This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Lesson Title

CuPy and Numba on the GPU


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What is CuPy?

  • What is Numba?

  • Understand copying to and from the GPU (host/device interaction)

  • Understand the similarities and differences between numpy and cupy arrays

  • Understand how speedups are benchmarked

  • Understand what makes for fast GPU spedup functions

  • Explore some available cupy functions that are like those in numpy but are GPU spedup

  • Get experience with GPU spedup ufuncs

  • Get experience with CUDA device functions, which are only called on the GPU (numba.cuda.jit)

Key Points

  • CuPy is NumPy, but for the GPU

  • Data is copied from the CPU (host) to the GPU (device), where it is computed on. After a computation, it need to be copied back to the CPU to be interacted with by numpy, etc

  • %timeit can be used to benchmark the runtime of GPU spedup functions

  • GPU spedup functions are optimized for at least four things: 1. input size 2. compute complexity 3. CPU/GPU copying 4. data type. Concretely, a gpu spedup function can be slow because the input size is too small, the computation is too simple, there is excessive data copying to/from GPU/CPU, and the input types are excessivly large (e.g. np.float64 vs np.float32)

  • Make GPU spedup ufuncs with @numba.vectorize(..., target='cuda')

  • Make CUDA device functions with @numba.cuda.jit(device=True)

CuPy and Numba on the GPU


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What is CuPy?

  • What is Numba?

  • Understand copying to and from the GPU (host/device interaction)

  • Understand the similarities and differences between numpy and cupy arrays

  • Understand how speedups are benchmarked

  • Understand what makes for fast GPU spedup functions

  • Explore some available cupy functions that are like those in numpy but are GPU spedup

  • Get experience with GPU spedup ufuncs

  • Get experience with CUDA device functions, which are only called on the GPU (numba.cuda.jit)

01 :: CuPy and Numba on the GPU

NumPy can be used for array math on the CPU. Array operations are very amenable to execution on a massively parallel GPU. We will not go into the CUDA programming model too much in this tutorial, but the most important thing to remember is that the GPU hardware is designed for data parallelism. Maximum throughput is achieved when you are computing the same operations on many different elements at once.

What is CuPy?

Simply put: CuPy is NumPy, but for the GPU. Preferred Networks created CuPy as the GPU backend for their deep learning library, Chainer, but it also works great as a standalone NumPy-like GPU array library. If you know NumPy, CuPy is a very easy way to get started on the GPU.

Just like NumPy, CuPy offers 3 basic things:

  1. A multidimensional array object, but stored in GPU memory.
  2. A ufunc system that follows broadcast rules, but executes in parallel on the GPU.
  3. A large library of array functions already implemented with CUDA.
import numpy as np
import cupy as cp

CuPy arrays look just like NumPy arrays:

ary = cp.arange(10).reshape((2,5))
array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
       [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]])
(2, 5)
(40, 8)

This array is in the GPU memory of the default GPU (device 0). We can see this by inspecting the special device attribute:

<CUDA Device 0>

We can move data from the CPU to the GPU using the cp.asarray() function:

ary_cpu = np.arange(10)
ary_gpu = cp.asarray(ary_cpu)
print('cpu:', ary_cpu)
print('gpu:', ary_gpu)
cpu: [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
gpu: [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
<CUDA Device 0>

Note that when we print the contents of a GPU array, CuPy is copying the data from the GPU back to the CPU so it can print the results.

If we are done with the data on the GPU, we can convert it back to a NumPy array on the CPU with the cp.asnumpy() function:

ary_cpu_returned = cp.asnumpy(ary_gpu)
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>

GPU Array Math

Most of the NumPy methods are supported in CuPy with identical function names and arguments:

print(ary_gpu * 2)
print(cp.exp(-0.5 * ary_gpu**2))
print(cp.random.normal(loc=5, scale=2.0, size=10))
[ 0  2  4  6  8 10 12 14 16 18]
[1.00000000e+00 6.06530660e-01 1.35335283e-01 1.11089965e-02
 3.35462628e-04 3.72665317e-06 1.52299797e-08 2.28973485e-11
 1.26641655e-14 2.57675711e-18]
[4.95031071 3.70847774 9.60738376 3.07962667 3.41041061 0.0329372
 5.08960913 5.8728781  4.19626586 1.49915832]

You may notice a slight pause when you run these functions the first time. This is because CuPy has to compile the CUDA functions on the fly, and then cache them to disk for reuse in the future.

