Summary and Schedule

This lesson aims to teach responsible machine learning practices with a focus on fairness, explainability, reproducibility, and safety.


  • Participants should have experience using Python.
  • Participants should have a basic understanding of machine learning (e.g., familiar with the concepts like train/test split and cross-validation) and should have trained at least one model in the past.
  • Participants should care about the interpretability, reproducibility, and/or fairness of the models they build.
  • Participants should have domain knowledge of the field they work in and want to build models for.

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.

Clone the git project

There are a number of files we need to conduct the workshop. By cloning the git repository, you will be able to have a copy of all of the necessary files and functions required to run through the exercises.

  1. Click the link below to open the Github page.
  2. Click the green “Code <>” button.
  3. Click “Download as zip.”
  4. Unzip the directory to your desktop or working directory.

Create a Hugging Face account and access Token

You will need a Hugging Face account for the workshop episode on model sharing. Hugging Face is a very popular machine learning (ML) platform and community that helps users build, deploy, share, and train machine learning models.

Create account: To create an account on Hugging Face, visit: Enter an email address and password, and follow the instructions provided via Hugging Face (you may need to verify your email address) to complete the process.

Setup access token: Once you have your account created, you’ll need to generate an access token so that you can upload/share models to your Hugging Face account during the workshop. To generate a token, visit the Access Tokens setting page after logging in. Once there, click “New token” to generate an access token. We’ll use this token later to log in to Hugging Face via Python

Software setup

Installing Python using Anaconda

[Python][python] is a popular language for scientific computing, and a frequent choice for machine learning as well. Installing all of its scientific packages individually can be a bit difficult, however, so we recommend the installer [Anaconda][anaconda] which includes most (but not all) of the software you will need.

Regardless of how you choose to install it, please make sure you install Python version 3.x (e.g., 3.4 is fine). Also, please set up your python environment at least a day in advance of the workshop. If you encounter problems with the installation procedure, ask your workshop organizers via e-mail for assistance so you are ready to go as soon as the workshop begins.

Checkout the [video tutorial][video-windows] or:

  1. Open [][anaconda-distribution] with your web browser.
  2. Download the Python 3 installer for Windows.
  3. Double-click the executable and install Python 3 using MOST of the default settings. The only exception is to check the Make Anaconda the default Python option.

Checkout the [video tutorial][video-mac] or:

  1. Open [][anaconda-distribution] with your web browser.
  2. Download the Python 3 installer for OS X. Make sure to use the correct version for your hardware, i.e. choose the options with “(M1)” if yours is one of the more recent models containing Apple’s chip.
  3. Install Python 3 using all of the defaults for installation.

Note that the following installation steps require you to work from the shell. If you run into any difficulties, please request help before the workshop begins.

  1. Open [][anaconda-distribution] with your web browser.
  2. Download the Python 3 installer for Linux.
  3. Install Python 3 using all of the defaults for installation.
    1. Open a terminal window.
    2. Navigate to the folder where you downloaded the installer
    3. Type


    bash Anaconda3-
    and press tab. The name of the file you just downloaded should appear.
    1. Press enter.
    2. Follow the text-only prompts. When the license agreement appears (a colon will be present at the bottom of the screen) hold the down arrow until the bottom of the text. Type yes and press enter to approve the license. Press enter again to approve the default location for the files. Type yes and press enter to prepend Anaconda to your PATH (this makes the Anaconda distribution the default Python).

Installing the required packages

Conda is the package management system associated with Anaconda and runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Conda should already be available in your system once you installed Anaconda successfully. Conda thus works regardless of the operating system.

  1. Make sure you have an up-to-date version of Conda running. See these instructions for updating Conda if required.

  2. Create the Conda Environment: To create a conda environment called trustworthy_ML with the required packages, open a terminal (Mac/Linux) or Anaconda prompt (Windows) and type the below command. This command creates a new conda environment named trustworthy_ML and installs the necessary packages from the conda-forge and pytorch channels. When prompted to Proceed ([y]/n) during environment setup, press y. It may take around 10-20 minutes to complete the full environment setup. Please reach out to the workshop organizers sooner rather than later to fix setup issues prior to the workshop.


    conda create --name trustworthy_ML python=3.9 jupyter scikit-learn pandas matplotlib keras tensorflow pytorch torchvision torchaudio umap-learn -c conda-forge
  3. Activate the Conda Environment: After creating the environment, activate it using the following command.


    conda activate trustworthy_ML
  4. Install pytorch-ood Package: Install the pytorch-ood package using pip since it may not be available through conda.


    pip install pytorch-ood


  • The conda-forge is a community-driven conda channel that provides a wide array of up-to-date packages, ensuring better compatibility and a more extensive package library.

Starting Jupyter Lab

We will teach using Python in Jupyter lab, a programming environment that runs in a web browser. Jupyter requires a reasonably up-to-date browser, preferably a current version of Chrome, Safari, or Firefox (note that Internet Explorer version 9 and below are not supported). If you installed Python using Anaconda, Jupyter should already be on your system. If you did not use Anaconda, use the Python package manager pip to acquire Jupyter (see the Jupyter website for details.)

To start jupyter lab, open a terminal (Mac/Linux) or Anaconda prompt (Windows) and type the command:


jupyter lab

Check your software setup

To check whether all packages installed correctly, start a jupyter notebook in jupyter lab as explained above. Run the following lines of code:


import sklearn
print('sklearn version: ', sklearn.__version__)

import pandas
print('pandas version: ', pandas.__version__)

import torch
print('torch version: ', torch.__version__)

This should output the versions of all required packages without giving errors. Most versions will work fine with this lesson, but: - For pytorch, the minimum version is 2.0 - For sklearn, the minimum version is 1.2.2

Fallback option: cloud environment

If a local installation does not work for you, it is also possible to run this lesson in Google Colab. Some packages may need to be installed on the fly within the notebook (TBD).