Instructor Notes

General notes

The examples gradually build up to a full analysis of the Palmer Penguins dataset. However, there are a few places where completely different code is demonstrated to explain certain concepts. Since a given targets project can only have one _targets.R file, this means the participants may have to delete their existing _targets.R file and write a new one to follow along with the examples. This may cause frustration if they can’t keep a record of what they have done so far. One solution would be to save the old _targets.R file as _targets_old.R or similar, then rename it when it should be run again.

Optional episodes:

The “Function” episode is an optional episode and will depend on the learners coming to your workshop. We would recommend having a show of hands (or stickies) who has experience with functions, and if you have learners who do not, run this episode.

targets relies so much on functions we believe it is worth spending a little time on if you have learners inexperienced with them, they will quickly fall behind and not be empowered to use targets at the end of the workshop if they don’t get a short introduction.


Instructor Note

Episode summary: Introduce the idea of reproducibility and why / who would want to use targets

First targets Workflow

Instructor Note

Episode summary: First chance to get hands dirty by writing a very simple workflow

A Brief Introduction to Functions

Instructor Note

Episode summary: A very brief introduction to functions, when you have learners who have no experience with them.

Loading Workflow Objects

Instructor Note

Episode summary: Show how to get at the objects that we built

Instructor Note

  • To reinforce the concept of targets running in a separate R session, you may want to pretend trying to run penguins_data, then feigning surprise when it doesn’t work and using it as a teaching moment (errors are pedagogy!).

The Workflow Lifecycle

Instructor Note

Episode summary: Demonstrate typical cycle of running targets: make, inspect, adjust, make…

Best Practices for targets Project Organization

Instructor Note

Episode summary: Demonstrate best-practices for project organization

Managing Packages

Instructor Note

Episode summary: Show how to load packages and maintain package versions

Working with External Files

Instructor Note

Episode summary: Show how to read and write external files


Instructor Note

Episode summary: Show how to use branching

Parallel Processing

Instructor Note

Episode summary: Show how to use parallel processing

Reproducible Reports with Quarto

Instructor Note

Episode summary: Show how to write reports with Quarto