Instructor Notes

In a two half-day format, you could probably complete the “Intro to R and RStudio” and “ggplot2” lessons, and make it about halfway through the “Exploring and understanding data” episode in the first half-day.

We do not recommend splitting the workshop into episodes 1 and 2 on the first half-day and 3 and 4 on the second half-day, as we have found this leaves excess time on the first day and requires rushing or skipping content on the second day.

Introduction to R and RStudio

Instructor Note

You can walk through this analogy if you want, or skip over it if you don’t find it useful.

Instructor Note

If you are teaching remotely and sharing only the RStudio window, the new windows that pop up while creating folders will not be shared via Zoom. You can switch to sharing your entire screen, which will allow learners to see the popup windows.

Data visualization with ggplot2

Instructor Note

Probably worth mentioning that people often just say ggplot when referring to the package ggplot2.

Exploring and understanding data

Working with data

Instructor Note

It’s worth showing the learners that you can run a pipeline without highlighting the whole thing. If your cursor is on any line of a pipeline, running that line will run the whole thing.

You can also show that by highlighting a section of a pipeline, you can run only the first X steps of it.