MPI applications and Maestro

Last updated on 2024-06-04 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 50 minutes



  • “How do I run an MPI application via Maestro on the cluster?”


  • “Define rules to run parallel applications on the cluster”


If you’ve opened a new terminal, make sure Maestro is available.


source /usr/global/docs/training/janeh/maestro_venv/bin/activate

Now it’s time to start getting back to our real workflow. We can execute a command on the cluster, but how do we effectively leverage cluster resources and actually run in parallel? In this episode, we’ll learn how to execute an application that can be run in parallel.

Our application is called amdahl and is available in the python virtual environment we’re already using for maestro. Check that you have access to this binary by running which amdahl at the command line. You should see something like


which amdahl



We’ll use this binary to see how efficiently we can run a parallel program on our cluster – i.e. how the amount of work done per processor changes as we use more processors.


Without using maestro, simply run amdahl on your login node by typing amdahl on the command line and hitting enter.



What is amdahl doing?

You should see output that looks roughly like




Doing 30.000000 seconds of 'work' on 1 processor,
which should take 30.000000 seconds with 0.800000
parallel proportion of the workload.

  Hello, World! I am process 0 of 1 on pascal83.
  I will do all the serial 'work' for 5.243022 seconds.

  Hello, World! I am process 0 of 1 on pascal83.
  I will do parallel 'work' for 25.233023 seconds.

Total execution time (according to rank 0): 30.537750 seconds

In short, this program prints the amount of time spent working serially and the amount of time it spends on the parallel section of a code. On the login node, only a single task is created, so there shouldn’t be any speedup from running in parallel, but soon we’ll use more tasks to run this program!

In the last challenge, we saw how the amdahl executable behaves when run on the login node. In the next challenge, let’s get amdahl running on the login node using maestro.


Using what you learned in episode 1, create a Maestro YAML file that runs amdahl on the login node and captures the output in a file.

Your YAML file might be named amdahl.yaml and its contents might look like


    name: Amdahl
    description: Run a parallel program

    - name: amdahl
      description: run the amdahl executable
          cmd: |
               amdahl >> amdahl.out

and you would run with maestro run amdahl.yaml.

Next, let’s get amdahl running in batch, on a compute node.


Update amdahl.yaml from the last challenge so that this workflow runs on a compute node with a single task. Use the examples from episode 2!

Once you’ve done this. Examine the output and verify that only a single task is reporting on its work in your output file.

The contents of amdahl.yaml should now look something like


    name: Amdahl
    description: Run on the cluster

    type: slurm
    host: ruby           # machine
    bank: guests         # bank
    queue: pbatch        # partition
    reservation: HPCC1B  # reservation for this workshop

    - name: amdahl
      description: run on the cluster
          cmd: |
               amdahl >> amdahl.out
          nodes: 1
          procs: 1
          walltime: "00:00:30"

In your amdahl.out file, you should see that only a single task – task 0 of 1 – is mentioned.

Note – Exact wording for names and descriptions is not important, but should help you to remember what this file and its study are doing.


After checking that amdahl.yaml looks similar to the solution above, update the number of nodes and procs each to 2 and rerun maestro run amdahl.yaml. How many processes report their work in the output file?

Your YAML files contents are now updated to


    name: Amdahl
    description: Run on the cluster

    type: slurm
    host: ruby           # machine
    bank: guests         # bank
    queue: pbatch        # partition
    reservation: HPCC1B  # reservation for this workshop

    - name: amdahl
      description: run on the cluster
          cmd: |
               amdahl >> amdahl.out
          nodes: 2
          procs: 2
          walltime: "00:00:30"

In the study folder, will look something like


#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --partition=pdebug
#SBATCH --account=guests
#SBATCH --time=00:01:00
#SBATCH --job-name="amdahl"
#SBATCH --output="amdahl.out"
#SBATCH --error="amdahl.err"
#SBATCH --comment "run Amdahl on the cluster"

amdahl >> amdahl.out

and in amdahl.out, you probably see something like


Doing 30.000000 seconds of 'work' on 1 processor,
which should take 30.000000 seconds with 0.800000
parallel proportion of the workload.

