From Modules to Packages

Last updated on 2024-04-16 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 20 minutes



  • What is a ‘package’ in Python?
  • Why should we organise our code into packages?


  • Explain how to group multiple modules into a package.
  • Understand the purpose of an file.
  • Understand how __all__ works.
  • Understand the purpose of a file.


In the previous lesson, we showed how to convert a simple Python script into a reusable module by bundling up different parts of the script into functions. However, as our project grows, we may find it beneficial to spread the functionality of our project over multiple files. Separating logically distinct units of code into their own files will help others to understand how our project works, and it allows us to control which features of our code are exposed to users at the top level.

The primary tool for organising a project across multiple files is the package. Packages are very similar to modules, and they are defined by the directory structure we use to organise our files.

To demonstrate how to create a package, we’ll convert our SIR model module from the last lesson into a package. Let’s say we have it stored within a directory epi_models – short for epidemiology models:

📁 epi_models

To convert this to a package, we’ll simply create a new directory – also called epi_models – and move our Python module to it:


$ cd /path/to/my/workspace/epi_models
$ mkdir epi_models
$ mv epi_models

We’ll also add a new empty file called


$ touch epi_models/

Our directory structure should now be:

📁 epi_models
|____📦 epi_models

That’s all we need for a basic package! But why did we need to create a new directory with the same name, and what is for?

  • The top-level directory can be thought of as the project directory, while the directory contained within is the package directory. Later, we will add new files to the project directory containing descriptive metadata for our package, and this will allow us to build, install, and publish the package. It is important for these files to be kept outside of the package itself.
  • The choice to give the package directory the same name as the project directory is simply a common convention for Python projects, and it’ll make it easier for to build, install and publish our package later. We’ll cover alternative directory layouts in our lesson on building and installing packages.
  • The presence of an file marks a directory as a package, and the contents of this file are run when the package or any modules within are imported. We’ll explain how to use this file to set up and control our package in a later section.

Namespace Packages

Since Python 3.3, if you omit, you may find that the following code snippets continue to work. This is because directories without act as namespace packages, which can be used to build a package using multiple ‘portions’ spread across your system. The specification for namespace packages can be found in PEP 420.

Unless you’re intending to create a namespace package, it is good practice to include, even if you choose to leave it empty, as this makes your intentions for the package clearer.

Now that we’ve created a basic package, it is straightforward to expand it to contain additional modules. For example, we may choose to add new epidemiology models, such as the SEIR model which introduces a new population category of those who are Exposed to a pathogen, but not yet infectious themselves (this models diseases such as COVID-19 fairly well). We could also add a SIS model, which is similar to the SIR model, but Recovered individuals do not gain immunity to the pathogen, and instead return to the Susceptible population (this can apply to the common cold and some types of flu). These new modules should be added to the package directory:

📁 epi_models
|____📦 epi_models

These new modules might contain similar functions to For example, may contain:


# file:

def SEIR_model(pop_size, alpha, beta, gamma, days, I_0):
    # Function to solve the SEIR model
    # Returns lists S, E, I, R

def plot_SEIR_model(S, E, I, R):
    # Function to plot S, E, I, R over time

We won’t worry about how these functions should be implemented for now. should contain similar functions.

To import our functions, we can now enter the top-level epi_models directory and call the following in an interactive session:


>>> import epi_models.SIR
>>> S, I, R = epi_models.SIR.SIR_model(
        pop_size=8000000, beta=0.5, gamma=0.1, days=150, I_0=10

Having to type the package name and the module name every time can be inconvenient, so it’s a good idea to use the alternative import styles we discussed in the previous lesson:


>>> # Assign an alias to the import
>>> import epi_models.SEIR as SEIR
>>> S, E, I, R = SEIR.SEIR_model(
        pop_size=8000000, alpha=0.2, beta=0.5, gamma=0.1, days=150, I_0=10

>>> # Use 'from ... import ...' to get the function directly
>>> from epi_models.SEIR import SEIR_model
>>> S, E, I, R = SEIR_model(
        pop_size=8000000, alpha=0.2, beta=0.5, gamma=0.1, days=150, I_0=10

>>> # Import everything into the current namespace (not recommended!)
>>> from epi_models.SIS import *
>>> S, E, I, R = SEIR_model(
        pop_size=8000000, alpha=0.2, beta=0.5, gamma=0.1, days=150, I_0=10

As our project develops, we may decide that we need a further level of organisation. For example, if our modelling tools and our plotting tools become sufficently complex, we may decide to move these into their own directories. To do this, we can define sub-packages within our top-level package:

📁 epi_models
|____📦 epi_models
     |____📁 models
     |    |
     |    |____📜
     |    |____📜
     |    |____📜
     |    |____📜
     |____📁 plotting

Note that each sub-directory, and hence sub-package, requires its own With our project organised in this way, we can now import each function using:


>>> import epi_models.models.SIR as SIR
>>> # Alternatively, get a single function instead of a whole module:
>>> from epi_models.plotting.plot_SEIR import plot_SEIR_model

Relative Imports

One advantage of organising our code into packages and sub-packages is that it allows us to import other modules using relative imports. To show how these work, we’ll add an extra file inside the models subpackage.

