Introduction to Julia

Last updated on 2025-02-10 | Edit this page



  • How do I write elementary programs in Julia?
  • What are the differences with Python/MATLAB/R?


  • functions
  • loops
  • conditionals
  • scoping

Unfortunately, it lies outside the scope of this workshop to give an introduction to the full Julia language. Instead, we’ll briefly show the basic syntax, and then focus on some key differences with other popular languages.

About Julia

These are some words that we will write down: never forget.

  • A just-in-time compiled, dynamically typed language
  • multiple dispatch
  • expression based syntax
  • rich macro system

Oddities for Pythonistas:

  • 1-based indexing
  • lexical scoping

Better well stolen … Always ask when learning a new language: what are the primitives, the means of combination and the means of abstraction. Many languages are very similar in these regards, so we’ll look at things that are different:

What Procedures Data
primitives standard library (numbers, strings, etc.) arrays, symbols, channels
means of combination (for, if etc.) broadcasting, do tuples, struct, expressions
means of abstraction functions, dispatch, macros (no classes!) abstract type, generics


How is Julia evaluated? Types only instantiate at run-time, triggering the compile time specialization of untyped functions.

  • Julia can be “easy”, because the user doesn’t have to tinker with types.
  • Julia can be “fast”, as soon as the compiler knows all the types.

When a function is called with a hitherto new type signature, compilation is triggered. Julia’s biggest means of abstraction: multiple dispatch is only an emergent property of this evaluation strategy.

Julia has a heritage from functional programming languages (nowadays well hidden not to scare people). What we get from this:

  • expression based syntax: everything is an expression, meaning it reduces to a value
  • a rich macro system: we can extend the language itself to suit our needs (not covered in this workshop)

Julia is designed to replace MATLAB:

  • high degree of built-in support for multi-dimensional arrays and linear algebra
  • ecosystem of libraries around numeric modelling

Julia is designed to replace Fortran:

  • high performance
  • accelerate using Threads or through the GPU interfaces
  • scalable through Distributed or MPI

Julia is designed to replace Conda:

  • quality package system with pre-compiled binary libraries for system dependencies
  • highly reproducible
  • easy to use on HPC facilities

Julia is not (some people might get angry for this):

  • a suitable scripting language
  • a systems programming language like C or Rust (imagine waiting for ls to compile every time you run it)
  • replacing either C or Python anytime soon


Functions are declared with the function keyword. The block or function body is ended with end. All blocks in Julia end with end.


const G = 6.6743e-11

function gravitational_force(m1, m2, r)
  return G * m1 * m2 / r^2

There is a shorter syntax for functions that is useful for one-liners:


gravitational_force(m1, m2, r) = G * m1 * m2 / r^2

Anonymous functions (or lambdas)

Julia inherits a lot of concepts from functional programming. There are two ways to define anonymous functions:


F_g = function(m1, m2, r)
  return G * m1 * m2 / r^2

And a shorter syntax,


F_g = (m1, m2, r) -> G * m1 * m2 / r^2

Higher order functions

Use the map function in combination with an anonymous function to compute the squares of the first ten integers (use 1:10 to create that range).

Read the documentation of map using the ? help mode in the REPL.


map(x -> x^2, 1:10)

In fact, we’ll see that map is not often used, since Julia has many better ways to express mapping operations of this kind.

If statements, for loops

Here’s another function that’s a little more involved.


function is_prime(x)
  if x < 2
    return false

  for i = 2:isqrt(x)
    if x % i == 0
      return false

  return true


The for loop iterates over the range 2:isqrt(x). We’ll see that Julia indexes sequences starting at integer value 1. This usually implies that ranges are given inclusive on both ends: for example, collect(3:6) evaluates to [3, 4, 5, 6].

More on for-loops

Loop iterations can be skipped using continue, or broken with break, identical to C or Python.


The i == j && continue is a short-cut notation for


if i == j

We could also have written i != j || continue.

In general, the || and && operators can be chained to check increasingly stringent tests. For example:


inbounds(Bool, i, data) && data[i] < 10 && return 3*data[i]

Here, the second condition can only be evaluated if the first one was true.

Rewrite the is_prime function using this notation.


function is_prime(x)
    x < 2 && return false
    for i = 2:isqrt(x)
        x % i == 0 && return false
    return true


Return statement

In Julia, the return statement is not always strictly necessary. Every statement is an expression, meaning that it has a value. The value of a compound block is simply that of its last expression. In the above function however, we have a non-local return: once we find a divider for a number, we know the number is not prime, and we don’t need to check any further.

Many people find it more readable however, to always have an explicit return.

The fact that the return statement is optional for normal function exit is part of a larger philosophy: everything is an expression.

Lexical scoping

Julia is lexically scoped. This means that variables do not outlive the block that they’re defined in. In a nutshell, this means the following:


let s = 42

  for s = 1:5




In effect, the variable s inside the for-loop is said to shadow the outer definition. Here, we also see a first example of a let binding, creating a scope for some temporary variables to live in.

Loops and conditionals

Write a loop that prints out all primes below 100.


for i in 1:100
  if is_prime(i)

If you like to collect those into a vector, try the following:


1:100 |> filter(is_prime) |> collect


Julia has macros. These are invocations that change the behaviour of a given piece of code. In effect, arguments of a macro are syntactic forms that can be rewritten by the macro. These can reduce the amount of code you need to write to express certain concepts. You can recognize macro calls by the @ sign in front of them.


@assert true "This will always pass"
@assert false "Oh, noes!"
@macroexpand @assert false "Oh, noes!"

We will explain some macro’s as they are used. We won’t get into writing macros ourselves. They can be incredibly useful, but should also come with a warning: overuse of macros can make your code non-idiomatic and therefore harder to read. Also macro-heavy frameworks tend to be harder to debug, and often lack in composability.

Arrays and broadcasting

Julia has built-in support for multi-dimensional arrays. Any function that can be applied to single values, can also be applied to entire arrays using the concept of broadcasting.


x = -2π:0.01:2π
y = sin.(x)

Notice that the broadcasting mechanism works transparently over ranges as well as arrays. We can sequence broadcasted operations:


y = sin.(x) ./ x

The compiler will fuse chained broadcasting operations into a single loop. We could spend half the workshop on getting good at array based operations, but we won’t. Instead, we refer to the Julia documentation on arrays. During the rest of the workshop you will be exposed to array based computation here and there.

Key Points

  • Julia has if-else, for, while, function and module blocks that are not dissimilar from other languages.
  • Blocks are all ended with end.
  • Always enclose code in functions because functions are compiled
  • Don’t use global mutable variables
  • Julia variables are not visible outside the block in which they’re defined (unlike Python).