Using the package manager

Last updated on 2023-11-15 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 20 minutes



  • “Where do I find packages?”
  • “How do I add packages?”
  • “How can I use packages?”


  • “Learn to add packages using pkg-mode”
  • “Learn to resolve name conflicts”
  • “Learn to activate environments”

The package manager

The package Manager

This chapter focuses on the package mode available within the REPL.

A different aproach would be using the Pkg notation.


using Pkg

If you prefer to use that method and want to know more, remember how to get help.

(for exp. ?Pkg.add)

Now it is time for Melissa and their mates to simulate the launch of the trebuchet. The necessary equations are really complicated, but an investigation on JuliaHub revealed that someone already implemented these and published it as the Julia package Trebuchet.jl. That saves some real work.

Melissa enters package mode by pressing ]:



The julia> prompt becomes a blue pkg> prompt that shows the Julia version that Melissa is running.

After consulting the documentation she knows that the prompt is showing the currently activated environment and that this is the global environment that is activated by default.

However, she doesn’t want to clutter the global environment when working on her project. The default global environment is indicated with (@v1.x) before the pkg> prompt, where x is the minor version number of julia, so on julia 1.7 it will look like (@v1.7). To create a new environment she uses the activate function of the package manager:


(@v1.x) pkg> activate projects/trebuchet
  Activating project at `~/projects/trebuchet`

In this environment she adds the Trebuchet package from its open source code repository on GitHub by typing


(trebuchet) pkg> add Trebuchet

Melissa quickly recognizes that far more packages are being installed than just Trebuchet. These are the dependencies of Trebuchet. From the output


Updating `[...]/projects/trebuchet/Project.toml`
  [98b73d46] + Trebuchet v0.2.1
  Updating `[...]/projects/trebuchet/Manifest.toml`
  [1520ce14] + AbstractTrees v0.3.3
  [79e6a3ab] + Adapt v1.1.0

she sees that two files were created: Project.toml and Manifest.toml.

The project file Project.toml only contains the packages needed for her project, while the manifest file Manifest.toml records the direct and indirect dependencies as well as their current version, thus providing a fully reproducible record of the code that is actually executed. “That is really handy when I want to share my work with the others,” thinks Melissa.

After the installation finished she can check the packages present in her environment.


(trebuchet) pkg> status
Status `~/projects/trebuchet/Project.toml`
  [f6369f11] ForwardDiff v0.10.36
  [295af30f] Revise v3.5.9
  [98b73d46] Trebuchet v0.2.2

Why use GitHub?

Melissa could have added the GitHub version of Trebuchet.jl by typing


(trebuchet) pkg> add Trebuchet#master

In this case the JuliaHub version is the same as the GitHub version, so Melissa does not need to specify the installation.

If you know a package is stable, go ahead and install the default version registered on JuliaHub. Otherwise, it’s good to check how different that version is from the current state of the software project. Click through the link under “Repository” on the JuliaHub package page.

deactivate does not exist, instead …

Melissa can get back to the global environment using activate without any parameters. Note, that any packages that were loaded in the old environment are still loaded in the new environment.


(trebuchet) pkg> activate

Environments stack

What is installed in the default environment can also be loaded in other environments. That is useful for development time convenience packages like BenchmarkTools or JuliaFormatter.

Melissa now returns to her project environment.


(trebuchet) pkg> activate projects/trebuchet

Using and importing packages

Now that Melissa added the package to her environment, she needs to load it. Julia provides two keywords for loading packages: using and import.

The difference is that import brings only the name of the package into the namespace and then all functions in that package need the name in front (prefixed). But packages can define a list of function names to export, which means the functions should be brought into the user’s namespace when he loads the package with using. This makes working at the REPL more convenient.

Name conflicts

It may happen that name conflicts arise. For example Melissa defined a structure named Trebuchet, but the package she added to the environment is also named Trebuchet. Now she would get an error if she tried to import/using it directly. One solution is to assign a nickname or alias to the package upon import using the keyword as:


import Trebuchet as Trebuchets

Key Points

  • “Find packages on JuliaHub”
  • “add packages using pkg> add
  • “use many small environments rather than one big environment”