Instructor Notes

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Introduction to FAIR Data Management for Long-term Agriculture Experiments

Instructor Note

The lesson covers many data management and FAIR data topics relevant to a broader audience, but the focus here, including provided datasets is on LTE managers and researchers.

Instructor Note

Split the participants into groups and ask them to list and record reasons. After a few minutes ask each group to share a reason.

Why should we share long-term experiment data

FAIR Principles for long-term agricultural experiments data

Instructor Note

The FAIR data crib sheet is provided as a reference resource for participants. Participants can refer to this document or print outs during exercises in this episode.

Instructor Note

The following sections we will use Google dataset search to review metadata for a published dataset to see how it measures up to FAIR principles. In this section we will primarily be discussing FAIR from the perspective of metadata rather than data. Participants should be encouraged to work in groups to discuss.

Metadata for long-term experiments

Instructor Note

Recommended participants work in groups to discuss metadata they would include. Participants can list out different metadata and present their thoughts to the wider lesson group.

Instructor Note

Recommended participants work in groups to discuss metadata they would include. Participants can list out different metadata and present their thoughts to the wider lesson group.

Organising data for long-term experiments

Making LTE data FAIR


Publishing LTE data