This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

Introduction to Machine Learning with Scikit Learn: Setup



You will need a terminal, Python 3.8+, and the ability to create Python virtual environments.


You will need the MatPlotLib, Pandas, Numpy and OpenCV packages.


Create a new directory for the workshop, then launch a terminal in it:

mkdir workshop-ml
cd workshop-ml

Creating a new Virtual Environment

We’ll install the prerequisites in a virtual environment, to prevent them from cluttering up your Python environment and causing conflicts. First, create a new directory and ent

To create a new virtual environment for the project, open the terminal and type:

python3 -m venv venv

If you’re on Linux and this doesn’t work, try installing python3-venv using your package manager, e.g. sudo apt-get install python3-venv.

Installing your prerequisites

Activate your virtual environment, and install the prerequisites:

source venv/bin/activate
pip install numpy pandas matplotlib opencv-python

You’ll need to re-activate the virtual environment to use it during the session.