Getting Started

Figure 1

A 3d rendering of a sinc function.
A 3D surface plot

Introduction to Julia

Types and Dispatch

Simulating the Solar System

Figure 1

the three-body problem
Possible random orbits for two and three particles.

Packages and environments

Package development

Best practices

Type Stability

Reducing allocations on the Logistic Map

Figure 1

a grid of 8 different plots with qualitative different behaviour
Orbits of logistic map for 8 different values of \(r\).

Figure 2

indescribable beauty
The bifurcation diagram

Value types: game of life

Figure 1

boxes and arrows

Figure 2

boxes and arrows

Figure 3

a curious collection of chaotic pixels

Threads, ASync and Tasks

GPU Programming

Recap and Recommended libraries

Appendix: Iterators and type stability