Why make interactive visualizations?

Create a New Environment

Figure 1

XKCD 1987: Python Environment

Data Wrangling

Figure 1

Jupyter Lab - Notebooks - dataviz kernel

Create Visualizations

Figure 1

Plot of New Zealand's GDP over time

Figure 2

Plot of Oceania's GDP over time

Figure 3

Plot of Oceania's GDP over time with correct labels

Create the Streamlit App

Figure 1

Open a Text File

Figure 2

Open a Terminal

Figure 3

Streamlit app after this lesson

Refactoring Code for Flexibility (Prepping for Widgets)

Figure 1

Plot of Europe's population over time with wrong labels

Figure 2

Plot of Europe's population over time with correct labels

Figure 3

Plot of Europe's population over time with better labels

Figure 4

Streamlit app after this lesson

Add Widgets to the Streamlit App

Figure 1

Streamlit app after adding widgets

Figure 2

Streamlit app after adding sidebar

Figure 3

Final Streamlit app

Publish Your Streamlit App