Write functions!

Last updated on 2024-11-14 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 20 minutes



  • “How do I call a function?”
  • “Where can I find help about using a function?”
  • “What are methods?”


  • “usage of positional and keyword arguments”
  • “defining named and anonymous functions”
  • “reading error messages”

Working with functions

Now that Melissa successfully installed the package she wants to figure out what she can do with it.

Julia’s Base module offers a handy function for inspecting other modules called names. Let’s look at its docstring; remember that pressing ? opens the help?> prompt:


help?> names


   names(x::Module; all::Bool = false, imported::Bool = false)

    Get an array of the names exported by a Module, excluding deprecated names.
    If all is true, then the list also includes non-exported names defined in
    the module, deprecated names, and compiler-generated names. If imported is
    true, then names explicitly imported from other modules are also included.

    As a special case, all names defined in Main are considered "exported",
    since it is not idiomatic to explicitly export names from Main.

In Julia we have two types of arguments: positional and keyword, separated by a semi-colon.

  1. Positional arguments are determined by their position and thus the order in which arguments are given to the function matters.
  2. Keyword arguments are passed as a combination of the keyword and the value to the function. They can be given in any order, but they need to have a default value.


Let’s take a closer look at the signature of the names function:


names(x::Module; all::Bool = false, imported::Bool = false)

It takes three arguments:

  1. x, a positional argument of type Module, followed by a ;
  2. all, a keyword argument of type Bool with a default value of false
  3. imported, another Bool keyword argument that defaults to false

Suppose Melissa wanted to get all names of the Trebuchets module, including those that are not exported. What would the function call look like?

  1. names(Trebuchets, true)
  2. names(Trebuchets, all = true)
  3. names(Trebuchets, all)
  4. names(Trebuchets; all = true)
  5. Answer 2 and 4
  1. Both arguments are present, but true is presented without a keyword. This throws a MethodError: no method matching names(::Module, ::Bool)
  2. This is a correct call.
  3. Two arguments are present, but the keyword all is not assigned a value. This throws a MethodError: no method matching names(::Module, ::typeof(all))
  4. This is also correct: you can specify where the positional arguments end with the ;, but you do not have to.
  5. This is the most correct answer.

Before starting to work in a new document, Melissa has to:

Activate her environment


using Pkg
Pkg.activate(joinpath(@__DIR__, "projects", "trebuchet"))
  Activating project at `~/projects/trebuchet`

Importing the package under its modified name


import Trebuchet as Trebuchets

Defining the structures


mutable struct Trebuchet <: AbstractVector{Float64}

struct Environment

Now she can execute




6-element Vector{Symbol}:

which yields the exported names of the Trebuchets module. By convention types are named with CamelCase while functions typically have snake_case. Since Melissa is interested in simulating shots, she looks at the shoot function from Trebuchets (again, using ?):


help?> Trebuchets.shoot


  shoot(ws, angle, w)
  shoot((ws, angle, w))

  Shoots a Trebuchet with weight w in kg. Releases the weight at the release
  angle angle in radians. The current wind speed is ws in m/s.
  Returns (t, dist), with travel time t in s and travelled distance dist in m.

Generic functions and methods

In the output we see that shoot has two different argument signatures: one with three arguments and one with a Tuple of three elements as its single argument. These two signatures correspond to two different implementations. In our case one is calling the other.

Functions of the same name with different argument signatures are called methods of a generic function of that name. In our example we have two methods of the shoot generic function.

Almost all function in Julia are generic functions and in particular all user defined functions. An example with particularly many methods is +. You can list its methods by executing methods(+), for example.

Julia determines which method to apply to a tuple of arguments according to set of rules, which are documented in the Julia Manual’s Methods section.

Now she is ready to fire the first shot.


Trebuchets.shoot(5, 0.25pi, 500)


(Trebuchet.TrebuchetState(Trebuchet.Lengths{Float64}(1.524, 2.0702016, 0.5334, 0.6096, 2.0826984, 0.8311896, 0.037947600000000005), Trebuchet.Masses{Float64}(226.796185, 0.14877829736, 4.8307587405), Trebuchet.Angles{Float64}(-0.4328124904398228, 1.1928977546511481, 1.437218009822302), Trebuchet.AnglularVelocities{Float64}(-6.80709816163242, 10.240657933288563, -22.420510883318446), Trebuchet.Constants{Float64}(5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 9.80665, 0.7853981633974482), Trebuchet.Inertias{Float64}(0.042140110093804806, 2.7288719786342384), Val{:End}(), 60.0, Trebuchet.Vec(114.88494815382731, -1.5239999999999991), Trebuchet.Vec(10.886295450427806, -21.290442812748466), Solution(387)
, 3.943408301947865, Val{:Released}()), 114.88494815382731)

That is a lot of output, but Melissa is actually only interested in the distance, which is the second element of the tuple that was returned. So she tries again and grabs the second element this time:


Trebuchets.shoot(5, 0.25pi, 500)[2]



which means the shot traveled approximately 118 m.

