An overview of systematic reviews
Systematic reviews differ from traditional literature reviews in a number of significant ways
Systematic review methods strive to reduce bias and increase reproducibility and transparency
Automation and coding software like R can be used to facilitate parts of the systematic review process
Introduction to RStudio
RStudio is a user interface for working with R.
The Script Pane is sort of like a text editor, or a place to write and save code.
To execute code you use Ctrl+Enter (Cmd+Enter on a Mac).
If you type an incomplete command and press Enter, R will display a + prompt, which means R is waiting for you to type the rest of your command.
If you type a command that R doesn’t recognize, R will return an error message.
The Environment Pane will display the objects that you’ve read into and objects you have defined.
The Navigation Pane has many functions: files, plots, packages, viewer, and help.
Create a Working Directory
The working directory is very important, as it is the place where you will store, save, and retrieve your files.
Using consistent filing naming and folder structure across your projects will help keep things organized.
Download the file for this lesson if you haven’t done so already.
Importing Data into R
Interacting with R
R is primarily a scripting language, and written line-by-line.
There is no need to rerun the whole script in order to change a line of code.
The strength of R is in it’s interactive data analysis.
You can use R to assign values, such as a numeric value like 4, and create objects.
Dataframes, Matrices, and Lists
A data frame is the term in R for a spreadsheet style of data: a grid of rows and columns.
Lists are the R objects which contain elements of different types like − numbers, strings, vectors and another list inside it.
Matrices behave as two-dimensional vectors
Introduction to litsearchr
Developing a naive search and importing search results
Identifying potential keywords with litsearchr
Search term selection with litsearchr
Group search terms to concept categories
Write a Boolean search string with litsearchr
Testing search strategy performance with litsearchr