📁 epi_models
|____📦 epi_models
     |____📁 models
     |    |
     |    |____📜
     |    |____📜
     |    |____📜
     |    |____📜
     |    |____📜
     |____📁 plotting

This could contain utility functions that may be useful within,, and In each of these files, we could import the function some_func from using the following syntax:


from .utils import some_func

The dot preceding the module name instructs Python to search inside the current (sub-)package to find a module with a matching name.

We may also find it useful for our plotting tools to have access to the modelling functions. In that case, we can add the following to


from ..models.SIR import SIR_model

Here, the double dots indicate that we should look one package higher than the current sub-package.

Note that relative imports only work within packages, so they should be avoided in our plain scripts.

The file files do not need to contain any code to mark a directory as a Python package, but if we wish, we can use them to control what is or isn’t visible at package-level scope, or to perform any additional setup.

Consider the file in the models directory. Let’s add the following lines:


# file: epi_models/models/

from .SIR import SIR_model
from .SEIR import SEIR_model
from .SIS import SIS_model

When SIR_model, SEIR_model and SIS_model are brought into the local namespace in models/, they are brought into the namespace of epi_models.models too:


>>> from epi_models.models import SIR_model
>>> # Equivalent to:
>>> from epi_models.models.SIR import SIR_model

If we wish to expose these functions to the user at the top level package, we can also add the following to epi_models/


# file: epi_models/

from .models import SIR_model, SEIR_model, SIS_model

Note that we can import these names directly from the models sub-package instead of going to each of the modules in turn. It is now much easier for users to access these functions:


>>> from epi_models import SIR_model

When writing files, it is important to consider what we don’t import. Note that we did not import any functions from, as these are only intended for use within the models sub-package, and there’s no need to expose these implementation details to the user. A well crafted allows us to define a public API, which is the portion of our code that we expect our users to interact with. The following section introduces the __all__ variable, which allows us to more rigorously define a public API.

As the contents of is run whenever the package or any sub-packages/modules are imported, we can also use to perform any additional package-level setup. For instance, it might be used to set up connection to a database used throughout the package. In this way, performs a similar role for a package as an __init__ function does for a class.

Using __all__ to control from module import *

__all__ is an optional variable that we may set in our modules and packages (to assign it to a package, it should be defined in It should be a list of strings matching the names of all objects – including functions, classes, constants and variables – that we wish to be considered ‘public’ features that the user may wish to use.

__all__ also changes the behaviour of from module import *. By default, this would import all objects within the namespace of module, and bring them into the current namespace. This may not be desirable, as this may bring utility functions/classes/variables into the current scope, including any objects we explicitly mark as private using a preceeding underscore, and even anything we’ve imported. If we set __all__, only those objects with names matching the strings contained within __all__ will be loaded. For example, if we wrote the following:


# file: epi_models/
from .models import SIR_model, SEIR_model, SIS_model
__all__ = ["SIR_model", "SEIR_model"] # Note SIS_model is missing!

Calling the following in an interactive session would work just fine:


>>> from epi_models import *
>>> SIR_model


<function SIR_model at 0x7f0290dc9150>

However, the following would fail:


>>> SIS_model


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'SIS_model' is not defined

‘Private’ variables in Python

It is common for Python programmers to mark objects as private by prefixing their names with an underscore. For example, _private_variable or _PrivateClass. For an added layer of protection, variables set in class instances with two underscores, such as self.__x, will have their names mangled when viewed from outside the class, but they will still be locatable and modifiable by a determined individual.

Python programmers will also sometimes use a trailing underscore, and this is commonly used to avoid a name clash with a built-in object:


>>> lambda = 10 # Fails! Raises SyntaxError
>>> lambda_ = 10 # Works just fine

A combination of the private naming convention, well chosen __all__ variables, and thorough documentation is more than sufficient to specify a public API.

Script-like Packages and the file

In the previous lesson, we introduced the if __name__ == "__main__" idiom, and discussed how to use this to maintain script-like behaviour in our reusable modules. The good news is that this is still possible when we upgrade our modules to packages. For instance, let’s say that the file epi_models/plotting/plot_SIR contains the following, which excludes the enhancements added in the ‘extra’ section last lesson:


# file:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def plot_SIR_model(S, I, R):
    Plot the results of a SIR simulation.

