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Addressing challenges in high-dimensional clustering


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How can dimensionality reduction help in high-dimensional clustering?

  • What are specialized clustering algorithms for high-dimensional data?

  • How can we visualize high-dimensional data?

  • What insights can we gain from visualizing clusters?

  • Apply dimensionality reduction techniques to high-dimensional data.

  • Implement specialized clustering algorithms for high-dimensional data.

  • Evaluate the impact of these techniques on clustering performance.

  • Visualize clustering results.

Addressing Challenges in High-Dimensional Clustering

Dimensionality Reduction Techniques

High-dimensional clustering often requires reducing the number of dimensions to make the problem more tractable. The choice of dimensionality reduction technique can significantly impact the clustering results. Here, we will explore several popular techniques and discuss their strengths and weaknesses.

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

PCA reduces the dimensionality of the data by transforming it into a new set of variables that are linear combinations of the original variables. It aims to capture the maximum variance with the fewest number of components.

Local vs global structure

When reducing high-dimensional data to lower dimensions, it’s important to consider both local and global structures. Local structure refers to the relationships and distances between nearby data points. Preserving local structure ensures that points that were close together in the high-dimensional space remain close in the lower-dimensional representation. This is crucial for identifying clusters or neighborhoods within the data. Global structure, on the other hand, refers to the overall arrangement and distances between clusters or distant points in the dataset. Preserving global structure ensures that the broader data topology and the relative positioning of different clusters are maintained.

from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

# Applying PCA
pca = PCA(n_components=10)  # Reduce to 10 dimensions
df_pca = pca.fit_transform(df_scaled)

t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE)

t-SNE is a non-linear dimensionality reduction technique particularly well-suited for embedding high-dimensional data in a low-dimensional space. It is effective in visualizing high-dimensional data. Techniques like t-SNE excel at preserving local structure, making them great for detailed cluster visualization, but they may distort the global arrangement of clusters.

from sklearn.manifold import TSNE

# Applying t-SNE
tsne = TSNE(n_components=2)
df_tsne = tsne.fit_transform(df_scaled)

Pairwise Controlled Manifold Approximation Projection (PacMAP)

PacMAP is a dimensionality reduction technique that focuses on preserving both global and local structures in the data, providing a balance between t-SNE’s focus on local structure and PCA’s focus on global structure.

from pacmap import PaCMAP

# Applying PacMAP
pacmap = PaCMAP(n_components=2)
df_pacmap = pacmap.fit_transform(df_scaled)

Exercise 1: Compare Silhouette Scores with PCA

Compare the silhouette scores of K-means clustering on the original high-dimensional data and the data reduced using PCA. What do you observe?

# K-means on PCA-reduced data
kmeans_pca = KMeans(n_clusters=5, random_state=42)
labels_kmeans_pca = kmeans_pca.labels_
silhouette_avg_kmeans_pca = silhouette_score(df_pca, labels_kmeans_pca)
print(f"K-means on PCA-reduced data Silhouette Score: {silhouette_avg_kmeans_pca}")

Determining whether to prioritize local or global structure in a research clustering context depends on the goals of your analysis and the nature of the data. Here are some key considerations:

Global vs Local Structure Deep Dive

Understanding and choosing the right technique based on the need to preserve either local or global structure (or both) can significantly impact the insights drawn from the data visualization.

When to Care More About Local Structure

  1. Cluster Identification and Separation:
    • If your primary goal is to identify and separate distinct clusters within your data, preserving local structure is crucial. Techniques that focus on local structure, such as t-SNE, ensure that points that are close in high-dimensional space remain close in the reduced space, making clusters more discernible.
    • Example: In gene expression data, where the goal is to identify distinct groups of genes or samples with similar expression patterns, preserving local neighborhoods is essential for accurate clustering.
  2. Neighborhood Analysis:
    • When the analysis requires examining the relationships between nearby data points, preserving local structure becomes important. This is common in studies where understanding local patterns or small-scale variations is key.
    • Example: In image recognition tasks, local structure preservation helps in identifying small groups of similar images, which can be crucial for tasks like facial recognition or object detection.
  3. Anomaly Detection:
    • For tasks like anomaly detection, where identifying outliers or unusual patterns within small regions of the data is important, maintaining local structure ensures that these patterns are not lost during dimensionality reduction.
    • Example: In network security, preserving local structure helps in detecting abnormal user behavior or network activity that deviates from typical patterns.

