Extra: A History of Python Build Tools

Last updated on 2024-04-16 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 30 minutes



  • Why have the ‘best practices’ for building and installing Python packages changed so much of the years?
  • What problems has each new iteration solved?


  • Understand the history of Python packaging
  • Understand what each method does when we install a package

This lesson can be skipped entirely if you’re aiming for a purely practical lesson.


In the previous lesson, we showed how to install Python packages using the file pyproject.toml. However, if you ever find yourself looking for online help on a Python packaging topic, you’ll likely find a large number of alternative methods being recommended. Some say you should use a file setup.py, while others recommend a combination of setup.cfg and setup.py – some even say to use both these and pyproject.toml!

The reason for this conflicting information is that the Python packaging ‘best practices’, as decided by the Python community, have changed a number of times over the years. This lesson is optional, but it will explain why some older tutorials recommend some methods over the ones we’ve covered here. The intention here is not to present alternative methods so that you can use them in new projects, but rather to provide some context to the often confusing information out there, and to help if you ever find yourself working on a project that hasn’t yet updated to the latest standards.

In the beginning, there was distutils

First introduced with Python 2.2, distutils was a module of Python’s standard library that allowed users to install and distribute their own packages. However, it was deprecated in PEP 632, having been superceded by setuptools. The primary issue with distutils is that it is strongly coupled to the user’s Python version, and the developers found they could not implement some features or fixes without breaking inter-version compatibility. Nowadays, it is recommended to use a combination of pip and setuptools instead, but it will be useful to briefly cover basic distutils usage so that we can understand some of the design choices that would follow.

To use distutils to install a package, the user would create a file setup.py and (optionally) requirements.txt in the same directory as the top-level package:

📁 epi_models
|____📜 setup.py
|____📜 requirements.txt
|____📦 epi_models
     |____📜 __init__.py
     |____📜 __main__.py
     |____📁 models
     |____📁 plotting

The file setup.py should contain a script that contains metadata about the package and its author(s). A very simple one might look like this:


# file: setup.py
from distutils.core import setup

    description="Epidemiology modelling tools in Python",
    author="Jordan Smith",
    packages=["epi_models", "epi_models.models", "epi_models.plotting"],

Note that each subpackage is explicitly listed, unlike modern systems that make assumptions about your directory structure and perform automatic package discovery.

To install, setup.py could be run as a script with the argument install:


$ python3 setup.py install


Installing by running setup.py as a script is highly discouraged. If you’re using a package that still uses setup.py, use pip install . as usual.

This creates a ‘source distribution’ in a new directory ./build, and adds it to the current environment. We can see how the package is added to our environmentby reading the output written to the terminal:

creating /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models
copying build/lib/epi_models/__init__.py -> /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models
creating /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/models
copying build/lib/epi_models/models/utils.py -> /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/models
copying build/lib/epi_models/models/__init__.py -> /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/models
copying build/lib/epi_models/models/SEIR.py -> /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/models
copying build/lib/epi_models/models/SIR.py -> /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/models
copying build/lib/epi_models/models/SIS.py -> /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/models
creating /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/plotting
copying build/lib/epi_models/plotting/__init__.py -> /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/plotting
copying build/lib/epi_models/plotting/plot_SIS.py -> /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/plotting
copying build/lib/epi_models/plotting/plot_SEIR.py -> /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/plotting
copying build/lib/epi_models/plotting/plot_SIR.py -> /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/plotting
copying build/lib/epi_models/__main__.py -> /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models
byte-compiling /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/__init__.py to __init__.cpython-38.pyc
byte-compiling /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/models/utils.py to utils.cpython-38.pyc
byte-compiling /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/models/__init__.py to __init__.cpython-38.pyc
byte-compiling /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/models/SEIR.py to SEIR.cpython-38.pyc
byte-compiling /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/models/SIR.py to SIR.cpython-38.pyc
byte-compiling /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/models/SIS.py to SIS.cpython-38.pyc
byte-compiling /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/plotting/__init__.py to __init__.cpython-38.pyc
byte-compiling /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/plotting/plot_SIS.py to plot_SIS.cpython-38.pyc
byte-compiling /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/plotting/plot_SEIR.py to plot_SEIR.cpython-38.pyc
byte-compiling /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/plotting/plot_SIR.py to plot_SIR.cpython-38.pyc
byte-compiling /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/epi_models/__main__.py to __main__.cpython-38.pyc

