
  • Projects are GitLab’s primary entity of organization.
  • You can explore projects visible to you on the “Explore projects” page.
  • You can search for projects on the “Explore projects” page.
  • On some instances a visibility class is disabled.
  • Groups can contain projects and other groups.
  • A top-level group is a group not contained in another.
  • A subgroup is a group contained in another.
  • You can explore groups visible to you on the ”Explore groups” page.
  • You can search for groups on the “Explore groups” page.

GitLab Projects

  • Creating a GitLab project requires not more than a few clicks and providing a name.
  • Changing the name of description of a GitLab project after creation has no indirect consequences.
  • A project’s visibility can be set to either private, internal, or public.
  • You can archive a project (and you can delete a project, but often should not.)

Adding Files to a Project Repository

  • Alternative Git: You can fill a fresh GitLab project’s repository by pushing a local repository.
  • Alternative NoGit: You can create and edit files in a repository using GitLab’s web interface.


  • Adding others as members allows them to directly contribute to your projects
  • Members with sufficient rights can independently contribute to repositories
  • Alternative Git: You update your local repositories relative to the GitLab repository with the git pull command
  • Alternative Git: You send changes committed in your local repository to the GitLab repository with the git push command.


  • Groups and subgroups are used to organize projects.
  • Groups can have members.
  • Projects and groups inherit members from the group they belong to.


  • GitLab has a feature to manage issues of a project.
  • Issues consist of titles and descriptions.
  • Issues can be open or closed.
  • Labels can be assigned to issues.
  • Users can be assigned to issues.
  • Boards can give an overview of issues and their stats.
  • An issue’s state can be manipulated in the board view.

Merge Requests

  • You can create a project with a copy of another project’s repository by forking it.
  • You can suggest changes to a project that you have no write access to through a merge request.
  • You can close issues by use of certain keywords in merge request descriptions or commit messages.

Process Automation