That’s pretty much it! CuPy is very easy to use and has excellent documentation, which you should become familiar with.

Before we get into GPU performance measurement, let’s switch gears to Numba.

When would I want Numba on the GPU?

Similar to NumPy, Numba can be useful to use with CuPy when you want to:

Numba’s compiler pipeline for transforming Python functions to machine code can be used to generate CUDA functions which can be used standalone or with CuPy. There are two basic approaches supported by Numba:

  1. ufuncs/gufuncs (subject of the rest of this notebook)
  2. CUDA Python kernels (subject of next notebook)

Making new ufuncs for the GPU

Numba has a decorator called vectorize. With it, you can write a kernel in python, and then have it execute on the GPU. You also tell it the dtypes of the returned value and input values. ['int64(int64, int64)'] means return_int64(first_input_arg_is_int64, second_input_arg_is_int64).

Numba has the ability to create compiled ufuncs. You implement a scalar function of all the inputs, and Numba will figure out the broadcast rules for you. Generating a ufunc that uses CUDA requires giving an explicit type signature and setting the target attribute:

from numba import vectorize

@vectorize(['int64(int64, int64)'], target='cuda')
def add_ufunc(x, y):
    return x + y
a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
b = np.array([10, 20, 30, 40])
b_col = b[:, np.newaxis] # b as column array
c = np.arange(4*4).reshape((4,4))

print('a+b:\n', add_ufunc(a, b))
print('b_col + c:\n', add_ufunc(b_col, c))
 [11 22 33 44]

b_col + c:
 [[10 11 12 13]
 [24 25 26 27]
 [38 39 40 41]
 [52 53 54 55]]

A lot of things just happened! Numba automatically:

This is very convenient for testing, but copying data back and forth between the CPU and GPU can be slow and hurt performance. In the next tutorial notebook, you’ll learn about device management, memory allocation, and using CuPy arrays with Numba.

You might be wondering how fast our simple example is on the GPU? Let’s see:

%timeit np.add(b_col, c)   # NumPy on CPU
The slowest run took 38.89 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.14 µs per loop
%timeit add_ufunc(b_col, c) # Numba on GPU
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.13 ms per loop

Wow, the GPU is a lot slower than the CPU. What happened??

This is to be expected because we have (deliberately) misused the GPU in several ways in this example:

Given the above, let’s try an example that is faster on the GPU:

import math  # Note that for the CUDA target, we need to use the scalar functions from the math module, not NumPy

SQRT_2PI = np.float32((2*math.pi)**0.5)  # Precompute this constant as a float32.  Numba will inline it at compile time.

@vectorize(['float32(float32, float32, float32)'], target='cuda')
def gaussian_pdf(x, mean, sigma):
    '''Compute the value of a Gaussian probability density function at x with given mean and sigma.'''
    return math.exp(-0.5 * ((x - mean) / sigma)**2) / (sigma * SQRT_2PI)
# Evaluate the Gaussian distribution PDF a million times!
x = np.random.uniform(-3, 3, size=1000000).astype(np.float32)
mean = np.float32(0.0)
sigma = np.float32(1.0)

# Quick test
gaussian_pdf(x[0], 0.0, 1.0)
array([0.0184202], dtype=float32)
import scipy.stats # for definition of gaussian distribution
norm_pdf = scipy.stats.norm
%timeit norm_pdf.pdf(x, loc=mean, scale=sigma)
10 loops, best of 3: 57.1 ms per loop
%timeit gaussian_pdf(x, mean, sigma)
100 loops, best of 3: 5.09 ms per loop

That’s a pretty large improvement, even including the overhead of copying all the data to and from the GPU. Ufuncs that use special functions (exp, sin, cos, etc) on large float32 data sets run especially well on the GPU.