    S: List[float]
        Number of susceptible people on each day.
    I: List[float]
        Number of infected people on each day.
    R: List[float]
        Number of recovered people on each day.

    plt.plot(range(len(S)), S, label="S")
    plt.plot(range(len(I)), I, label="I")
    plt.plot(range(len(R)), R, label="R")
    plt.xlabel("Time /days")

def main():
    S, I, R = SIR_model(
        pop_size=8000000, beta=0.5, gamma=0.1, days=150, I_0=10
    plot_SIR_model(S, I, R)

if __name__ == "__main__":

If we jump into the directory epi_models/plotting, and call the following, we get an error:


$ python3


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 2, in <module>
    from ..models.SIR import SIR_model
ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package

When running a single file as if its a script, Python will not consider it to be part of a wider package, and hence relative imports will fail. To solve this, we should run our script from outside the package using the -m flag:


$ python3 -m epi_models.plotting.plot_SIR

Note that we use dots rather than slashes to separate the names of each sub-package/module, and we don’t include .py at the end.

We can also add script-like behaviour to packages by adding a file:

📁 epi_models
|____📦 epi_models
     |____📁 models
     |    |
     |    |____📜
     |    |____📜
     |    |____📜
     |    |____📜
     |    |____📜
     |____📁 plotting

As the module name of this file is already __main__, there’s no need to use the if __name__ == "__main__" idiom, and we may write this file as if it were a simple script. If we wish to run the scripting interface from, we can do so simply by importing and calling the function main():


# file:

from plotting.plot_SIR import main


If we add a different scripting interface for each model type, we can use sys.argv to read the user’s model choice from the command line:


# file:

import sys
from plotting.plot_SIR import main as SIR_main
from plotting.plot_SEIR import main as SEIR_main
from plotting.plot_SIS import main as SIS_main

# Read model type from the command line
model = sys.argv[1]

# Run the chosen model
if model == "SIR":
elif model == "SEIR":
elif model == "SIS":
    raise RuntimeError(
        "First cmd line arg should be 'SIR', 'SEIR', or 'SIS'"

If you do intend to add scripting behaviour to your packages, it is highly recommended to read the ‘extra’ sections in this lesson and the previous one, as argparse allows you to build much more sophisticated command line interfaces.

Extra: Advanced argparse in

Let’s return to, and apply the enhancements discussed in the ‘extra’ sections last lesson:


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from ..models.SIR import SIR_model

def plot_SIR_model(S, I, R, ax=None, save_to=None, show=False):
    Plot the results of a SIR simulation.

    S: List[float]
        Number of susceptible people on each day.
    I: List[float]
        Number of infected people on each day.
    R: List[float]
        Number of recovered people on each day.
    ax: Optional[plt.Axes], default None
        Axes object on which to create the plot.
        A new Axes is created if this is None.
    save_to: Optional[str], default None
        Name of the file to save the plot to.
        Does not save if None.
    show: bool, default False
        If True, call on completion.

        The axes object the results have been plotted to.
    # Use plt.subplots to create Figure and Axes objects
    # if one is not provided.
    if ax is None:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    # Create plot
    ax.plot(range(len(S)), S, label="S")
    ax.plot(range(len(I)), I, label="I")
    ax.plot(range(len(R)), R, label="R")
    ax.set_xlabel("Time /days")

    # Optionally save the figure
    if save_to is not None:
        fig = ax.get_figure()

    # Optionally show the figure
    if show:

    return ax

def main():
    # Create an argument parser object. We can provide
    # some info about our program here.
    parser = ArgumentParser(
        description="Solves SIR model and creates a plot",

    # Add each argument to the parser. We can specify
    # the types of each argument. Optional arguments
    # should have single character names with a hypen,
    # or longer names with a double dash.
        "-p", "--pop_size", type=int, default=10000000,
        help="Total population size",
        "-b", "--beta", type=float, default=0.5,
        help="Average no. of new infections per infected person per day",
        "-g", "--gamma", type=float, default=0.1,
        help="Inverse of average number of days taken to recover",
        "-d", "--days", type=int, default=150,
        help="Number of days to run the simulation",
        "-i", "--i0", type=int, default=10,
        help="Number of infected people at the start of the simulation",
        "-o", "--output", default="SIR_model.png",
        help="Output file to save plot to",

    # Get each argument from the command line
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Run our code
    S, I, R = SIR_model(
    plot_SIR_model(S, I, R, save_to=args.output)

if __name__ == "__main__":