There are three stages:

  • First, create ./build and make a source distribution there.
  • Create a new directory within /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/, and copy the contents of ./build/lib.
  • Compile each file to Python bytecode so it can be run more quickly later.

The end result is therefore very similar to what happens when we install using pyproject.toml. However, a significant downside of using distutils and setup.py is that there is no way to safely uninstall a project once it has been installed, and instead the user must manually remove the package from their site-packages folder. The creation of a ./build directory also tends to clutter up our workspace.

distutils contains many other utilities, such as adding language extensions written in C. However, it does not allow users to specify dependencies, and these are instead expected to be listed in the file requirements.txt:


The user can install the requirements by calling:


$ python3 -m pip -r requirements.txt

It is not recommended to use distutils for new projects, and it will be removed from standard Python distributions in version 3.12. Listing dependencies in requirements.txt is also no longer required.

setuptools and egg files

setuptools is not part of the core Python library, but it has become the de facto standard build tool. Originally, it added extra functionality on top of distutils using a complicated collection of subclasses and monkeypatching, and it offered better support across multiple Python versions. It has since superceded distutils entirely.

Using setuptools, it is possible to use setup.py to define a package in much the same way as distutils:


# file: setup.py
from setuptools import setup

    description="Epidemiology modelling tools in Python",
    author="Jordan Smith",
    packages=["epi_models", "epi_models.models", "epi_models.plotting"],

Note the addition of an extra field, install_requires. This allows us to specify the dependencies without the extra file requirements.txt, and these libraries will be installed alongside our package when we install it.

We can run this file just as we did with distutils:


$ python3 setup.py install

Again, this will create a new directory ./build, but it will also create a directory ./dist. Much as before, ./build contains a ‘source distribution’ of our code, while ./dist contains a file with a name such as epi_models-1.0-py3.8.egg and a directory epi_models.egg-info containing metadata files describing our project. The ‘egg’ file is a distributable package format used by setuptools, and is essentially just a .zip file containing our package with a name specifying both the package version and the version of Python it runs on. We can show this on Linux systems using the unzip command line utility:


$ unzip dist/epi_models-1.0-py3.8.egg -d test
$ ls test


EGG-INFO epi_models

Inside the .egg file, we find a copy of the .egg-info directory created earlier, and a copy of our package. If we look inside this version of our package, we can also see that each directory contains a __pycache__, with Python bytecode .pyc files inside, meaning each file has been pre-compiled. This is done to optimise the egg file, as they are intended to be directly importable. However, it also means the egg file is only compatible with some Python versions, so projects written to be compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3 must have separate .egg files for each Python version. Egg files have been superseded by ‘wheel’ files, which we’ll discuss in the next lesson.

So what happens when we install with setuptools as opposed to distutils? A clue can be found in some of the text outputted when we installed:

Adding epi-models 1.0 to easy-install.pth file

If we look in our site-packages directory, we’ll see a file easy-install.pth. This is a path configuration file, denoted by the extension .pth, and if any are found within site-packages (or a number of other Python configuration directories), any additional items listed in it will be added to sys.path whenever Python is loaded up. If we look into this file, we find:


$ cat /path/to/my/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/easy-install.pth

Therefore, rather than copying our source distribution into site-packages, setuptools has instead copied the egg file and added its location to sys.path. This last step is necessary, as while Python is capable of running/importing zipped directories, it doesn’t automatically search zip files on the import path for any modules contained within.

