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Measuring Sequence Similarity


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How can we measure differences in gene sequences?

  • Calculate a score between two sequences using BLAST.

Finding gene families

In the previous episode, we annotated all of our genomes, so now we know each individual genome’s genes (and their protein sequences). To build a pangenome, we must determine which genes to compare between genomes. For this, we need to build gene families, which are groups of homologous genes (i.e. genes with a common ancestor). Homology between genes is found through sequence similarity, and sequence similarity is measured by aligning the sequences and measuring the percentage of identity. The process of building gene families is called clustering.

Exercise 1(Begginer): Families in pizza pangenomics

Do Roma Tomatoes and Cherry Tomatoes belong to the same family?


If two genes of different species come from a gene in an ancestral species, they are orthologs. And if a gene duplicates within a species, the two resulting genes are paralogs. Depending on your research questions, you may want to have the paralogs separated into different families or in the same family with duplications. Paralogs tend to have a higher percentage of identity than orthologs, so if you want to separate the paralogs, you can use an algorithm that uses an identity threshold and sets a high threshold.

Since you want to offer the most variety of ingredients in your pizza restaurant, it may be better to separate the ingredients into as many families as possible. To achieve that, you should use a higher identity threshold (whatever that means when you are comparing ingredients), this way you would separate the Roma Tomatoes and the Cherry Tomatoes into two families instead of having one family of just tomatoes.

In this episode, we will demonstrate how we measure the similarity of genes using BLAST. In the next one, we will use an algorithm to group the genes into gene families. This is usually done by software that automates these steps, but we will do it step by step with a reduced version of four of our genomes to understand how this process works. Later in the lesson, we will repeat these steps but in an automated way with pangenomics software using the complete genomes.

Aligning the protein sequences to each other with BLASTp

To do our small pangenome “by hand” we will use only some of the protein sequences for these four genomes A909, 2603V, NEM316, and 515. In the folder data/annotated_mini, you have the 4 reduced genomes in amino acid FASTA format.

$ cd ~/pan_workshop/data/annotated_mini/
$ ls
Streptococcus_agalactiae_2603V_mini.faa  Streptococcus_agalactiae_515_mini.faa  Streptococcus_agalactiae_A909_mini.faa  Streptococcus_agalactiae_NEM316_mini.faa

First, we need to label each protein to know which genome it belongs to; this will be important later. If we explore our annotated genomes, we have amino acid sequences with a header containing the sequence ID and the functional annotation.

$ head -n1 Streptococcus_agalactiae_A909_mini.faa
>MGIDGNCP_01408 30S ribosomal protein S16

Let’s run the following to put the genome’s name in each sequence’s header.

$ ls *.faa | while read line
name=$(echo $line | cut -d'_' -f3) # Take the name of the genome from the file name and remove the file extension.
sed -i "s/\s*>/>${name}|/" $line # Substitute the symbol > for > followed by the name of the genome and a | symbol.

$ head -n1 Streptococcus_agalactiae_A909_mini.faa
>A909|MGIDGNCP_01408 30S ribosomal protein S16

Now, we need to create one dataset with the sequences from all of our genomes. We will use it to generate a database, which is a set of files that have the information of our FASTA file but in a format that BLAST can use to align the query sequences to sequences in the database.

$ cat *.faa > mini-genomes.faa

Now let’s create the folders for the BLAST database and for the blastp run, and move the new file mini-genomes.faa to this new directory.

$ mkdir -p ~/pan_workshop/results/blast/mini/output_blast/
$ mkdir -p ~/pan_workshop/results/blast/mini/database/
$ mv mini-genomes.faa ~/pan_workshop/results/blast/mini/.
$ cd ~/pan_workshop/results/blast/mini/

Now we will make the protein database from our FASTA.

$ makeblastdb -in mini-genomes.faa -dbtype prot -out database/mini-genomes 
Building a new DB, current time: 05/23/2023 21:26:31
New DB name:   /home/dcuser/pan_workshop/results/blast/mini/database/mini-genomes
New DB title:  /home/dcuser/pan_workshop/results/blast/mini/mini-genomes.faa
Sequence type: Protein
Keep MBits: T
Maximum file size: 1000000000B
Adding sequences from FASTA; added 43 sequences in 0.00112104 seconds.

