Instructor Notes

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Introduction to good practices in research software development

Refer to this introduction

For each new tool that you introduce you can refer back to the ideas in this introduction: The tool can add overhead in simple projects, but can speed up development in more complex projects.

Modular Code Development

Document your research software

Instructor Note

Use these slides as a guidance.

The main purpose of this lesson is to make sure participants understand that DOCUMENTATION IS IMPORTANT. The goal is more to trigger participants then to teach them all the different ways one could document a project. It is good to communicate this (and that this will give more time for the other parts of the workshop).

Instructor Note

You can show the example documentation deployed on GitHub pages here:

Then, you can show that this content comes from simple markdown files, like:

In addition, you can explain that with a few settings you can automatically generate documentation from docstrings. You can give as an example.


Continuous Integration