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Downloading Genomic Data


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • How to download public genomes by using the command line?

  • Explore ncbi-genome-download as a tool for fetching genomic data from the NCBI.

Getting Genomic Data from the NCBI

In the previous episode, we downloaded the working directory for this workshop that already contains the genomes of GBS strains 18RS21 and H36B within our pan_workshop/data directory. However, we need another six GBS strains that will be downloaded in this episode. For this purpose, we will learn how to use the specialized ncbi-genome-download package, which was designed to automatically download one or several genomes directly from the NCBI by following specific filters set by user.

The ncbi-genome-download package can be installed with Conda. In our case, we have already installed it into the environment under the same name. To use the package, we just have to activate the ncbi-genome-download conda environment.

Know more

If you want to know more about what is conda and its environments visit this link.

To start using the ncbi-genome-download package, we have to activate the conda environment where it was installed

$ conda activate /miniconda3/envs/ncbi-genome-download
(ncbi-genome-download) $

For practicality, the prompt will be written only as $ instead of (ncbi-genome-download) $.

Exploring the range of options available in the package is highly recommended in order to choose well and get what you really need. To access the complete list of parameters to incorporate in your downloads, simply type the following command:

$ ncbi-genome-download --help
 ncbi-genome-download [-h] [-s {refseq,genbank}] [-F FILE_FORMATS]  
                      	[-l ASSEMBLY_LEVELS] [-g GENERA] [--genus GENERA]  
                      	[--fuzzy-genus] [-S STRAINS] [-T SPECIES_TAXIDS]  
                      	[-t TAXIDS] [-A ASSEMBLY_ACCESSIONS]  
                      	[-R REFSEQ_CATEGORIES]  
                      	[--refseq-category REFSEQ_CATEGORIES] [-o OUTPUT]  
                      	[--flat-output] [-H] [-P] [-u URI] [-p N] [-r N]  
                      	[-m METADATA_TABLE] [-n] [-N] [-v] [-d] [-V]  
                      	[-M TYPE_MATERIALS]
                    	Which formats to download (default: genbank).A comma-
                    	separated list of formats is also possible. For
                    	example: "fasta,assembly-report". Choose from:
                    	['genbank', 'fasta', 'rm', 'features', 'gff',
                    	'protein-fasta', 'genpept', 'wgs', 'cds-fasta', 'rna-
                    	fna', 'rna-fasta', 'assembly-report', 'assembly-
                    	stats', 'all']
	-g GENERA, --genera GENERA  
                    	Only download sequences of the provided genera. A
                    	comma-separated list of genera is also possible. For
                    	example: "Streptomyces coelicolor,Escherichia coli".
                    	(default: [])  
	-S STRAINS, --strains STRAINS   
                    	Only download sequences of the given strain(s). A
                    	comma-separated list of strain names is possible, as
                    	well as a path to a filename containing one name per
                    	Only download sequences matching the provided NCBI
                    	assembly accession(s). A comma-separated list of
                    	accessions is possible, as well as a path to a
                    	filename containing one accession per line.
	-o OUTPUT, --output-folder OUTPUT   
                    	Create output hierarchy in specified folder (default:
	-n, --dry-run     	Only check which files to download, don't download
                    	genome files.  


Importantly, when using the ncbi-genome-download command, we must specify the group to which the organisms we want to download from NCBI belong. This name must be indicated at the end of the command, after specifying all the search parameters for the genomes of interest that we want to download. The groups’ names include: bacteria, fungi, viral, vertebrates_mammalian, among others.

Now, we have to move into our data/ directory

$ cd ~/pan_workshop/data

If you list the contents of this directory (using the ls command), you’ll see several directories, each of which contains the raw data of different strains of Streptococcus agalactiae used in Tettelin et al., (2005) in .gbk and .fasta formats.

$ ls
agalactiae_18RS21   agalactiae_H36B   annotated_mini

Downloading several complete genomes could consume significant memory and time. It is essential to ensure the accuracy of the filters or parameters we use before downloading a potentially incorrect list of genomes. A recommended strategy is to utilize the –dry-run (or -n) flag included in the ncbi-genome-download package, which conducts a search of the specified genomes without downloading the files. Once we confirm that the list of genomes found is correct, we can proceed with the same command, removing the –dry-run flag

So, first, let’s confirm the availability of one of the genomes we aim to download, namely Streptococcus agalactiae 515, on NCBI. To do so, we will employ the –dry-run flag mentioned earlier, specifying the genus and strain name, selecting the FASTA format, and indicating its group (bacteria).

