This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

Reproducible computational environments using containers: Introduction to Apptainer: Instructor Notes

Resouces for Instructors

Workshop Structure

[Instructors, please add notes here reporting on your experiences of teaching this module, either standalone, or as part of a wider workshop.]

This course has been run both online and in person. Experience suggests that this Singularity module requires between 5 and 6 hours of time to run effectively. The main aspect that takes a significant amount of time is the material at the end of the module looking at building a Singularity image containing an MPI code and then running this in parallel on an HPC platform. The variation in timing depends on how much experience the learners already have with running parallel jobs on HPC platforms and how much they wish to go into the details of the processes of running parallel jobs. For some groups of learners, the MPI use case is not something that is relevant and they may request to cover this material without the section on running parallel MPI jobs. In this case, the material can comfortably be compelted in 4 hours.

Technical tips and tricks

Pre-workshop Planning / Installation / Setup

As highlighted above, this module is designed to support learners who wish to use Singularity on an HPC cluster. Elements of the module are therefore designed to be run on a High Performance Computing cluster (i.e. clusters that run SLURM, SGE, or other job scheduling software). It is possible for learners to undertake large parts of the module on their own computer. However, since a key use case for Singularity containers is their use on HPC infrastructure, it is recommended that an HPC platform be used in the teaching of this module. In such a case, if Singularity is not already on the cluster, admin rights would be required to install Singularity cluster-wide. Practically, it is likely that this will require a support ticket to be raised with cluster administrators and may require some time for them to investigate the software if they are unfamiliar with Singularity.

Common problems

Some installs of Singularity require the use of --bind for compatibility between the container and the host system, if the host system does not have a directory that is a default or required directory in the container that directory will need to be bound elsewhere in order to work correctly: (i.e. --bind /data:/mnt)