  Hello, World! I am process 0 of 1 on pascal17.
  I will do all the serial 'work' for 5.324555 seconds.

  Hello, World! I am process 0 of 1 on pascal17.
  I will do parallel 'work' for 22.349517 seconds.

Total execution time (according to rank 0): 27.755552 seconds

Notice that this output refers to only “1 processor” and mentions only one process. We requested two processes, but only a single one reports back! Additionally, we requested two nodes, but only one is mentioned in the above output (pascal17).

So what’s going on?

If your job were really using both tasks and nodes that were assigned to it, then both would have written to amdahl.out.

The amdahl binary is enabled to run in parallel but it’s also able to run in serial. If we want it to run in parallel, we’ll have to tell it so more directly.

Here’s the takeaway from the challenges above: It’s not enough to have both parallel resources and a binary/executable/program that is enabled to run in parallel. We actually need to invoke MPI in order to force our parallel program to use parallel resources.

Maestro and MPI

We didn’t really run an MPI application in the last section as we only ran on one processor. How do we request to run using multiple processes for a single step?

The answer is that we have to tell Slurm that we want to use MPI. In the Intro to HPC lesson, the episodes introducing Slurm and running parallel jobs showed that commands to run in parallel need to use srun. srun talks to MPI and allows multiple processors to coordinate work. A call to srun might look something like


srun -N {# of nodes} -n {number of processes} amdahl >> amdahl.out

To make this easier, Maestro offers the shorthand $(LAUNCHER). Maestro will replace instances of $(LAUNCHER) with a call to srun, specifying as many nodes and processes we’ve already told Slurm we want to use.


Update amdahl.yaml to include $(LAUNCHER) in the call to amdahl so that your study’s cmd field includes


$(LAUNCHER) amdahl >> amdahl.out

Run maestro with the updated YAML and explore the outputs. How many tasks are mentioned in amdahl.out? In the Slurm submission script created by Maestro (included in the same subdirectory as amdahl.out), what text was used to replace $(LAUNCHER)?

The updated YAML should look something like


    name: Amdahl
    description: Run a parallel program

    type: slurm
    host: ruby           # machine
    bank: guests         # bank
    queue: pbatch        # partition
    reservation: HPCC1B  # reservation for this workshop

    - name: amdahl
      description: run in parallel
          # Here's where we include our MPI wrapper:
          cmd: |
               $(LAUNCHER) amdahl >> amdahl.out
          nodes: 2
          procs: 2
          walltime: "00:00:30"

Your output file Amdahl_.../amdahl/amdahl.out should include “Doing 30.000000 seconds of ‘work’ on 2 processors” and the submission script Amdahl_.../amdahl/ should include the line srun -n 2 -N 2 amdahl >> amdahl.out. Maestro substituted srun -n 2 -N 2 for $(LAUNCHER)!

Commenting Maestro YAML files

In the solution from the last challenge, the line beginning # is a comment line. Hopefully you are already in the habit of adding comments to your own scripts. Good comments make any script more readable, and this is just as true with our YAML files.

Customizing amdahl output

Another thing about our application amdahl is that we ultimately want to process the output to generate our scaling plot. The output right now is useful for reading but makes processing harder. amdahl has an option that actually makes this easier for us. To see the amdahl options we can use


amdahl --help


usage: amdahl [-h] [-p [PARALLEL_PROPORTION]] [-w [WORK_SECONDS]] [-t] [-e]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Parallel proportion should be a float between 0 and 1
  -w [WORK_SECONDS], --work-seconds [WORK_SECONDS]
                        Total seconds of workload, should be an integer > 0
  -t, --terse           Enable terse output
  -e, --exact           Disable random jitter

