Introduction to good practices in research software development
- Software engineering tools and skills can increase development speed over time
- You do not always need to apply all the best practices. For simple short-lived projects it is not always worth the investment.
Modular Code Development
- Software is built from smaller, self-contained elements, each handling specific tasks.
- Modular code enhances robustness, readability, and ease of maintenance.
- Modules can be reused across projects, promoting efficiency.
- Good modules perform limited, defined tasks and have descriptive names.
- Focus on readability and use tests to guide modularization.
Document your research software
- Depending on the purpose and state of the project documentation needs to meet different criteria.
- Good README files provide a good landing place for anyone that is new to your project.
- Comments should describe the why for your code not the what.
- Writing docstrings can be a good way to write documentation while you type code since it also makes it possible to query that information from outside the code or to auto-generate documentation pages.
- There are various tools for generating and deploying documentations which translate a set of plain text sources into various output formats.
- Tests are meant for preserving functionality by detecting new errors early and facilitating reproducibility for research software.
- Tests can help users in verifying correct installation and improving correctness for research output.
- Tests enable developers to make refactoring easier and simplify external contributions.
- Test-Driven Development (TDD) is an optional tool in your toolbox.
Continuous Integration
- Use GitHub Actions to automate checking your code each time you push changes to the repository.