Modular Code Development

Last updated on 2025-03-13 | Edit this page



  • What are the benefits of writing modular code in terms of maintenance and scalability?
  • How can nested code be targeted and improved through modularization?


  • Understand the key characteristics that make code modular and why it is advantageous.
  • Learn strategies for identifying potential modules within complex code to improve readability and reusability.

What is modularity?

Modularity refers to the practice of building software from smaller, self-contained, and independent elements. Each element is designed to handle a specific set of tasks, contributing to the overall functionality of the system.

We will explain modular coding in the slides. You can view the slides here.

Modularity (20 min)

In a new directory (e.g. mkdir temperature_conversion), carefully review the following code snippet:


def convert_temperature(temperature, unit):
    if unit == "F":
        # Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
        celsius = (temperature - 32) * (5 / 9)
        if celsius < -273.15:
            # Invalid temperature, below absolute zero
            return "Invalid temperature"
            # Convert Celsius to Kelvin
            kelvin = celsius + 273.15
            if kelvin < 0:
                # Invalid temperature, below absolute zero
                return "Invalid temperature"
                fahrenheit = (celsius * (9 / 5)) + 32
                if fahrenheit < -459.67:
                    # Invalid temperature, below absolute zero
                    return "Invalid temperature"
                    return celsius, kelvin
    elif unit == "C":
        # Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
        fahrenheit = (temperature * (9 / 5)) + 32
        if fahrenheit < -459.67:
            # Invalid temperature, below absolute zero
            return "Invalid temperature"
            # Convert Celsius to Kelvin
            kelvin = temperature + 273.15
            if kelvin < 0:
                # Invalid temperature, below absolute zero
                return "Invalid temperature"
                return fahrenheit, kelvin
    elif unit == "K":
        # Convert Kelvin to Celsius
        celsius = temperature - 273.15
        if celsius < -273.15:
            # Invalid temperature, below absolute zero
            return "Invalid temperature"
            # Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
            fahrenheit = (celsius * (9 / 5)) + 32
            if fahrenheit < -459.67:
                # Invalid temperature, below absolute zero
                return "Invalid temperature"
                return celsius, fahrenheit
        return "Invalid unit"

Refactor the code by extracting functions without altering its functionality.

  • What functions did you create?
  • What strategies did you use to identify them?

Share your answers in the collaborative document.


def celsius_to_fahrenheit(celsius):
    return (celsius * (9 / 5)) + 32

def fahrenheit_to_celsius(fahrenheit):
    return (fahrenheit - 32) * (5 / 9)

def celsius_to_kelvin(celsius):
    return celsius + 273.15

def kelvin_to_celsius(kelvin):
    return kelvin - 273.15

def check_temperature_validity(temperature, unit):
    abs_zero = {"C": -273.15, "F": -459.67, "K": 0}
    if temperature < abs_zero[unit]:
        return False
    return True

def check_unit_validity(unit):
    if not unit in ["C", "F", "K"]:
        return False
    return True

def convert_temperature(temperature, unit):
    Converts a temperature from one unit to another.

        temperature (float): The temperature to convert.
        unit (str): The unit of the temperature. Must be "C", "F", or "K".

        tuple: A tuple containing the converted temperature in Celsius and Kelvin units.

        ValueError: If the unit is not "C", "F", or "K".
        ValueError: If the temperature is below absolute zero for the given unit.

        >>> convert_temperature(32, "F")
        (0.0, 273.15)
        >>> convert_temperature(0, "C")
        (32.0, 273.15)
        >>> convert_temperature(273.15, "K")
        (0.0, -459.67)
    if not check_unit_validity(unit):
        raise ValueError("Invalid unit")
    if not check_temperature_validity(temperature, unit):
        raise ValueError("Invalid temperature")
    if unit == "F":
        celsius = fahrenheit_to_celsius(temperature)
        kelvin = celsius_to_kelvin(celsius)
        return celsius, kelvin
    if unit == "C":
        fahrenheit = celsius_to_fahrenheit(temperature)
        kelvin = celsius_to_kelvin(temperature)
        return fahrenheit, kelvin
    if unit == "K":
        celsius = kelvin_to_celsius(temperature)
        fahrenheit = celsius_to_fahrenheit(celsius)
        return celsius, fahrenheit

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(convert_temperature(0, "C"))
    print(convert_temperature(0, "F"))
    print(convert_temperature(0, "K"))
    print(convert_temperature(-500, "K"))
    print(convert_temperature(-500, "C"))
    print(convert_temperature(-500, "F"))
    print(convert_temperature(-500, "B"))


class TemperatureConverter:
    A class for converting temperatures between Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin.

    def __init__(self):
        Initializes the TemperatureConverter object with a dictionary of absolute zero temperatures for each unit.
        self.abs_zero = {"C": -273.15, "F": -459.67, "K": 0}

    def celsius_to_fahrenheit(self, celsius):
        return (celsius * (9 / 5)) + 32

    def fahrenheit_to_celsius(self, fahrenheit):
        return (fahrenheit - 32) * (5 / 9)

    def celsius_to_kelvin(self, celsius):
        return celsius + 273.15

    def kelvin_to_celsius(self, kelvin):
        return kelvin - 273.15

    def check_temperature_validity(self, temperature, unit):
        if temperature < self.abs_zero[unit]:
            return False
        return True

    def check_unit_validity(self, unit):
        if unit not in ["C", "F", "K"]:
            return False
        return True

    def convert_temperature(self, temperature, unit):
        if not self.check_unit_validity(unit):
            raise ValueError("Invalid unit")
        if not self.check_temperature_validity(temperature, unit):
            raise ValueError("Invalid temperature")
        if unit == "F":
            celsius = self.fahrenheit_to_celsius(temperature)
            kelvin = self.celsius_to_kelvin(celsius)
            return celsius, kelvin
        if unit == "C":
            fahrenheit = self.celsius_to_fahrenheit(temperature)
            kelvin = self.celsius_to_kelvin(temperature)
            return fahrenheit, kelvin
        if unit == "K":
            celsius = self.kelvin_to_celsius(temperature)
            fahrenheit = self.celsius_to_fahrenheit(celsius)
            return celsius, fahrenheit

if __name__ == "__main__":
    converter = TemperatureConverter()
    print(converter.convert_temperature(0, "C"))
    print(converter.convert_temperature(0, "F"))
    print(converter.convert_temperature(0, "K"))
    print(converter.convert_temperature(-500, "K"))
    print(convert_temperature(-500, "C"))
    print(convert_temperature(-500, "F"))
    print(convert_temperature(0, "X"))

Key Points

  • Software is built from smaller, self-contained elements, each handling specific tasks.
  • Modular code enhances robustness, readability, and ease of maintenance.
  • Modules can be reused across projects, promoting efficiency.
  • Good modules perform limited, defined tasks and have descriptive names.
  • Focus on readability and use tests to guide modularization.