When to Care More About Global Structure

  1. Overall Data Topology:
    • If understanding the broad, overall arrangement of data points is critical, preserving global structure is essential. This helps in maintaining the relative distances and relationships between distant points, providing a comprehensive view of the data’s topology.
    • Example: In geographical data analysis, maintaining global structure can help in understanding the broader spatial distribution of features like climate patterns or population density.
  2. Data Integration and Comparison:
    • When integrating multiple datasets or comparing data across different conditions, preserving global structure helps in maintaining consistency and comparability across the entire dataset.
    • Example: In multi-omics studies, where different types of biological data (e.g., genomics, proteomics) are integrated, preserving global structure ensures that the overall relationships between data types are maintained.
  3. Data Compression and Visualization:
    • For tasks that require data compression or large-scale visualization, preserving global structure can help in maintaining the integrity of the dataset while reducing its dimensionality.
    • Example: In large-scale data visualization, techniques that preserve global structure, such as PCA, help in creating interpretable visual summaries that reflect the overall data distribution.

Balancing Local and Global Structures

In many cases, it may be necessary to strike a balance between preserving local and global structures. Techniques like PacMAP offer a compromise by maintaining both local and global relationships, making them suitable for applications where both detailed clustering and overall data topology are important.

Key Questions to Consider:

By carefully considering these factors, you can determine the appropriate emphasis on local or global structure for your specific research context.

Exercise 2: Understanding Global vs Local Structure

Compare t-SNE and PacMAP on the same high-dimensional data. Visualize the results and discuss how each technique handles local and global structures.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Visualizing t-SNE Clustering
plt.scatter(df_tsne[:, 0], df_tsne[:, 1], c=labels_kmeans, cmap='viridis')
plt.title("t-SNE Clustering")

# Visualizing PacMAP Clustering
plt.scatter(df_pacmap[:, 0], df_pacmap[:, 1], c=labels_kmeans, cmap='viridis')
plt.title("PacMAP Clustering")

Discuss the following:

  • How does t-SNE’s focus on local structures affect the visualization?
  • How does PacMAP’s balance of local and global structures compare to t-SNE?
  • Which method provides a better visualization for understanding the overall data topology?

Specialized Clustering Algorithms

Spectral Clustering

Spectral Clustering uses the eigenvalues of a similarity matrix to perform dimensionality reduction before clustering. It is useful for capturing complex, non-linear relationships.

from sklearn.cluster import SpectralClustering

# Implementing Spectral Clustering
spectral = SpectralClustering(n_clusters=5, affinity='nearest_neighbors', random_state=42)
labels_spectral = spectral.fit_predict(df_scaled)

# Evaluating Spectral Clustering
silhouette_avg_spectral = silhouette_score(df_scaled, labels_spectral)
print(f"Spectral Clustering Silhouette Score: {silhouette_avg_spectral}")

Exercise 3: Implement Spectral Clustering on PCA Data

Implement and evaluate Spectral Clustering on the PCA-reduced data. How does its performance compare to other methods?

# Spectral Clustering on PCA-reduced data
labels_spectral_pca = spectral.fit_predict(df_pca)
silhouette_avg_spectral_pca = silhouette_score(df_pca, labels_spectral_pca)
print(f"Spectral Clustering on PCA-reduced data Silhouette Score: {silhouette_avg_spectral_pca}")

Visualizing Clustering Results

Dimensionality Reduction using PCA

from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Applying PCA
pca = PCA(n_components=2)
df_pca = pca.fit_transform(df_scaled)

# Visualizing K-means Clustering
plt.scatter(df_pca[:, 0], df_pca[:, 1], c=labels_kmeans, cmap='viridis')
plt.title("K-means Clustering")

Comparing Clustering Results

# Visualizing Hierarchical Clustering
plt.scatter(df_pca[:, 0], df_pca[:, 1], c=labels_hierarchical, cmap='viridis')
plt.title("Hierarchical Clustering")

# Visualizing DBSCAN Clustering
plt.scatter(df_pca[:, 0], df_pca[:, 1], c=labels_dbscan, cmap='viridis')
plt.title("DBSCAN Clustering")

Visualizing t-SNE and PacMAP Results

# Visualizing t-SNE Clustering
plt.scatter(df_tsne[:, 0], df_tsne[:, 1], c=labels_kmeans, cmap='viridis')
plt.title("t-SNE Clustering")

# Visualizing PacMAP Clustering
plt.scatter(df_pacmap[:, 0], df_pacmap[:, 1], c=labels_kmeans, cmap='viridis')
plt.title("PacMAP Clustering")

Exercise 4: Compare Clustering Visualizations

Compare the visualizations of different clustering algorithms. Which algorithm do you think performed best and why?

Summary and Q&A



Feel free to ask any questions or share your thoughts on today’s lesson.

Follow-up Materials:

Key Points

  • Exploring techniques to mitigate the challenges of high-dimensional clustering.

  • Applying dimensionality reduction techniques.

  • Using specialized clustering algorithms.

  • Visualizing clustering results.