MPI applications and Snakemake

Last updated on 2024-05-02 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 50 minutes



  • “How do I run an MPI application via Snakemake on the cluster?”


  • “Define rules to run locally and on the cluster”

Now it’s time to start getting back to our real workflow. We can execute a command on the cluster, but what about executing the MPI application we are interested in? Our application is called amdahl and is available as an environment module.


Locate and load the amdahl module and then replace our hostname_remote rule with a version that runs amdahl. (Don’t worry about parallel MPI just yet, run it with a single CPU, mpiexec -n 1 amdahl).

Does your rule execute correctly? If not look through the log files to find out why?


module spider amdahl
module load amdahl

will locate and then load the amdahl module. We can then update/replace our rule to run the amdahl application:


rule amdahl_run:
    output: "amdahl_run.txt"
        "mpiexec -n 1 amdahl > {output}"

However, when we try to execute the rule we get an error (unless you already have a different version of amdahl available in your path). Snakemake reports the location of the logs and if we look inside we can (eventually) find


mpiexec -n 1 amdahl > amdahl_run.txt
mpiexec was unable to find the specified executable file, and therefore
did not launch the job.  This error was first reported for process
rank 0; it may have occurred for other processes as well.

NOTE: A common cause for this error is misspelling a mpiexec command
      line parameter option (remember that mpiexec interprets the first
      unrecognized command line token as the executable).

Node:       tmpnode1
Executable: amdahl

So, even though we loaded the module before running the workflow, our Snakemake rule didn’t find the executable. That’s because the Snakemake rule is running in a clean runtime environment, and we need to somehow tell it to load the necessary environment module before trying to execute the rule.

Snakemake and environment modules

Our application is called amdahl and is available on the system via an environment module, so we need to tell Snakemake to load the module before it tries to execute the rule. Snakemake is aware of environment modules, and these can be specified via (yet another) option:


rule amdahl_run:
    output: "amdahl_run.txt"
        "mpiexec -n 1 amdahl > {output}"

Adding these lines are not enough to make the rule execute however. Not only do you have to tell Snakemake what modules to load, but you also have to tell it to use environment modules in general (since the use of environment modules is considered to make your runtime environment less reproducible as the available modules may differ from cluster to cluster). This requires you to give Snakemake an additonal option


snakemake --profile cluster_profile --use-envmodules amdahl_run


We’ll be using environment modules throughout the rest of tutorial, so make that a default option of our profile (by setting it’s value to True)

Update our cluster profile to


printshellcmds: True
jobs: 3
executor: slurm
  - mem_mb_per_cpu=3600
  - runtime=2
use-envmodules: True

If you want to test it, you need to erase the output file of the rule and rerun Snakemake.

Snakemake and MPI

We didn’t really run an MPI application in the last section as we only ran on one core. How do we request to run on multiple cores for a single rule?

Snakemake has general support for MPI, but the only executor that currently explicitly supports MPI is the Slurm executor (lucky for us!). If we look back at our Slurm to Snakemake translation table we notice the relevant options appear near the bottom:

SLURM Snakemake Description
--ntasks tasks number of concurrent tasks / ranks
--cpus-per-task cpus_per_task number of cpus per task (in case of SMP, rather use threads)
--nodes nodes number of nodes

The one we are interested is tasks as we are only going to increase the number of ranks. We can define these in a resources section of our rule and refer to them using placeholders:


rule amdahl_run:
    output: "amdahl_run.txt"
        "{resources.mpi} -n {resources.tasks} amdahl > {output}"

That worked but now we have a bit of an issue. We want to do this for a few different values of tasks that would mean we would need a different output file for every run. It would be great if we can somehow indicate in the output the value that we want to use for tasks…and have Snakemake pick that up.

We could use a wildcard in the output to allow us to define the tasks we wish to use. The syntax for such a wildcard looks like


output: "amdahl_run_{parallel_tasks}.txt"

where parallel_tasks is our wildcard.


Wildcards are used in the input and output lines of the rule to represent parts of filenames. Much like the * pattern in the shell, the wildcard can stand in for any text in order to make up the desired filename. As with naming your rules, you may choose any name you like for your wildcards, so here we used parallel_tasks. Using the same wildcards in the input and output is what tells Snakemake how to match input files to output files.

If two rules use a wildcard with the same name then Snakemake will treat them as different entities - rules in Snakemake are self-contained in this way.

In the shell line you can reference the wildcard with {wildcards.parallel_tasks}

Snakemake order of operations

We’re only just getting started with some simple rules, but it’s worth thinking about exactly what Snakemake is doing when you run it. There are three distinct phases:

  1. Prepares to run:
    1. Reads in all the rule definitions from the Snakefile
  2. Plans what to do:
    1. Sees what file(s) you are asking it to make
    2. Looks for a matching rule by looking at the outputs of all the rules it knows
    3. Fills in the wildcards to work out the input for this rule
    4. Checks that this input file (if required) is actually available
  3. Runs the steps:
    1. Creates the directory for the output file, if needed
    2. Removes the old output file if it is already there
    3. Only then, runs the shell command with the placeholders replaced
    4. Checks that the command ran without errors and made the new output file as expected

Dry-run (-n) mode

It’s often useful to run just the first two phases, so that Snakemake will plan out the jobs to run, and print them to the screen, but never actually run them. This is done with the -n flag, eg:


> $ snakemake -n ...

The amount of checking may seem pedantic right now, but as the workflow gains more steps this will become very useful to us indeed.