Now that we have all the sequences of all of our genomes in a BLAST database we can align each of the sequences (queries) to all of the other ones (subjects) using blastp.

We will ask blastp to align the queries to the database and give the result in the format “6”, which is a tab-separated file, with the fields Query Sequence-ID, Subject Sequence-ID, and E-value. BLAST aligns the query sequence to all of the sequences in the database. It measures the percentage of identity, the percentage of the query sequence that is covered by the subject sequence, and uses these measures to give a score of how good the match is between your query and each subject sequence. The E-value represents the possibility of finding a match with a similar score in a database of a certain size by chance. So the lower the E-value, the more significant the match between our query and the subject sequences is.

$ blastp -query mini-genomes.faa -db database/mini-genomes -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid evalue" > output_blast/mini-genomes.blast
$ head -n4 output_blast/mini-genomes.blast
2603V|GBPINHCM_01420	NEM316|AOGPFIKH_01528	4.11e-67
2603V|GBPINHCM_01420	A909|MGIDGNCP_01408	4.11e-67
2603V|GBPINHCM_01420	515|LHMFJANI_01310	4.11e-67
2603V|GBPINHCM_01420	2603V|GBPINHCM_01420	4.11e-67

We already know how to perform a BLAST search of one FASTA file with many sequences to a custom database of the same sequences.
What if we want to search against the available NCBI databases?
1) Search on the help page of blastp how you can do a remote search.
2) Search on the help page of blastp which other fields can be part of your tabular output.
3) Create a small FASTA file with only one sequence of one of our mini genomes.
4) Run blastp remotely against the refseq_protein database for the created FASTA file and add more fields to the output.
(Note that adding the qseqid field will not be necessary because we are searching only one protein.)


Use the command-line manual of blastp

$ blastp -help
  Execute search remotely?
   * Incompatible with:  gilist, seqidlist, taxids, taxidlist,
  negative_gilist, negative_seqidlist, negative_taxids, negative_taxidlist,
  subject_loc, num_threads
Options 6, 7 and 10 can be additionally configured to produce
   a custom format specified by space-delimited format specifiers,
   or by a token specified by the delim keyword.
    E.g.: "10 delim=@ qacc sacc score".
   The delim keyword must appear after the numeric output format
   The supported format specifiers are:
   	    qseqid means Query Seq-id
   	       qgi means Query GI
   	      qacc means Query accesion
   	   qaccver means Query accesion.version
   	      qlen means Query sequence length

Print the sequence to know the identifier.

$ head -n2 ~/pan_workshop/data/annotated_mini/Streptococcus_agalactiae_A909_mini.faa 
>A909|MGIDGNCP_01408 30S ribosomal protein S16

Create the new FASTA file with the sequence and put the identifier of the sequence in the name of the file.

$ head -n2 ~/pan_workshop/data/annotated_mini/Streptococcus_agalactiae_A909_mini.faa > Streptococcus_agalactiae_A909_MGIDGNCP_01408.faa

Run blast using the -remote flag against the refseq_protein database and and use different fields in the -outfmt option.

$ blastp -query Streptococcus_agalactiae_A909_MGIDGNCP_01408.faa -db refseq_protein -remote -outfmt "6 sseqid evalue bitscore" > output_blast/Streptococcus_agalactiae_A909_MGIDGNCP_01408.blast
$ head output_blast/Streptococcus_agalactiae_A909_MGIDGNCP_01408.blast
ref|WP_109910314.1|	2.23e-36	126
ref|WP_278043300.1|	2.30e-36	126
ref|WP_000268757.1|	2.72e-36	126
ref|WP_017645295.1|	3.13e-36	126
ref|WP_120033169.1|	3.20e-36	126
ref|WP_136133384.1|	4.17e-36	125
ref|WP_020833411.1|	4.55e-36	125
ref|WP_195675206.1|	6.68e-36	125
ref|WP_004232185.1|	6.83e-36	125
ref|WP_016480974.1|	7.54e-36	125

Key Points

  • To build a pangenome you need to compare the genes and build gene families.

  • BLAST gives a score of similarity between two sequences.