$ ncbi-genome-download --dry-run --genera "Streptococcus agalactiae" -S 515 --formats fasta bacteria 
Considering the following 1 assemblies for download:
GCF_012593885.1 Streptococcus agalactiae 515    515

Great! The genome is available!

Now, we can proceed to download it. To better organize our data, we can save this file into a specific directory for this strain. We can indicate this instruction with the --output-folder or -o flag followed by the name we choose. In this case, will be -o agalactie_515. Notice that now we no longer need the flag the -n.

$ ncbi-genome-download --genera "Streptococcus agalactiae" -S 515 --formats fasta -o agalactiae_515 bacteria

Once the prompt $ appears again, use the command tree to show the contents of the recently downloaded directory agalactiae_515.

$ tree agalactiae_515
└── refseq
    └── bacteria
        └── GCF_012593885.1
            ├── GCF_012593885.1_ASM1259388v1_genomic.fna.gz
            └── MD5SUMS

3 directories, 2 files

MD5SUMS file

Apart from the fasta file that we wanted, a file called MD5SUMS was also downloaded. This file has a unique code that identifies the contents of the files of interest, so you can use it to check the integrity of your downloaded copy. We will not cover that step in the lesson but you can check this article to see how you can use it.

The genome file GCF_012593885.1_ASM1259388v1_genomic.fna.gz is a compressed file located inside the directory agalactiae_515/refseq/bacteria/GCF_012593885.1/. Let’s decompress the file with gunzip and visualize with tree to corroborate the file status.

$ gunzip agalactiae_515/refseq/bacteria/GCF_012593885.1/GCF_012593885.1_ASM1259388v1_genomic.fna.gz
$ tree agalactiae_515/
└── refseq
    └── bacteria
        └── GCF_012593885.1
            ├── GCF_012593885.1_ASM1259388v1_genomic.fna
            └── MD5SUMS

3 directories, 2 files

GCF_012593885.1_ASM1259388v1_genomic.fna is now with fna extension which means is in a nucleotide fasta format. Let’s move the file to the agalactiae_515/ directory and remove the extra content that we will not use again in this lesson.

$ mv agalactiae_515/refseq/bacteria/GCF_012593885.1/GCF_012593885.1_ASM1259388v1_genomic.fna agalactiae_515/.
$ rm -r agalactiae_515/refseq
$ ls agalactiae_515/

Download multiple genomes

So far, we have learned how to download a single genome using the ncbi-genome-download package. Now, we need to retrieve an additional five GBS strains using the same method. However, this time, we will explore how to utilize loops to automate and expedite the process of downloading multiple genomes in batches.

Using the nano editor, create a file to include the name of the other four strains: A909, COH1, CJB111, NEM316, and 2603V/R. Each strain should be written on a separate line in the file, which should be named “TettelinList.txt”

$ nano TettelinList.txt  

The “nano” editor

Nano is a straightforward and user-friendly text editor designed for use within the terminal interface. After launching Nano, you can immediately begin typing and utilize your arrow keys to navigate between characters and lines. When your text is ready, press the Esc key and type :wq to save your changes and exit Nano, confirming the filename if prompted. Conversely, if you wish to exit Nano without saving any changes, press Esc followed by :q!. For more advanced functionalities, you can refer to the nano manual.

Visualize “Tettelin.txt” contents with the cat command.

$ cat TettelinList.txt  

First, let’s read the lines of the file in a loop, and print them in the terminal with the echo strain $line command.
strain is just a word that we will print, and $line will store the value of each of the lines of the Tettelin.txt file.

$ cat TettelinList.txt | while read line 
echo strain $line
strain A909  
strain COH1  
strain CJB111 
strain NEM316
strain 2603V/R

We can now check if these strains are available in NCBI (remember to use the -n flag so genome files aren’t downloaded).

