This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Time Series Analysis of Smart Meter Power Consumption Data: Glossary

Key Points

  • Pandas is a Python library that operates efficiently against large datasets.

  • Datetime indexing with Pandas enables resampling of timeseries data using different time steps.

Reading Data Files with Python
  • PANDAS is a Python library designed to work with large datasets.

  • Use concat() to concatenate tabular dataframes that have the same structure.

Subsetting Dataframes with PANDAS
  • Rows can be selected in Pandas using label or position based indexing.

  • Boolean indexing and the query() method can be used to select subsets of a dataframe using conditions.

Summarizing Tabular Data with PANDAS
  • Use the PANDAS describe() method to generate descriptive statistics for a dataframe.

Creating a Datetime Index with Pandas
  • Use resample() on a datetime index to calculate aggregate statistics across time series.