The option we are looking for is --terse, and that will make amdahl print output in a format that is much easier to process, JSON. JSON format in a file typically uses the file extension .json so let’s add that option to our shell command and change the file format of the output to match our new command:


    name: Amdahl
    description: Run a parallel program

    type: slurm
    host: ruby           # machine
    bank: guests         # bank
    queue: pbatch        # partition
    reservation: HPCC1B  # reservation for this workshop

    - name: amdahl
      description: run in parallel
          # Here's where we include our MPI wrapper:
          cmd: |
               $(LAUNCHER) amdahl --terse >> amdahl.json
          nodes: 2
          procs: 2
          walltime: "00:01:30"

There was another parameter for amdahl that caught my eye. amdahl has an option --parallel-proportion (or -p) which we might be interested in changing as it changes the behavior of the code, and therefore has an impact on the values we get in our results. Let’s try specifying a parallel proportion of 90%:


    name: Amdahl
    description: Run a parallel program

    type: slurm
    host: ruby           # machine
    bank: guests         # bank
    queue: pbatch        # partition
    reservation: HPCC1B  # reservation for this workshop

    - name: amdahl
      description: run in parallel
          # Here's where we include our MPI wrapper:
          cmd: |
               $(LAUNCHER) amdahl --terse -p .9 >> amdahl.json
          nodes: 2
          procs: 2
          walltime: "00:00:30"


Create a YAML file for a value of -p of 0.999 (the default value is 0.8) for the case where we have a single node and 4 parallel processes. Run this workflow with Maestro to make sure your script is working.


    name: Amdahl
    description: Run a parallel program

    type: slurm
    host: ruby           # machine
    bank: guests         # bank
    queue: pbatch        # partition
    reservation: HPCC1B  # reservation for this workshop

    - name: amdahl
      description: run in parallel
          # Here's where we include our MPI wrapper:
          cmd: |
               $(LAUNCHER) amdahl --terse -p .999 >> amdahl.json
          nodes: 1
          procs: 4
          walltime: "00:00:30"

Environment variables

Our current directory is probably starting to fill up with directories starting with Amdahl_..., distinguished only by dates and timestamps. It’s probably best to group runs into separate folders to keep things tidy. One way we can do this is by specifying an env section in our YAML file with a variable called OUTPUT_PATH specified in this format:


      OUTPUT_PATH: ./Episode3

This env block goes above our study block; env is at the same level of indentation as study. In this case, directories created by runs using this OUTPUT_PATH will all be grouped inside the directory Episode3, to help us group runs by where we are in the lesson.


Modify your YAML so that subsequent runs will be grouped into a shared parent directory (for example, Episode3, as above).


    name: Amdahl
    description: Run a parallel program

    type: slurm
    host: ruby           # machine
    bank: guests         # bank
    queue: pbatch        # partition
    reservation: HPCC1B  # reservation for this workshop

      OUTPUT_PATH: ./Episode3

    - name: amdahl
      description: run in parallel
          # Here's where we include our MPI wrapper:
          cmd: |
               $(LAUNCHER) amdahl --terse -p .999 >> amdahl.json
          nodes: 1
          procs: 4
          walltime: "00:00:30"

Dry-run (--dry) mode

It’s often useful to run Maestro in --dry mode, which causes Maestro to create scripts and the directory structure without actually running jobs. You will see this parameter if you run maestro run --help.


Do a couple dry runs using the script created in the last challenge. This should help you verify that a new directory “Episode3” gets created for runs from this episode.

Note: --dry is an input for maestro run, not for amdahl. To do a dry run, you shouldn’t need to update your YAML file at all. Instead, you just run


maestro run --dry «YAML filename»

After running


maestro run --dry amdahl.yaml

a directory path of the form Episode3/Amdahl_{DATE}_{TIME}/amdahl should be created.

Key Points

  • “Adding $(LAUNCHER) before commands signals to Maestro to use MPI via srun.”
  • “New Maestro runs can be grouped within a new directory specified by the environment variable OUTPUT_PATH
  • You can use --dry to verify that the expected directory structure and scripts are created by a given Maestro YAML file.