Although there is still no way to uninstall using setup.py, it is possible to remove a package installed this way using pip:


$ python3 -m pip uninstall epi_models

Using pip instead of running setup.py

The direct usage of setup.py is now discouraged. After installing a package using python3 setup.py install, there is no equivalent command to uninstall. It also tends to clutter the user’s workspace by creating local ./build and ./dist directories. Both of these problems can be solved using pip, which also provides a number of further benefits:


$ python3 -m pip install .

This will install the library to the current Python environment. It can then be uninstalled using:


$ python3 -m pip uninstall epi_models

When installing with pip instead of running setup.py, no ./build or ./dist directories are created, nor are any .egg files. Two lines which are printed to screen during the install process explain what is happening instead:

Created wheel for epi-models: filename=epi_models-1.0-py3-none-any.whl size=4968 sha256=f876a8ce10a3b6a6d0261f4d739b1d78904153b4feaf2b37f83de60e4b9c2d36
Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-_og4ywxd/wheels/d9/4d/ac/bbc1437fd83635787dd0fb8c3df8da61fc7b57f6eaa2b0d17b

Instead of creating an egg file, a ‘wheel’ is created instead. We’ll cover wheel files in more detail in the next lesson, but to summarise, a wheel is very similar to an egg file except for two major differences:

  • The code within is not compiled to Python bytecode.
  • The name of the file contains more information regarding its compatibility.

The wheel is created in a temporary directory (/tmp on most Linux systems) so that it doesn’t clutter up our workspace, and when installing from a wheel, the file is unzipped within site-packages and the code within is compiled to bytecode. This is in contrast to egg files, which remain zipped at all times and come with their code pre-compiled.

To aid code development, we can also create editable installs, in which the user’s changes to the code are automatically picked up and there is no need to reinstall:


$ python3 -m pip install -e .

This works simply by adding the path of our working directory into easy-install.pth within the site-packages directory. It will also install any dependencies of the project as normal.

The usage of setup.py gained further criticism, even when used alonside pip. As library writers were able to add arbitrary code to this file, setup scripts often became very long and difficult for users to understand. They could also contain potentially dangerous (or even malicious) code that may not be apparent at first glance. distutils had also supported an alternative method of specifying package metadata using an additional file setup.cfg, and in time this became the preferred method.

setup.cfg as a ‘Declarative Config’

Instead of using setup.py to define our package metadata, it is preferable to instead use the file setup.cfg. Instead of being a runnable Python module, this file is simply a config file that can be read using Python’s built-in configparser tool. Its format is very similar to INI files commonly used on Windows systems. It should be included at the very top of a project, just like setup.py:

📁 epi_models
|____📜 setup.cfg
|____📜 setup.py
|____📦 epi_models
     |____📜 __init__.py
     |____📜 __main__.py
     |____📁 models
     |____📁 plotting

setup.py is still present, but it can be reduced to a very simple form:


# file: setup.py
from setuptools import setup


The setup.py files we used earlier can be easily adapted to a corresponding setup.cfg:


; file: setup.cfg

name = epi_models
version = 1.0
description = Epidemiology modelling tools in Python
author = Jordan Smith
author_email = jsmith@email.net
url = "https://github.com/jsmith1234/epi_models"

packages = find:
install_requires =
    matplotlib >= 3.6

Note that the values on the right hand side of each equals sign are all intepretted as strings by default, and double quotes are only needed to escape certain special characters. Values can stretch over a line break by indenting the next line down. Comment lines start with either ; or #, and inline comments are not allowed.

The benefit of using this file over setup.py is that the number of possible operations is restricted. This prevents users from writing overly complex setup.py files that include arbitrary and potentially dangerous computations. This is also beneficial from an automation standpoint, as it is easy for tools besides setuptools to read setup.cfg and deduce useful information about a package.

