This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

Topological Data Analysis for Pangenomics: Glossary

Key Points

Introduction to Topological Data Analysis
  • TDA describes data forms.

  • Betti numbers allows us to find conected components and 1-holes in data sets.

Computational Tools for TDA
  • GUDHI is a TDA tool

  • GUDHI uses simplextree objects to efficiently store simplicial complexes

  • GUDHI allows creating simplicial complexes from datasets, distance matrices, simulated data, and manually

Detecting horizontal gene transfer
  • Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) is a phenomenon where an organism transfers genetic material to another one that is not its descendant.

  • 1-holes can detect HGT.

Persistence Simplices gives rise to Gene Families
  • Pangenomes can be described using TDA

  • Persistence simplices are related to the gene families of a Pangenome

  • Persistence simplices can be used to find some funtional families

Other Resources
  • Giotto-TDA and tdaverse are other resources to learn TDA
