Complex outputs, logs and errors
Last updated on 2025-02-25 | Edit this page
- How can we start to analyse the sample data?
- What can cause a job in Snakemake to fail?
- Add an RNA quantification step in the data analysis
- Learn about adding log outputs to rules
- Understand why and how Snakemake deals with missing outputs
For reference, this is the Snakefile you should have to start the episode.
Adding a transcript counting step to the pipeline
Thinking about your own workflows
Think about any data processing task you have done yourself, and write down three or four steps from that workflow.
What were the inputs to, and outputs from, each step?
How did the steps connect up, in terms of data going from one to the next? You may want to sketch this out and use arrows to indicate the linkages between the steps.
Introducing Kallisto
Let’s add another rule to our Snakefile. The reads we have are from a yeast RNA-seq experiment so we might reasonably want to quantify transcript abundance using the kallisto program. The command to do so looks like this:
This command has three input files:
- The transcriptome index
- The first of the paired FASTQ files
- The second of the paired FASTQ files
And it produces a directory of output files. According to the Kallisto manual this directory will have three output files in it:
- abundance.h5
- abundance.tsv
- run_info.json
We’ll not worry about what the contents of these files mean just now,
or how Kallisto generates them. We just know that we want to run the
kallisto quant
command and have it make the output files,
and the output files are going to be useful once we add later steps in
the analysis.
Making a rule with multiple inputs and outputs works much like we previously saw.
rule kallisto_quant:
h5 = "kallisto.{sample}/abundance.h5",
tsv = "kallisto.{sample}/abundance.tsv",
json = "kallisto.{sample}/run_info.json",
index = "Saccharomyces_cerevisiae.R64-1-1.kallisto_index",
fq1 = "trimmed/{sample}_1.fq",
fq2 = "trimmed/{sample}_2.fq",
"kallisto quant -i {input.index} -o kallisto.{wildcards.sample} {input.fq1} {input.fq2}"
There are many things to note here:
- The individual input and output files are all given names.
- We’ve used the wildcard name
rather than{myfile}
because this will match only the sample name, egref1
, notref1_1
. Snakemake doesn’t care what name we use, but carefully chosen names make for more readable rules. - Because
kallisto quant
only takes the output directory name, we’ve used the placeholder{wildcards.sample}
rather than{output}
which would expand to the full file names. - We’ve chosen to only quantify the trimmed version of the reads.
- We don’t actually have the
file yet. This will need to be created using thekallisto index
Even though the rule is not going to work without the index, we can still run it to check that Snakemake is happy with the rule definition.
Running Kallisto on all replicates
If you are previously familiar with the Kallisto software, you may be thinking about running Kallisto on all replicates of the condition at once. We’ll look at this later in the course, but for now we will be running Kallisto once per sample, ie. once for each pair of FASTQ files.
Running the kallisto_quant rule
Given that the index input is missing, what would you expect Snakemake to do if the new rule was run now?
Try it by telling Snakemake to run the new rule on the files
and ref1_2.fq
. Since the rule
defines multiple outputs, asking for any one of the output files will be
Building the index
Instruct Snakemake how to build the genome index as part of the pipeline by adding another rule. The command we need to run is:
The file to be indexed is
As there is only one input to the rule you don’t have to give it a name,
but you may do so if you prefer.
Make it so that the terminal messages printed by the program are
captured to a file, and therefore your rule will have two separate
outputs: the index file and the messages file. Note
that the program prints messages on stderr, so you will need to
use >&
rather than >
to capture that
The rule you write could look something like this, but there are many
variations that will work just as well. Since there is only one
transcriptome in the project, you may feel that use of the
wildcard is overkill, but who’s to say we might
not want to use another in future?
rule kallisto_index:
idx = "{strain}.kallisto_index",
messages = "{strain}.kallisto_stderr",
fasta = "transcriptome/{strain}.cdna.all.fa.gz"
"kallisto index -i {output.idx} {input.fasta} >& {output.messages}"
Log outputs in Snakemake
All being well, our new rules are now ready to run Kallisto, and we can analyse any sample we like.
$ snakemake -j1 -F -p kallisto.ref3/abundance.h5
...lots of output...
4 of 4 steps (100%) done
Complete log: /home/zenmaster/data/yeast/.snakemake/log/2021-04-23T142649.632834.snakemake.log
There is one particular improvement we can make, since Snakemake has a dedicated rule field for outputs that are log files. These are mostly treated the same as regular outputs except that log files are always kept even if the job produces an error, so you can look at the log to help diagnose the error.
