Summary and Schedule

A lesson introducing the Snakemake workflow system for bioinformatics analysis. Snakemake enables the writing of reliable, scalable and reproducible scientific workflows as a series of chained rules. Simple workflows to replace shell scripts can be written in a few lines of code, while for more complex cases there is support for conda integration, software containers, cluster execution, cloud execution, etc. You can also add Python and R code directly into your workflow.

This lesson introduces the core concepts of Snakemake in the context of a typical analysis task, aligning short cDNA reads to a reference transcriptome. Later episodes focus on practical questions of workflow design, debugging and configuration.

We also look at the Conda integration feature of Snakemake, with which you can author reproducible and shareable workflows with a fully-specified software environment.

In the planning phase of writing this course material we outlined some learner profiles, to expand on who we think will benefit from this lesson and why.


This is an intermediate lesson and assumes learners have some prior experience in bioinformatics:

No previous knowledge of Snakemake or workflow systems, or Python programming, is assumed.

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.

Software installation

These instructions set out how to obtain and install the course pre-requisites for Linux. It is assumed that you have:

  • access to the Bash shell on a fairly modern Linux system
  • sufficient disk space (~1GB) to store the software and data

You do not need root/administrator level access.


There are other ways to install these tools, and it should also be possible to run the exercises on non-Linux systems. However, this is not covered here. We would welcome contributions in this regard.

TODO - Add instructions for Mac. All software is known to work on Mac systems but the setup is slightly different.

We can install all the software packages, including Snakemake and the bioinformatics tools, via Conda. For more info on Conda, see the first part of episode 10.

These are suggested commands to install and initialise Miniforge in a Linux Bash environment.


$ mkdir -p ~/miniforge3
$ wget -O ~/miniforge3/
$ bash ~/miniforge3/ -b -u -p ~/miniforge3
$ rm ~/miniforge3/
$ ~/miniforge3/bin/conda init bash
$ exit

Then open a new shell. Your shell prompt should now start with (base).

Now save the following into a file named ~/.condarc:

  - conda-forge
  - bioconda
solver: libmamba
channel_priority: strict


  • You may want to enable additional channels but all the packages needed in the course are in the two listed above.
  • The use of strict channel priority when resolving dependencies is recommended by both Snakemake and by Conda itself.
  • Setting solver: libmamba is nowadays preferred to explicitly running the mamba command.

Once this is set up, get the conda_env.yaml environment file and create then activate the environment by running:


$ conda env update --file conda_env.yaml
$ conda activate snakemake_carpentry

You will also need a text editor such as GEdit or Nano. These are standard on most Linux distros. Other text editors will work fine but we only provide specific setup instructions for GEdit and Nano here.

Obtaining the data

Download and unpack the sample dataset tarball from

You may do this in the shell with the command:


$ wget --content-disposition

The tar file needs to be unpacked to yield the directory of files used in the course. In the shell you may do this with:


$ tar -xvaf data-for-snakemake-novice-bioinformatics.tar.xz

See this link for details about this dataset and the redistribution license.

Preparing your editor

There are some settings you should change in your editor to most effectively edit Snakemake workflows. These are also good for editing most other types of script and code.


GEdit is the text editor that comes with the GNOME desktop and is a simple to use general-purpose editor. Within the application menus it is normally just called “Text Editor” but you can also start it from your shell by typing “gedit &”.

Snakemake uses Python file structure which is very fussy about the use of tab characters and line breaks. Before writing any code in GEdit, you need to go into the preferences and select the following settings:

  • Insert spaces instead of tabs (under the “Editor” tab)
  • Disable text wrapping (under the “View” tab)

The following settings are recommended but not required:

  • Set the Syntax to “Python3”, rather than “Plain Text”
  • Set Tab width to 4
  • Enable automatic indentation
  • Highlight matching brackets
  • Display line numbers


The Nano editor works directly in the terminal and is found on virtually every Linux system.

The following command will start editing with the suggested settings, in particular regarding Tab handling as mentioned above, and with Python syntax highlighting.


$ nano -wiSOE -T 4 -Y python Snakefile

To avoid typing all those options each time, you can add defaults to your ~/.nanorc file:


$ nano ~/.nanorc
set nowrap
set autoindent
set tabstospaces
set tabsize 4
set smooth
set morespace

Some of these are already defaults in later versions of Nano, but it doesn’t hurt to have them here anyway. There isn’t a way to set the default syntax highlighting within this file.