Instructor Notes


Introduction to RNA-seqWhat are we measuring in an RNA-seq experiment?Experimental design considerationsRNA-seq quantification: from reads to count matrixFinding the reference sequencesWhere are we heading towards in this workshop?

RStudio Project and Experimental Data

Importing and annotating quantified data into R

Exploratory analysis and quality control

Differential expression analysis

Instructor Note

The function to generate a DESeqDataSet needs to be adapted depending on the input type, e.g,


#From SummarizedExperiment object
ddsSE <- DESeqDataSet(se, design = ~ sex + time)

#From count matrix
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = assays(se)$counts,
                              colData = colData(se),
                              design = ~ sex + time)

Instructor Note

DESeq2 uses the “Relative Log Expression” (RLE) method to calculate sample-wise size factors tĥat account for read depth and library composition. edgeR uses the “Trimmed Mean of M-Values” (TMM) method to account for library size differences and compositional effects. edgeR’s normalization factors and DESeq2’s size factors yield similar results, but are not equivalent theoretical parameters.

Instructor Note

Both of the below ways of specifying the contrast are essentially equivalent. The name parameter can be accessed using resultsNames().


resTime <- results(dds, contrast = c("time", "Day8", "Day0"))
resTime <- results(dds, name = "time_Day8_vs_Day0")

Extra exploration of design matrices

Gene set enrichment analysis

Next steps