This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

Data Sets and Authentic Tasks


Teaching: 60 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What kind of data set is appropriate to use in a lesson?

  • Where can I find potential example data sets for my lesson?

  • What exercise formats could I use in my lesson?

  • Identify suitable data sets and examples to use in their lesson.

  • Discuss the potential pedagogical value and challenges of using a given data set or example.

  • Describe three different formats of exercise that could be used for formative assessment in their lesson.

Reading List

Discussion Prompts

A frequently encountered problem in lesson development is the conflict between using authentic example data sets/tasks and managing the order and complexity of the material being taught. We are often faced with a choice between

  1. presenting learners with a realistic data set, containing noise and artefacts that may be difficult to account for or remove, or
  2. using a simplistic or contrived example to provide a sequenced, hierarchical introduction of concepts to manage cognitive load
  • Which of these two would you prioritise for your lesson, and why?
  • Did the search for an appropriate data set or example affect the order and/or set of concepts you plan to cover in your lesson?
  • Are there any exercise formats you think would work particularly well for your lesson? Are there any that would work poorly? Explain your reasoning.

Homework Tasks

Note for groups of participants collaborating on a single lesson: ALL: a task to be done by all collaborators on a lesson; ONE: a task to be done by only one collaborator per lesson, ideally after discussion with their collaborators.

Key Points

  • Key points will be defined during discussion.