Defining functions

Melissa wants to make her future work easier and she fears she might forget to take the second element. That’s why she puts it together in a function like this:


function shoot_distance(windspeed, angle, weight)
       Trebuchets.shoot(windspeed, angle, weight)[2]


shoot_distance (generic function with 1 method)

Implicit return

Note that Melissa didn’t have to use the return keyword, since in Julia the value of the last line will be returned by default. But she could have used an explicit return and the function would behave the same.

Now Melissa can just call her wrapper function:


shoot_distance(5, 0.25pi, 500)



Adding methods

Since Melissa wants to work with the structs Trebuchet and Environment, she adds another convenience method for those:


function shoot_distance(trebuchet::Trebuchet, env::Environment)
     shoot_distance(env.wind, trebuchet.release_angle, trebuchet.counterweight)


shoot_distance (generic function with 2 methods)

This method will call the former method and pass the correct fields from the Trebuchet and Environment structures.

Slurping and splatting

By peeking into the documentation, Melissa discovers that she doesn’t need to explicitly declare all the input arguments. Instead she can slurp the arguments in the function definition and splat them in the function body using three dots (...) like this:


function shoot_distance(args...) # slurping
     Trebuchets.shoot(args...)[2] # splatting


shoot_distance (generic function with 3 methods)

Anonymous functions

Sometimes it is useful to have a new function and not have to come up with a new name. These are anonymous functions. They can be defined with either the so-called stabby lambda notation,


(windspeed, angle, weight) -> Trebuchets.shoot(windspeed, angle, weight)[2]


#1 (generic function with 1 method)

or in long form, by omitting the name:


function (windspeed, angle, weight)
      Trebuchets.shoot(windspeed, angle, weight)[2]


#3 (generic function with 1 method)

Calling methods

Now, that she defined all these methods she tests calling a few


shoot_distance(5, 0.25pi, 500)




shoot_distance([5, 0.25pi, 500])



For the other method she needs to construct Trebuchet and Environment objects first


env = Environment(5, 100)


Environment(5.0, 100.0)


trebuchet = Trebuchet(500, 0.25pi)


MethodError: no method matching size(::Trebuchet)

Closest candidates are:
  size(::AbstractArray{T, N}, !Matched::Any) where {T, N}
   @ Base abstractarray.jl:42
  size(!Matched::Union{LinearAlgebra.QR, LinearAlgebra.QRCompactWY, LinearAlgebra.QRPivoted})
   @ LinearAlgebra /opt/hostedtoolcache/julia/1.9.4/x64/share/julia/stdlib/v1.9/LinearAlgebra/src/qr.jl:582
  size(!Matched::Union{LinearAlgebra.QR, LinearAlgebra.QRCompactWY, LinearAlgebra.QRPivoted}, !Matched::Integer)
   @ LinearAlgebra /opt/hostedtoolcache/julia/1.9.4/x64/share/julia/stdlib/v1.9/LinearAlgebra/src/qr.jl:581

Errors and finding documentation

This error tells her two things:

  1. a function named size was called
  2. it didn’t have a method for Trebuchet

Melissa wants to add the missing method to size but she doesn’t know where it is defined. There is a handy macro named @which that obtains the module where the function is defined.


Macro names begin with @ and they don’t need parentheses or commas to delimit their arguments. Macros can transform any valid Julia expression and are quite powerful. They can be expanded by prepending @macroexpand to the macro call of interest.


@which size



Now Melissa knows she needs to add a method to Base.size with the signature (::Trebuchet).

She can also lookup the docstring using the @doc macro


@doc size


  size(A::AbstractArray, [dim])

  Return a tuple containing the dimensions of A. Optionally you can specify a
  dimension to just get the length of that dimension.