$ cat TettelinList.txt | while read line
echo strain $line
ncbi-genome-download --formats fasta --genera "Streptococcus agalactiae" -S $line -n bacteria
strain A909  
Considering the following 1 assemblies for download:  
GCF_000012705.1 Streptococcus agalactiae A909   A909  
strain COH1  
Considering the following 1 assemblies for download:  
GCF_000689235.1 Streptococcus agalactiae COH1   COH1  
strain CJB111  
Considering the following 2 assemblies for download:  
GCF_000167755.1 Streptococcus agalactiae CJB111 CJB111  
GCF_015221735.2 Streptococcus agalactiae CJB111 CJB111  
strain NEM316
Considering the following 1 assemblies for download:
GCF_000196055.1 Streptococcus agalactiae NEM316 NEM316
strain 2603V/R
Considering the following 1 assemblies for download:
GCF_000007265.1 Streptococcus agalactiae 2603V/R        2603V/R

The tool has successfully found the five strains. Notice that the strain CJB111 contains two versions.

We can now proceed to download these strains to their corresponding output directories by adding the -o flag followed by the directory name and removing the -n flag).

$ cat TettelinList.txt | while read line 
echo downloading strain $line
ncbi-genome-download --formats fasta --genera "Streptococcus agalactiae" -S $line -o agalactiae_$line bacteria
downloading strain A909
downloading strain COH1
downloading strain CJB111
downloading strain NEM316
downloading strain 2603V/R

Exercise 1(Begginer): Loops

Let’s further practice using loops to download genomes in batches. For the sentences below, select only the necessary and their correct order to achieve the desired output:

A) ncbi-genome-download --formats fasta --genera "Streptococcus agalactiae" -S strain -o agalactiae_strain bacteria

B) cat TettlinList.txt | while read strain

C) done

D) echo Downloading line

E) cat TettlinList.txt | while read line

F) do

G) ncbi-genome-download --formats fasta --genera "Streptococcus agalactiae" -S $strain -o agalactiae_$strain bacteria

H) echo Downloading $strain

Desired Output

 Downloading A909
 Downloading COH1
 Downloading CJB111
 Downloading NEM316
 Downloading 2603V/R


B, F, H, G, D

Just as before, we should decompress the downloaded genome files using gunzip. To do so, we can use the * wildcard, which means “anything”, instead of unzipping one by one.

$ gunzip agalactiae_*/refseq/bacteria/*/*gz

Let’s visualize the structure of the results

$ tree agalactiae_*
└── R
    └── refseq
        └── bacteria
            └── GCF_000007265.1
                ├── GCF_000007265.1_ASM726v1_genomic.fna.gz
                └── MD5SUMS
└── GCF_012593885.1_ASM1259388v1_genomic.fna
└── refseq
    └── bacteria
        └── GCF_000012705.1
            ├── GCF_000012705.1_ASM1270v1_genomic.fna
            └── MD5SUMS
└── refseq
    └── bacteria
        ├── GCF_000167755.1
        │   ├── GCF_000167755.1_ASM16775v1_genomic.fna
        │   └── MD5SUMS
        └── GCF_015221735.2
            ├── GCF_015221735.2_ASM1522173v2_genomic.fna
            └── MD5SUMS
└── refseq
    └── bacteria
        └── GCF_000689235.1
            ├── GCF_000689235.1_GBCO_p1_genomic.fna
            └── MD5SUMS
├── Streptococcus_agalactiae_H36B.fna
└── Streptococcus_agalactiae_H36B.gbk
└── refseq
    └── bacteria
        └── GCF_000196055.1
            ├── GCF_000196055.1_ASM19605v1_genomic.fna
            └── MD5SUMS

3 directories, 2 files

We noticed that all fasta files but GCF_000007265.1_ASM726v1_genomic.fna.gz have been decompressed. That decompression failure was because the 2603V/R strain has a different directory structure. This structure is a consequence of the name of the strain because the characters “/R” are part of the name, a directory named R has been added to the output, changing the directory structure. Differences like this are expected to occur in big datasets and must be manually curated after the general cases have been treated with scripts. In this case the tree command has helped us to identify the error. Let’s decompress the file GCF_000007265.1_ASM726v1_genomic.fna.gz and move it to the agalactiae_2603V/ directory. We will use it like this although it doesn’t have the real strain name.

