This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

LaTeX Novice Typesetting: Glossary

Key Points

  • First key point. Typesetting is used in many domains to convey information in a more readable format.

  • Second key point. Creating a new, minimal document requires a document declaration, a preamble, and a document body.

  • Third key point. LaTeX documents consist of commands, environments, and regular text. Commands may take arguments and/or options.

Basic Formatting
  • First key point. Headings are automatically numbered in the correct order and added to the Table of Contents.

  • Second key point. \textbf{} and \textit{} format text given to them as an argument. \bfseries and \itshape format all of the text following them, or within a specified environment.

  • Third key point. A separate ‘mark’ can be created for chapters, sections, or other named headings that consists of a shorter version of the name for use in headers and the Table of Contents.

  • First key point. Including an image requires the use of a command, and possibly a figure environment, an the specification of the path to the image (which may be more than just the filename, if the image is in a subdirectory).

  • Second key point. Floats are placed by LaTeX in locations that will look nice; this is determined by a set of rules (that can be modified, if one is so inclined).

  • Third key point. The appearance of images can be customised using options to \includegraphics{}.

  • Fourth key point. Captions are short descriptions of an image. Labels are a way to refer to them within the text.