  Note that size may not be defined for arrays with non-standard indices, in
  which case axes may be useful. See the manual chapter on arrays with custom

  See also: length, ndims, eachindex, sizeof.


  julia> A = fill(1, (2,3,4));

  julia> size(A)
  (2, 3, 4)

  julia> size(A, 2)


  Return a tuple with the size of the buffer.

  size(g, i)

  Return the number of vertices in g if i=1 or i=2, or 1 otherwise.


  julia> using Graphs

  julia> g = cycle_graph(4);

  julia> size(g, 1)

  julia> size(g, 2)

  julia> size(g, 3)

With that information she can now implement this method:


function Base.size(::Trebuchet)
     return tuple(2)

But that is a 3 lines of text for a very short definition. Melissa can also using the short form notation to fit this in a single line:


Base.size(::Trebuchet) = tuple(2)

!!! callout Omitting unneeded arguments Melissa could also name the argument in the signature. Like this: (trebuchet::Trebuchet), but since the argument is not needed to compute the output of the function she can omit it. The argument is in this case only used to dispatch to the correct method. Now she can try again


trebuchet = Trebuchet(500, 0.25pi)


CanonicalIndexError: getindex not defined for Trebuchet

Again, there is an error but this time the error message is different: It’s no longer a method for size that is missing but for getindex. She looks up the documentation for that function


@doc getindex


  getindex(type[, elements...])

  Construct a 1-d array of the specified type. This is usually called with the
  syntax Type[]. Element values can be specified using Type[a,b,c,...].


  julia> Int8[1, 2, 3]
  3-element Vector{Int8}:

  julia> getindex(Int8, 1, 2, 3)
  3-element Vector{Int8}:

  getindex(collection, key...)

  Retrieve the value(s) stored at the given key or index within a collection.
  The syntax a[i,j,...] is converted by the compiler to getindex(a, i, j,

  See also get, keys, eachindex.


  julia> A = Dict("a" => 1, "b" => 2)
  Dict{String, Int64} with 2 entries:
    "b" => 2
    "a" => 1

  julia> getindex(A, "a")

  getindex(A, inds...)

  Return a subset of array A as specified by inds, where each ind may be, for
  example, an Int, an AbstractRange, or a Vector. See the manual section on
  array indexing for details.


  julia> A = [1 2; 3 4]
  2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
   1  2
   3  4

  julia> getindex(A, 1)

  julia> getindex(A, [2, 1])
  2-element Vector{Int64}:

  julia> getindex(A, 2:4)
  3-element Vector{Int64}:

  getindex(tree::GitTree, target::AbstractString) -> GitObject

  Look up target path in the tree, returning a GitObject (a GitBlob in the
  case of a file, or another GitTree if looking up a directory).


  tree = LibGit2.GitTree(repo, "HEAD^{tree}")
  readme = tree["README.md"]
  subtree = tree["test"]
  runtests = subtree["runtests.jl"]


  Returns the current value of observable.

  getindex(A::ArrayPartition, i::Colon, j...)

  Returns the entry at index j... of every partition of A.

  getindex(A::ArrayPartition, ::Colon)

  Returns a vector with all elements of array partition A.

  v = sd[k]

  Argument sd is a SortedDict and k is a key. In an expression, this retrieves
  the value (v) associated with the key (or KeyError if none). On the
  left-hand side of an assignment, this assigns or reassigns the value
  associated with the key. (For assigning and reassigning, see also insert!
  below.) Time: O(c log n)


  Get the i-th element of CircularBuffer.

    •  cb[1] to get the element at the front

    •  cb[end] to get the element at the back

  getindex(tree, ind)

  Gets the key present at index ind of the tree. Indexing is done in
  increasing order of key.


  Return the subgraph induced by iter. Equivalent to induced_subgraph(g,

Note that the documentation for all methods gets shown and Melissa needs to look for the relevant method first. In this case its the paragraph starting with

getindex(A, inds...)

After a bit of pondering the figures it should be enough to add a method for getindex with a single number.

getindex(trebuchet::Trebuchet, i::Int)

Syntactic sugar

In Julia a[1] is equivalent to getindex(a, 1) and a[2] = 3 to setindex!(a, 3, 2) Likewise a.b is equivalent to getproperty(a, :b) and a.b = 4 to setproperty!(a, :b, 4).

Key Points

  • “You can think of functions being a collection of methods”
  • “Methods are defined by their signature”
  • “The signature is defined by the number of arguments, their order and their type”
  • “Keep the number of positional arguments low”
  • “Macros transform Julia expressions”