This will work if we run python3 -m epi_models.plotting.plot_SIR, but it won’t work if we try to run it using python3 -m epi_models SIR, as we need to read from the command line in in order to decide which model to run, but will also try to read from the command line to determine its own setup. Inevitably, each scripting interface will expect a different set of arguments. The solution comes in the form of subparsers. We’ll show how these work using the following simple example:


# file:

from argparse import ArgumentParser

parser = ArgumentParser(description="A test program")

# set up subparsers, make them required
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(required=True)

# add two subcommands: cmd1 and cmd2
parser1 = subparsers.add_parser("cmd1")
parser2 = subparsers.add_parser("cmd2")

# add some args to each

# parse args and print what we get
args = parser.parse_args()

If we try running this with no arguments, it breaks! If we check how it should work using --help:


$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] {cmd1,cmd2} ...

A test program

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

We therefore need to supply either cmd1 or cmd2 as the first argument. We can then get further info on each subcommand:


$ python3 cmd1 --help
usage: cmd1 [-h] foo bar

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

So what if we provide these arguments?


$ python3 cmd1 1 2
Namespace(bar='2', foo='1')

We see that foo and bar are defined within args, but not baz. Similarly:


$ python3 cmd2 3

We can therefore use subparsers to set up multiple independent command line interfaces using the same root command. If we wished, we could even create further subparsers from our subparsers, leading to a nested command line interface! Something to note is that information about which command was chosen is not contained within args; we’ll show a workaround for this later using set_defaults().

Let’s apply subparsers to our epi_models package. First, our main() function should be split into a function that assigns arguments to an ArgumentParser, and a function that runs the code using args:


# file:

def _add_arguments(parser):

        "-p", "--pop_size", type=int, default=10000000,
        help="Total population size",
        "-b", "--beta", type=float, default=0.5,
        help="Average no. of new infections per infected person per day",
        "-g", "--gamma", type=float, default=0.1,
        help="Inverse of average number of days taken to recover",
        "-d", "--days", type=int, default=150,
        help="Number of days to run the simulation",
        "-i", "--i0", type=int, default=10,
        help="Number of infected people at the start of the simulation",
        "-o", "--output", default="SIR_model.png",
        help="Output file to save plot to",

def main(args):
    # Run our code
    S, I, R = SIR_model(
    plot_SIR_model(S, I, R, save_to=args.output)

The if __name__ == "__main__" section should be tasked with creating an ArgumentParser and coordinating everything:


# file:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = ArgumentParser(
        description="Solves SIR model and creates a plot",
    args = parser.parse_args()

As the _add_arguments(parser) function doesn’t care whether it’s supplied with a parser or a subparser, this will work just fine if we run this file directly using python3 -m epi_models.plotting.plot_SIR.

A similar refactor should be applied for every other model. There is no need for each model to require the same command line arguments, but they should each have a function equivalent to _add_arguments(parser) and main(args).

We can then switch between each model in using subparsers. The file below shows how to achieve a rich command line interface for epi_models:


# file:

from argparse import ArgumentParser

# Import each _add_arguments and main, giving each an alias
from .plotting.plot_SIR import main as SIR_main
from .plotting.plot_SEIR import main as SEIR_main
from .plotting.plot_SIS import main as SIS_main
from .plotting.plot_SIR import _add_arguments as add_SIR_arguments
from .plotting.plot_SIR import _add_arguments as add_SEIR_arguments
from .plotting.plot_SIR import _add_arguments as add_SIS_arguments

# Create top-level ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser(
    description="Tool for solving epidemiology models",

# Set up subparsers, adding a new one for each model
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(required=True)
SIR_parser = subparsers.add_parser("SIR")
SEIR_parser = subparsers.add_parser("SEIR")
SIS_parser = subparsers.add_parser("SIS")

# Setup each subparser using each model's _add_arguments

# Ensure each parser knows which function to call.
# set_defaults can be used to set a new arg which
# isn't set on the command line.

# Extract command line arguments and run
args = parser.parse_args()

Here, we used set_defaults() to assign each model’s main() function to the variable main within args. This will be set depending on which subcommand the user provides. Each model’s _add_arguments can be used as a ‘black box’, and each can be developed independently of the others.

Following this, we can use epi_models to run several different models, each with their own command line interface!


$ python3 -m epi_models SIR --pop_size=300 --output="SIR.png"
$ python3 -m epi_models SEIR --alpha=1

Key Points

  • Packages can be used to better organise our code as it becomes more complex
  • Packages are defined by a directory structure and the presence of
  • By controlling what is or isn’t imported in, we can define a public API for our project.
  • A package can be run as a script using the -m flag, provided it contains a file
  • Through clever use of argparse, we can provide a rich scripting interface to a whole package.