$  gunzip agalactiae_2603V/R/refseq/bacteria/*/*gz
$  mv  agalactiae_2603V/R/refseq/bacteria/GCF_000007265.1/GCF_000007265.1_ASM726v1_genomic.fna agalactiae_2603V/
$  rm -r agalactiae_2603V/R/
$  ls agalactiae_2603V

Finally, we need to move the other genome files to their corresponding locations and get rid of unnecessary directories. To do so, we’ll use a while cycle as follows.
Beware of the typos! Take it slowly and make sure you are sending the files to the correct location.

$ cat TettelinList.txt | while read line
echo moving fasta file of strain $line
mv agalactiae_$line/refseq/bacteria/*/*.fna agalactiae_$line/. 
moving fasta file of strain A909
moving fasta file of strain COH1
moving fasta file of strain CJB111
moving fasta file of strain NEM316
moving fasta file of strain 2603V/R
mv: cannot stat 'agalactiae_2603V/R/refseq/bacteria/*/*.fna': No such file or directory

Thats ok, it is just telling us that the agalactiae_2603V/R/ does not have an fna file, which is what we wanted.

Use the tree command to make sure that everything is in its right place.

Now let’s remove the refseq/ directories completely:

$ cat TettelinList.txt | while read line
echo removing refseq directory of strain $line
rm -r agalactiae_$line/refseq
removing refseq directory of strain A909
removing refseq directory of strain COH1
removing refseq directory of strain CJB111
removing refseq directory of strain NEM316
removing refseq directory of strain 2603V/R
rm: cannot remove 'agalactiae_2603V/R/refseq': No such file or directory

At this point, you should have eight directories starting with agalactiae_ containing the following:

$ tree agalactiae_*
├── Streptococcus_agalactiae_18RS21.fna
└── Streptococcus_agalactiae_18RS21.gbk
└── GCF_000007265.1_ASM726v1_genomic.fna
└── GCF_012593885.1_ASM1259388v1_genomic.fna
└── GCF_000012705.1_ASM1270v1_genomic.fna
├── GCF_000167755.1_ASM16775v1_genomic.fna
└── GCF_015221735.2_ASM1522173v2_genomic.fna
└── GCF_000689235.1_GBCO_p1_genomic.fna
├── Streptococcus_agalactiae_H36B.fna
└── Streptococcus_agalactiae_H36B.gbk
└── GCF_000196055.1_ASM19605v1_genomic.fna

0 directories, 1 file

We can see that the strain CJB111 has two files, since we will only need one, let’s remove the second one:

$ rm agalactiae_CJB111/GCF_015221735.2_ASM1522173v2_genomic.fna

Downloading specific formats

In this example, we have downloaded the genome in fasta format. However, we can use the --format or -F flags to get any other format of interest. For example, the gbk format files (which contain information about the coding sequences, their locus, the name of the protein, and the full nucleotide sequence of the assembly, and are useful for annotation double-checking) can be downloaded by specifying our queries with --format genbank.

Exercise 2(Advanced): Searching for desired strains

Until now we have downloaded only specific strains that we were looking for. Write a command that would tell you which genomes are available for all the Streptococcus genera.

Bonus: Make a file with the output of your search.


Use the -n flag to make it a dry run. Search only for the genus Streptococcus without using the strain flag.

$  ncbi-genome-download -F fasta --genera "Streptococcus" -n bacteria
Considering the following 18331 assemblies for download:
GCF_000959925.1	Streptococcus gordonii	G9B
GCF_000959965.1	Streptococcus gordonii	UB10712
GCF_000963345.1	Streptococcus gordonii	I141
GCF_000970665.2	Streptococcus gordonii	IE35

Bonus: Redirect your command output to a file with the > command.

$  ncbi-genome-download -F fasta --genera "Streptococcus" -n bacteria > ~/pan_workshop/data/streptococcus_available_genomes.txt


Other tools for obtaining genomic data sets to work with can be found here:

  • NCBI Datasets is a resource that lets you easily gather data from across NCBI databases. You can get the data through different interfaces. Link.
  • Natural Products Discovery Center is a shared state-of-the-art actinobacterial strain collection and genome database. Link.
  • AllTheBacteria is a good database that contains 1.9 million genomes that have been uniformly re-processed for quality and taxonomic criteria. Link.

Key Points

  • The ncbi-genome-download package is a set of scripts designed to download genomes from the NCBI database.