Note that in converting our setup.py to a setup.cfg, we are no longer listing each package and subpackage, and instead we are using the line:


packages = find:

This instructs setuptools to detect packages itself. We could instead specify this manually using:


packages =

A common alternative project layout is to place the top-level package in a directory src:

📁 epi_models
|____📜 setup.py
|____📜 setup.cfg
|____📁 src
     |____📦 epi_models
          |____📜 __init__.py
          |____📜 __main__.py
          |____📁 models
          |____📁 plotting

Our setup.cfg file should be rewritten as follows:


package_dir =
packages =

We can also continue using packages = find: by adding an extra heading to our config file:


package_dir =
packages = find:

where = src


Recent versions of setuptools can handle either the ‘flat’ layout or the src-layout using just packages = find:.

There are many additional ways to organise a project, and it is possible to set package names to something other than the corresponding directory name, but it is recommended to keep the directory structure of your projects as close as possible to that of the Python package. See the documentation for setuptools keywords for more information.

pyproject.toml and Circular Build Requirements

We saw in the previous sections that setuptools allows library writers to specify the requirements of their packages and allow users to automatically download and install dependencies. However, there is always one requirement missing from this list: setuptools itself! It would be useful if we could add setuptools to our install_requires, but the user already needs to have setuptools installed in order to parse this field! In the era of distutils, this was not a problem for Python developers, as distutils was shipped as part of Python’s standard library.

The resolution to this problem came in PEP 517 and PEP 518, which specifies how to set build system requires within a new config file, pyproject.toml. setup.cfg is understood by setuptools (and possibly distutils), but pyproject.toml is intended to be understood by any Python build tool, current or future. This includes pip and alternatives such as flit or poetry.

To specify our build system following PEP 517/518, pyproject.toml should be added to our project at the same level as setup.py and setup.cfg:

📁 epi_models
|____📜 pyproject.toml
|____📜 setup.py
|____📜 setup.cfg
|____📦 epi_models
     |____📜 __init__.py
     |____📜 __main__.py
     |____📁 models
     |____📁 plotting

At a minimum, it should contain the following:


# file: pyproject.toml

requires = ["setuptools >= 61"]

Following this, we may install our package using pip without first having setuptools installed. If we have an older version of setuptools installed, pip will now fetch the latest version in an isolated virtual environment prior to building our project.

If we try installing however, we may find the following warnings:


$ python3 -m pip install .
WARNING: Missing build requirements in pyproject.toml for file:///my/file/path.
WARNING: The project does not specify a build backend, and pip cannot fall back to setuptools without 'wheel'.

This means that pip is falling back on default behaviour, as we have not fully specified our build system. By default, pip will use setuptools (more specifically, the build backend setuptools.build_meta:__legacy__), and it requires the additional package wheel (which we’ll discuss further in the next lesson). To explicitly set our build system, we must also provide a build-backend:


# file: pyproject.toml

requires = [
    "setuptools >= 65",
    "wheel >= 0.38,
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

Moving to pyproject.toml-only builds

Following PEP 517/518, it was realised that pyproject.toml and setup.cfg were both solving similar problems, although pyproject.toml was to be a standardised config file, while setup.cfg was setuptools specific (although many other tools in the Python ecosystem had also adopted the usage of setup.cfg). Altenative build tools such as poetry and flit opted to use pyproject.toml alone to define Python packages, and this was eventually codified as a requirement for all build tools in PEP 621.

The aim of PEP 621 is to standardise a set of ‘core’ metadata that any build tool should recognise, such as name, version, description, authors, etc. Tools may choose to use their own synonyms for this metadata, and they may provide many more options than the core set, but to be standards compliant they must recognise the metadata of PEP 621 at a minimum.

The end of setup.py

With PEP 621 removing the need for setup.cfg, one might expect that the older setup.py could be removed too. However, setuptools still required this file for some features to work, including editable installs. With PEP 660, the Python community standardised a way to use wheel files to create editable installs, and therefore the use of setup.py is no longer required. However, this feature was only recently implemented in pip, so users may need to upgrade if they wish to use this feature:


$ pip install --upgrade pip

Key Points

  • The ‘best practices’ for Python packaging has changed a number of times, and there are now many competing tools for accomplishing the same task.
  • Be wary of information on this topic in online tutorials – not all guides have been updated to use the most recent methods, and some advice may no longer be relevant.