This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Time Series Analysis of Smart Meter Power Consumption Data: Setup


About the data

The source dataset this used for lesson consists of smart meter power consumption data provided by the Los Alamos Public Utility Department (LADPU) in Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA. In their original format the data have only been processed to remove consumer information. The data contain missing and duplicate values.

The original dataset on which the lesson materials are based is available from Dyrad, LADPU Smart Meter Data, and has been made available with a CC-0 license:

Souza, Vinicius; Estrada, Trilce; Bashir, Adnan; Mueen, Abdullah (2020), LADPU Smart Meter Data, Dryad, Dataset,

Set up a project directory

For this lesson, the data have been modified to support the lesson objectives without requiring a download of the full source dataset from Dryad. Because the source data are large and require cleaning, additional steps have been taken to generate a subset ready for use in this lesson. These steps include:

Scripts used to process the source data into the lesson subset are available from the lesson’s GitHub repository.

At the outset of a lesson, learners are recommended to create a project directory.

  1. Download this data file to your computer: Smart meter data subset
  2. Within a directory on their system for which learners have read and write permissions (user home, desktop, or similar), create a directory named pandas_timeseries.
  3. In the pandas_timeseries directory, create a subdirectory named data. Unzip the downloaded data into this directory.
  4. In the pandas_timeseries directory, create two more directories, scripts and figures.

Throughout the lesson, we will be creating scripts in the scripts directory. If using Jupyter Notebooks, be sure to navigate to this directory before creating new notebooks!