This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Advanced Git Version Control




Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Introduction What do I do when I need to make complex decisions with my git respository?
How do I collaborate on a software project with others?
00:10 2. Branches What are branches?
How do I view the current branches?
How do I manipulate branches?
00:10 3. Remote Repositories How do I connect my code to other versions of the it?
00:10 4. Undoing Changes How do I undo changes?
00:10 5. Merging How do I merge a branch changes?
00:10 6. Tags How can I flag a specific state of the project?
00:10 7. Branching Models What is a branching model?
Why do you need one?
What are the most common branching models?
00:10 8. GitFlow What are the common workflows of the GitFlow branching model?
00:10 9. Forking Workflow What are the common workflows of the forking branching model?
00:10 10. Data Science Workflow What are the common workflows of the Data Science branching model?
00:10 11. Ignoring in Git How do I ignore things in git?
00:10 12. Large Files How do I handle large files in git?
00:10 13. Cherrypick, Move, Undo How can I select just one commit?
00:10 14. Rebase, Squash, Bisect, Patch What are rebase, squash, bisect and patch?
00:10 15. Hooks and Actions How do I automate my work locally?
How do I add automations to GitHub?
00:10 16. Setting up the Command Prompt What are some other tools that will help my git workflow?
00:10 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.