts we’ve learned through the course. A partial solution is provided as a Bash script, which we will re-write in Snakemake and then extend it to get a full solution.
The script performs a de-novo assembly of the RNA sequences in the demo dataset. Note that this does not produce a biologically meaningful assembly, but nevertheless this is the basis for a nice example workflow, so we will go ahead and try.
The following shell script can also be downloaded here:
# This script needs the following Bioconda packages:
# cutadapt
# velvet
# bbmap
# Use cutadapt to remove adapters. Note that cutadapt works on the paired sequences
mkdir cutadapt
cutadapt -a AGATCGGAAGAGC -A AGATCGGAAGAGC -o cutadapt/ref_1_1.fq -p cutadapt/ref_1_2.fq reads/ref_1_1.fq reads/ref_1_2.fq
cutadapt -a AGATCGGAAGAGC -A AGATCGGAAGAGC -o cutadapt/ref_2_1.fq -p cutadapt/ref_2_2.fq reads/ref_2_1.fq reads/ref_2_2.fq
cutadapt -a AGATCGGAAGAGC -A AGATCGGAAGAGC -o cutadapt/ref_3_1.fq -p cutadapt/ref_3_2.fq reads/ref_3_1.fq reads/ref_3_2.fq
# Combine all the samples. We still want to keep the read pairs separate.
mkdir concatenate
cat cutadapt/ref_1_1.fq cutadapt/ref_2_1.fq cutadapt/ref_3_1.fq > concatenate/ref_1.fq
cat cutadapt/ref_1_2.fq cutadapt/ref_2_2.fq cutadapt/ref_3_2.fq > concatenate/ref_2.fq
# Assemble the concatenated files with Velvet. This is a 2-step process: velveth then velvetg
velveth velvet_tmp_ref_${kmer_len} ${kmer_len} -shortPaired -fastq -separate concatenate/ref_1.fq concatenate/ref_2.fq
velvetg velvet_tmp_ref_${kmer_len}
mv velvet_tmp_ref_${kmer_len}/contigs.fa contigs.fa
# Find the longest contig using the BBMap stats script contigs.fa | grep 'Max contig length:' > max_contig.txt
head -v max_contig.txt
Steps in the assembly process
The following figure presents the steps involved in the above script,
when run on the ref
samples. You will see it already looks
a little like a Snakemake DAG.
Cutadapt removes adapter sequence from the reads. Normally
this should not be present but any that is left in will hinder the
assembly. The
sequence relates to the library prep kit used when preparing this cDNA for sequencing. - Velvet is a simple (and old) short read assembler which attempts to piece together the raw short reads into longer sequences, known as contigs. More powerful de-novo assemblers exist, but for the purpose of this lesson Velvet does what we need. Velvet handles the type of paired short reads provided in the sample data.
are components of the Velvet software which must be run one after the other to obtain a file of contigs (contigs.fa). - When running
one must specify a kmer length parameter. We’re not going to go into the theory of what this does, but the final Snakemake pipeline will help us explore the effect of changing this value. -
is a handy program provided by the BBMap package, used here to tell us the longest contig. - Note that we run Cutadapt on each
sample separately, but then make a Velvet assembly of all theref
reads in one go.
Running the Bash script
Run the script as-is. In order to make it work, you should make a new conda environment named “assembly-env” with the three packages installed.
How long is the longest contig found in the assembly that is produced?
The commands to build and activate the Conda env can be found in the “Conda Integration” chapter.
$ conda create -n assembly-env --channel bioconda --channel conda-forge cutadapt velvet bbmap
$ conda activate assembly-env
Now, after saving the script above into a text file, make it executable and run it.
$ chmod +x
$ ./
$ cat max_contig.txt
Max contig length: 655
Don’t worry if you get a slightly different number. We’ve not specified the exact version of the Velvet assembler so the final assembly may be slightly different if the software has been updated.
General tips for designing a Snakemake workflow
Design phase
- Start out with pen and paper. Sketch how many rules you will have and how you expect the DAG to look.
- List any parameters or settings that might need to be adjusted.
- Work out which rules (if any) aggregate or split inputs (these may need input functions).
- Get the
parts of your Snakemake rules right before worrying about theshell
sections. Remember that Snakemake builds the DAG before actually running theshell
commands so you should--dryrun
the workflow before running it for real, or even before you put all theshell
commands in. - Snakemake starts matching rules from the final target file to the input files, so you might prefer to work on your rules in this same order, starting by writing the last rule first.
- Choose the names for your inputs, outputs and {wildcards} carefully to make your Snakefile as readable as possible.
Debugging a Snakemake workflow
As with all programming jobs, you will inevitably see bugs and errors the first time you try to run a new Snakefile, because it’s very easy to make typos. Sometimes Snakemake will give you a very useful and precise error report, but other times less so. When trying to diagnose a problem, remember that you need to establish which phase of execution failed, then look at the most common error causes for that phase.
Parsing phase failures (before Snakemake says ‘Building
DAG of jobs’):
- Syntax errors
- Missing commas or colons
- Unbalanced quotes or brackets
- Wrong indentation
- …etc
- Failure to evaluate expressions
- Any Python logic or you added outside of rules
- Problems in functions (eg.
) in rule inputs or outputs
- Other problems with rule definitions
- Invalid rule names or declarations
- Invalid wildcard names
- Mismatched wildcards
- Syntax errors
DAG building failures (before Snakemake tries to run any
- Failure to determine target output files
- Multiple rules can make the same output
- No rule to make a target file
- Sometimes it is not clear why Snakemake wants to make that particular file
- Circular dependency found (violating the “acyclic” property of a DAG).
- An output file is write-protected
DAG running failures (–dry-run works as expected, but a
real run fails):
- If a job fails, Snakemake will report an error, delete all output files for that job, and stop.
- Steps can fail if:
- A placeholder in {curlies} is not a valid variable.
- Any shell commands return non-zero status.
- You reference any $shell_variable which has not been set.
- Any expected output file is missing after the commands have run.
If you get syntax errors, look out for unexpected or missing text colouring in GEdit which might hint at the problem. Punctuation errors are very common: brackets, quotes, colons, line indentation and commas all need to be just right. If you can’t see the problem, ask a demonstrator for help. Often just having a second pair of eyes on your code is all that is needed to spot a problem.
Challenge - building a full Snakemake workflow
Design a Snakemake workflow based upon the above script which will assemble all reads from each of the three conditions (ref, etoh60 and temp33) and will do so at four different kmer lengths (19, 21, 25 and 27), so twelve assemblies in total. Use your workflow to discover the length of the longest contig in each of the twelve assemblies.
A sample solution to this exercise is available here, along with a suitable Conda environment spec. However, there is no single “correct” answer, so don’t worry if your approach looks different. Hopefully we will have time in the course to look through and compare some different answers.
Key Points
- By now, you are ready to start using Snakemake for your own workflow tasks
- You may wish to replace an existing script with a Snakemake workflow
- Don’t be disheartened by errors, which are normal; use a systematic approach to diagnose the problem