Introduction to Time-series Forecasting

Baseline Metrics for Timeseries Forecasts

Figure 1

Plot of readings from a single meter, 2017-2019
Plot of readings from a single meter, 2017-2019

Figure 2

Plot of total weekly readings from a single meter, January - June, 2019
Plot of total weekly readings from a single meter, January - June, 2019

Figure 3

Plot of total weekly readings from a single meter, January - June, 2019
Plot of total weekly readings from a single meter, January - June, 2019

Figure 4

Plot of total weekly readings from a single meter, January - June, 2019
Plot of total weekly readings from a single meter, January - June, 2019

Figure 5

Plot of total weekly readings from a single meter, January - June, 2019
Plot of total weekly readings from a single meter, January - June, 2019

Figure 6

Plot of total weekly readings from a single meter, January - June, 2019
Plot of total weekly readings from a single meter, January - June, 2019

Moving Average Forecasts

Figure 1

Plot of daily total power consumption from a single smart meter.
Plot of daily total power consumption from a single smart meter.

Figure 2

Plot showing autocorrelation of daily total power consumption.
Plot showing autocorrelation of daily total power consumption.

Figure 3

Plot of differenced daily power consumption data.
Plot of differenced daily power consumption data.

Figure 4

Autocorrelation plot of differenced data.
Autocorrelation plot of differenced data.

Figure 5

Plot of daily power consumption and differenced data, with forecast range shaded.
Plot of daily power consumption and differenced data, with forecast range shaded.

Figure 6

Last known value versus moving average forecasts.
Last known value versus moving average forecasts.

Figure 7

Plot of transformed moving average forecasts.
Plot of transformed moving average forecasts.

Autoregressive Forecasts

Figure 1

Plot of daily power consumption from a single power meter.
Plot of daily power consumption from a single power meter.

Figure 2

Plot of autocorrelation function of differenced data.
Plot of autocorrelation function of differenced data.

Figure 3

Plot of partial autocorrelation function of difference data.
Plot of partial autocorrelation function of difference data.

Figure 4

Plot of original and differenced data, with forecast range shaded.
Plot of original and differenced data, with forecast range shaded.

Figure 5

Comparison of forecasted power consumption.
Comparison of forecasted power consumption.

Figure 6

Plot of AR(4) forecast against actual values.
Plot of AR(4) forecast against actual values.

Autoregressive Moving Average Forecasts

Figure 1

Plot of daily power consumption from a single smart meter.
Plot of daily power consumption from a single smart meter.

Figure 2

Plot of autocorrelation function of undifferenced data.
Plot of autocorrelation function of undifferenced data.

Figure 3

Diagnostic plot of residuals of ARMA(1, 1) model
Diagnostic plot of residuals of ARMA(1, 1) model

Figure 4

Plot of original and differenced data with forecast region shaded.
Plot of original and differenced data with forecast region shaded.

Figure 5

Diagnostic plot of residuals of ARMA(0, 2) model.
Diagnostic plot of residuals of ARMA(0, 2) model.

Figure 6

Results of AR(4) and ARMA(0, 2) forecasts
Results of AR(4) and ARMA(0, 2) forecasts

Figure 7

Final plot of ARMA(0, 2) forecast compared to actual values.
Final plot of ARMA(0, 2) forecast compared to actual values.

Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Forecasts

Figure 1

Plot of power consumption from a single smart meter.
Plot of power consumption from a single smart meter.

Figure 2

Plot of non-stationary time-series with forecast range shaded.
Plot of non-stationary time-series with forecast range shaded.

Figure 3

Diagnostic plot of ARIMA(2, 2, 3) process.
Diagnostic plot of ARIMA(2, 2, 3) process.

Figure 4

Plot of baseline and ARIMA(2, 2, 3) forecasts.
Plot of baseline and ARIMA(2, 2, 3) forecasts.

Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Forecasts

Figure 1

Monthly power consumption over three years from a single meter.
Monthly power consumption over three years from a single meter.

Figure 2

Decomposition plot of the time-series.
Decomposition plot of the time-series.

Figure 3

Diagnostic plot of the seasonal ARIMA(3, 1, 4) model.
Diagnostic plot of the seasonal ARIMA(3, 1, 4) model.

Figure 4

Diagnostic plot of residuals of SARIMA(1, 1, 2)(2, 0, 2)7 model.
Diagnostic plot of residuals of SARIMA(1, 1, 2)(2, 0, 2)7 model.

Figure 5

Plot of baseline, ARIMA, and SARIMA forecasts.
Plot of baseline, ARIMA, and SARIMA forecasts.