CUDA Device Functions

Ufuncs are great, but you should not have to cram all of your logic into a single function body. You can also create normal functions that are only called from other functions running on the GPU. (These are similar to CUDA C functions defined with __device__.)

Device functions are created with the numba.cuda.jit decorator:

from numba import cuda

def polar_to_cartesian(rho, theta):
    x = rho * math.cos(theta)
    y = rho * math.sin(theta)
    return x, y  # This is Python, so let's return a tuple

@vectorize(['float32(float32, float32, float32, float32)'], target='cuda')
def polar_distance(rho1, theta1, rho2, theta2):
    x1, y1 = polar_to_cartesian(rho1, theta1)
    x2, y2 = polar_to_cartesian(rho2, theta2)
    return ((x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2)**0.5
n = 1000000
rho1 = np.random.uniform(0.5, 1.5, size=n).astype(np.float32)
theta1 = np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi, size=n).astype(np.float32)
rho2 = np.random.uniform(0.5, 1.5, size=n).astype(np.float32)
theta2 = np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi, size=n).astype(np.float32)
polar_distance(rho1, theta1, rho2, theta2)
array([0.19478771, 1.692399  , 0.4759555 , ..., 0.61696213, 2.0872316 ,
       0.18784152], dtype=float32)

Note that the CUDA compiler aggressively inlines device functions, so there is generally no overhead for function calls. Similarly, the “tuple” returned by polar_to_cartesian is not actually created as a Python object, but represented temporarily as a struct, which is then optimized away by the compiler.

We can compare this to doing the same thing on the CPU, still using Numba:

import numba

def polar_to_cartesian_cpu(rho, theta):
    x = rho * math.cos(theta)
    y = rho * math.sin(theta)
    return x, y  # This is Python, so let's return a tuple

@vectorize(['float32(float32, float32, float32, float32)'])  # default target is CPU
def polar_distance_cpu(rho1, theta1, rho2, theta2):
    x1, y1 = polar_to_cartesian_cpu(rho1, theta1)
    x2, y2 = polar_to_cartesian_cpu(rho2, theta2)
    return ((x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2)**0.5

np.testing.assert_allclose(polar_distance(rho1, theta1, rho2, theta2),
                           polar_distance_cpu(rho1, theta1, rho2, theta2),
                           rtol=1e-7, atol=5e-7)
%timeit polar_distance_cpu(rho1, theta1, rho2, theta2)
%timeit polar_distance(rho1, theta1, rho2, theta2)
10 loops, best of 3: 26.8 ms per loop
100 loops, best of 3: 9.72 ms per loop

Not a bad speedup, and we’re still doing quite a few GPU memory allocations and data copies.

Allowed Python on the GPU

Compared to Numba on the CPU (which is already limited), Numba on the GPU has more limitations. Supported Python includes:

See the Numba manual for more details.

Key Points

  • CuPy is NumPy, but for the GPU

  • Data is copied from the CPU (host) to the GPU (device), where it is computed on. After a computation, it need to be copied back to the CPU to be interacted with by numpy, etc

  • %timeit can be used to benchmark the runtime of GPU spedup functions

  • GPU spedup functions are optimized for at least four things: 1. input size 2. compute complexity 3. CPU/GPU copying 4. data type. Concretely, a gpu spedup function can be slow because the input size is too small, the computation is too simple, there is excessive data copying to/from GPU/CPU, and the input types are excessivly large (e.g. np.float64 vs np.float32)

  • Make GPU spedup ufuncs with @numba.vectorize(..., target='cuda')

  • Make CUDA device functions with @numba.cuda.jit(device=True)