This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

Writing Explanatory Content


Teaching: 60 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What is a good approach to writing examples?

  • What components can I combine to create a lesson?

  • How much content should I aim to cover in a single episode?

  • Discuss the importance of example code blocks and explanatory figures.

  • Discuss the appropriate level of detail for the explanatory text in a given episode.

  • Identify three potential groups of users of their lesson pages.

  • Explain the function of the questions, objectives, and keypoints fields in the front matter of an episode page.

Reading List

Discussion Prompts

  • What questions do you have about writing your lesson?
  • What are some of the advantages of writing exercises before the examples and explanations learners will need to be able to solve them?
  • What are some of the benefits of writing example code blocks before the “connective tissue” text between them?
  • What are some common mistakes and misconceptions you encounter from learners of the topic covered by your lesson?
    • How will you diagnose and address these in your lesson?
  • How do you plan to account for your expertise while you write your lesson?

Homework Tasks

Note for groups of participants collaborating on a single lesson: ALL: a task to be done by all collaborators on a lesson; ONE: a task to be done by only one participant per lesson, ideally after discussion with their collaborators.

  • (ALL) Complete (at least) the episode you plan to teach in your trial run, and request review when it is ready.
  • (ALL, if you have time this week) Complete a review of the episode you were assigned. See the callout below for more details about how you should approach the review.
  • (ALL) In preparation for your Trial Run of an episode, read the two Carpentries Instructor Training bonus modules on online training:

Episode Review

One of your homework tasks is to review an episode being developed by another Study Group participant. When completing this review, your goal is to provide constructive feedback to the author(s) about the design, structure, and content of the episode. You should consider everything you have learned about lesson development up to this point:

  • Are the objectives of the lesson specific and focused on the skills being taught?
  • Do the exercises assess the skills described in the learning objectives? Have they been designed with diagnostic power i.e. could an incorrect answer provide the instructor with information about the learner’s misconceptions?
  • Do the examples and tasks used in the episode feel authentic? Do you think learners will be motivated to gain the skills being taught?
  • Is the length of the episode appropriate?
  • Do you think the episode is designed to manage cognitive load effectively?

We estimate it will take ~30-60 minutes to review the episode.

Submit your review as an issue or multiple issues on the lesson repository, and add a link or links to the review to the Study Group’s shared notetaking document when you are done.

Key Points

  • Key points will be defined during discussion.