This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Interactive Maps in the Jupyter Notebook: Setup


You do not need to install Python and Python packages if you are using a Jupyterhub instance for running this lesson. However, you do need to download the data (lesson material) used in the episodes.

Install Python

In this lesson we will be using Python 3 with some of its scientific libraries. Although one can install a “plain vanilla” Python 3 and all required libraries “by hand”, we recommend installing Anaconda, a Python distribution that comes with everything we need for the lesson.


Obtain lesson materials

Follow the steps below. We also give corresponding command lines if you wish to run them from the Terminal:

  1. Create a folder called cc-jupyter-maps.
mkdir cc-jupyter-maps
  1. Change directory to cc-jupyter-maps folder.
cd cc-jupyter-maps
  1. Download
curl -o data.tar
  1. Unzip the files.
tar xvf data.tar

You should now see one new folder called data in your cc-jupyter-maps directory on your Desktop.


Create new conda environment and install Additional python packages

Download environment.yml e.g. right click and save in your Desktop.

Open a Python Terminal and navigate to your Desktop:

cd ~/Desktop

Then create a new conda environment and install additional packages:

conda env create -f environment.yml

JupyterLab extension

If you are using JupyterLab then you need to follow this additional step:

jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager@0.38
jupyter labextension install jupyter-leaflet


These two last commands need to be done within the new jupyter_maps python Terminal (not in the default environment).