For an output to be treated as a log file, list it under
instead of output:
and then within the
shell command use the placeholder {log}
instead of
Using an explicit log output
Modify the solution to the previous challenge so that it uses the
keyword to capture the terminal output from
kallisto quant
rule kallisto_index:
idx = "{strain}.kallisto_index",
fasta = "transcriptome/{strain}.cdna.all.fa.gz"
messages = "{strain}.kallisto_stderr",
"kallisto index -i {output.idx} {input.fasta} >& {log.messages}"
The order of the log:
, output:
parts can be however you like. In this case since
there is now a single input file, a single output file, and a single log
file, you may feel that there is no point naming them all.
rule kallisto_index:
output: "{strain}.kallisto_index"
input: "transcriptome/{strain}.cdna.all.fa.gz"
log: "{strain}.kallisto_stderr"
"kallisto index -i {output} {input} >& {log}"
Dealing with a missing files error
We’ll end the chapter by looking at a common problem that can arise
if you mistype a file name in a rule. Remember that we wrote the rule
based on the expected output filenames given in the Kallisto manual. In
an older version of this manual there was a typo where the file names
were incorrectly given as abundances.h5
, with the extra s
on each.
It may seem silly to break the workflow when we just got it working, but it will be instructive, so edit the Snakefile and change these names to the incorrect versions.
rule kallisto_quant:
h5 = "kallisto.{sample}/abundances.h5",
tsv = "kallisto.{sample}/abundances.tsv",
json = "kallisto.{sample}/run_info.json",
To keep things tidy, this time we’ll manually remove the output directory.
And re-run. Note that the output file name you’ll need to use on the
command line must match the edited Snakefile, or you will get a
$ snakemake -j1 -F -p kallisto.ref1/abundances.h5
kallisto quant -i Saccharomyces_cerevisiae.R64-1-1.kallisto_index -o kallisto.ref1 trimmed/ref1_2.fq trimmed/ref1_2.fq
[quant] fragment length distribution will be estimated from the data
...more Kallisto output...
[ em] the Expectation-Maximization algorithm ran for 265 rounds
Waiting at most 5 seconds for missing files.
MissingOutputException in line 24 of /home/zenmaster/data/yeast/Snakefile:
Job Missing files after 5 seconds:
This might be due to filesystem latency. If that is the case, consider to increase the wait time with --latency-wait.
Job id: 0 completed successfully, but some output files are missing. 0
File "/opt/python3.7/site-packages/snakemake/executors/", line 583, in handle_job_success
File "/opt/python3.7/site-packages/snakemake/executors/", line 259, in handle_job_success
Removing output files of failed job kallisto_quant since they might be corrupted:
Shutting down, this might take some time.
Exiting because a job execution failed. Look above for error message
Complete log: /home/zenmaster/data/yeast/.snakemake/log/2021-04-23T142649.632834.snakemake.log
There’s a lot to take in here. Some of the messages are very informative. Some less so.
- Snakemake did actually run kallisto, as evidenced by the output from kallisto that we see on the screen.
- There is no obvious error message being reported by kallisto.
- Snakemake complains some expected output files are missing:
. - The third expected output file
was found but has now been removed by Snakemake. - Snakemake suggest this might be due to “filesystem latency”.
This last point is a red herring. “Filesystem latency” is not an
issue here, and never will be since we are not using a network
filesystem. We know what the problem is, as we deliberately caused it,
but to diagnose an unexpected error like this we would investigate
further by looking at the kallisto.ref1
Remember that Snakemake itself does not create any output files. It
just runs the commands you put in the shell
sections, then
checks to see if all the expected output files have appeared.
So if the file names created by kallisto are not exactly the same as
in the Snakefile you will get this error, and you will, in this case,
find that some output files are present but others
, which was named correctly) have been
cleaned up by Snakemake.
Errors are normal
Don’t be disheartened if you see errors like the one above when first testing your new Snakemake pipelines. There is a lot that can go wrong when writing a new workflow, and you’ll normally need several iterations to get things just right. One advantage of the Snakemake approach compared to regular scripts is that Snakemake fails fast when there is a problem, rather than ploughing on and potentially running junk calculations on partial or corrupted data. Another advantage is that when a step fails we can safely resume from where we left off, as we’ll see in the next episode.
Finally, edit the names in the Snakefile back to the correct version and re-run to confirm that all is well. Assure yourself that that the rules are still generic by processing the temp33_1 sample too:
For reference, this is a Snakefile incorporating the changes made in this episode.
Key Points
- Try out commands on test files before adding them to the workflow
- You can build up the workflow in the order that makes sense to you, but always test as you go
- Use log outputs to capture the messages printed by programs as they run
- If a shell command exits with an error, or does not yield an expected output then Snakemake will regard that as a failure and stop the workflow