What is a reprex and why is it useful?

Identify the problem and make a plan

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Minimal Reproducible Data

Figure 1

  • Screenshot of the ratdat comple_old dataset.

  • Figure 2

    Figure 3

    Figure 4

    which is even more simplistic than the one before but still contains the elements we are interested in–we have a set of “species” separated into facets and we want to get rid of one of them. In reality, had we realized that we needed to get rid of the rows with “sp.” in them, we could have ignored the figure entirely and posed the question about the data alone. E.g., “how do I remove rows that contain a specific name?” Then give just the example dataset we created.

    Figure 5

    Figure 6

    That’s more like it! You can keep playing around with it or you can give it more thought apriori, but either way you get the idea. While what we get is not an exact replica, it’s an analogy. The important thing is that we created a figure whose basic elements/structure or “key features” remain intact–namely, the number and type of variables and categories.

    Figure 7

    Figure 8

    Figure 9

    Minimal Reproducible Code

    Asking your question