Using wildcards in our rule

We would like to use a wildcard in the output to allow us to define the number of tasks we wish to use. Based on what we’ve seen so far, you might imagine this could look like


rule amdahl_run:
    output: "amdahl_run_{parallel_tasks}.txt"
        "{resources.mpi} -n {resources.tasks} amdahl > {output}"

but there are two problems with this:

  • The only way for Snakemake to know the value of the wildcard is for the user to explicitly request a concrete output file (rather than call the rule):


  snakemake --profile cluster_profile amdahl_run_2.txt

This is perfectly valid, as Snakemake can figure out that it has a rule that can match that filename.

  • The bigger problem is that even doing that does not work, it seems we cannot use a wildcard for tasks:


    SLURM job submission failed. The error message was sbatch:
    error: Invalid numeric value "{parallel_tasks}" for --ntasks.

Unfortunately for us, there is no direct way for us to access the wildcards for tasks. The reason for this is that Snakemake tries to use the value of tasks during its initialisation stage, which is before we know the value of the wildcard. We need to defer the determination of tasks to later on. This can be achieved by specifying an input function instead of a value for this scenario. The solution then is to write a one-time use function to manipulate Snakemake into doing this for us. Since the function is specifically for the rule, we can use a one-line function without a name. These kinds of functions are called either anonymous functions or lamdba functions (both mean the same thing), and are a feature of Python (and other programming languages).

To define a lambda function in python, the general syntax is as follows:


lambda x: x + 54

Since our function can take the wildcards as arguments, we can use that to set the value for tasks:


rule amdahl_run:
    output: "amdahl_run_{parallel_tasks}.txt"
      # No direct way to access the wildcard in tasks, so we need to do this
      # indirectly by declaring a short function that takes the wildcards as an
      # argument
      tasks=lambda wildcards: int(wildcards.parallel_tasks)
        "{resources.mpi} -n {resources.tasks} amdahl > {output}"

Now we have a rule that can be used to generate output from runs of an arbitrary number of parallel tasks.

Comments in Snakefiles

In the above code, the line beginning # is a comment line. Hopefully you are already in the habit of adding comments to your own scripts. Good comments make any script more readable, and this is just as true with Snakefiles.

Since our rule is now capable of generating an arbitrary number of output files things could get very crowded in our current directory. It’s probably best then to put the runs into a separate folder to keep things tidy. We can add the folder directly to our output and Snakemake will take of directory creation for us:


rule amdahl_run:
    output: "runs/amdahl_run_{parallel_tasks}.txt"
      # No direct way to access the wildcard in tasks, so we need to do this
      # indirectly by declaring a short function that takes the wildcards as an
      # argument
      tasks=lambda wildcards: int(wildcards.parallel_tasks)
        "{resources.mpi} -n {resources.tasks} amdahl > {output}"


Create an output file (under the runs folder) for the case where we have 6 parallel tasks

(HINT: Remember that Snakemake needs to be able to match the requested file to the output from a rule)


snakemake --profile cluster_profile runs/amdahl_run_6.txt

Another thing about our application amdahl is that we ultimately want to process the output to generate our scaling plot. The output right now is useful for reading but makes processing harder. amdahl has an option that actually makes this easier for us. To see the amdahl options we can use


[ocaisa@node1 ~]$ module load amdahl
[ocaisa@node1 ~]$ amdahl --help


usage: amdahl [-h] [-p [PARALLEL_PROPORTION]] [-w [WORK_SECONDS]] [-t] [-e]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Parallel proportion should be a float between 0 and 1
  -w [WORK_SECONDS], --work-seconds [WORK_SECONDS]
                        Total seconds of workload, should be an integer greater than 0
  -t, --terse           Enable terse output
  -e, --exact           Disable random jitter

The option we are looking for is --terse, and that will make amdahl print output in a format that is much easier to process, JSON. JSON format in a file typically uses the file extension .json so let’s add that option to our shell command and change the file format of the output to match our new command:


rule amdahl_run:
    output: "runs/amdahl_run_{parallel_tasks}.json"
      # No direct way to access the wildcard in tasks, so we need to do this
      # indirectly by declaring a short function that takes the wildcards as an
      # argument
      tasks=lambda wildcards: int(wildcards.parallel_tasks)
        "{resources.mpi} -n {resources.tasks} amdahl --terse > {output}"

There was another parameter for amdahl that caught my eye. amdahl has an option --parallel-proportion (or -p) which we might be interested in changing as it changes the behaviour of the code,and therefore has an impact on the values we get in our results. Let’s add another directory layer to our output format to reflect a particular choice for this value. We can use a wildcard so we done have to choose the value right away:


rule amdahl_run:
    output: "p_{parallel_proportion}/runs/amdahl_run_{parallel_tasks}.json"
      # No direct way to access the wildcard in tasks, so we need to do this
      # indirectly by declaring a short function that takes the wildcards as an
      # argument
      tasks=lambda wildcards: int(wildcards.parallel_tasks)
        "{resources.mpi} -n {resources.tasks} amdahl --terse -p {wildcards.parallel_proportion} > {output}"


Create an output file for a value of -p of 0.999 (the default value is 0.8) for the case where we have 6 parallel tasks.


snakemake --profile cluster_profile p_0.999/runs/amdahl_run_6.json

Key Points

  • “Snakemake chooses the appropriate rule by replacing wildcards such that the output matches the target”
  • “Snakemake checks for various error conditions and will stop if it sees a problem”