1.6 Verifying Code Style Using Linters
Last updated on 2025-03-07 | Edit this page
- What tools can help with maintaining a consistent code style?
- How can we automate code style checking?
- Use code linting tools to verify a program’s adherence to a Python coding style convention.
Verifying Code Style Using Linters
We have seen how we can use PyCharm to help us format our Python code
in a consistent style. This aids reusability, since consistent-looking
code is easier to modify since it is easier to read and understand. We
can also use tools, called code
linters, to identify consistency issues in a report-style.
Linters analyse source code to identify and report on stylistic and even
programming errors. Let us look at a very well used one of these called
First, let us ensure we are on the style-fixes
once again.
Pylint is just a Python package so we can install it in our virtual environment using:
We should also update our requirements.txt
with this new
Pylint is a command-line tool that can help our code in many ways:
- Check PEP 8 compliance: whilst in-IDE context-sensitive highlighting such as that provided via PyCharm helps us stay consistent with PEP 8 as we write code, this tool provides a full report
- Perform basic error detection: Pylint can look for certain Python type errors
- Check variable naming conventions: Pylint often goes beyond PEP 8 to include other common conventions, such as naming variables outside of functions in upper case
- Customisation: you can specify which errors and conventions you wish to check for, and those you wish to ignore
Pylint can also identify code smells.
How Does Code Smell?
There are many ways that code can exhibit bad design whilst not breaking any rules and working correctly. A code smell is a characteristic that indicates that there is an underlying problem with source code, e.g. large classes or methods, methods with too many parameters, duplicated statements in both if and else blocks of conditionals, etc. They aren’t functional errors in the code, but rather are certain structures that violate principles of good design and impact design quality. They can also indicate that code is in need of maintenance and refactoring.
The phrase has its origins in Chapter 3 “Bad smells in code” by Kent Beck and Martin Fowler in Fowler, Martin (1999). Refactoring. Improving the Design of Existing Code. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-48567-2.
Pylint recommendations are given as warnings or errors, and Pylint
also scores the code with an overall mark. We can look at a specific
file (e.g. inflammation-analysis.py
), or a package
(e.g. inflammation
). Let us look at our
package and code inside it (namely
and views.py
). From the project root
You should see an output similar to the following:
************* Module inflammation.models
inflammation/models.py:13:23: C0303: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
inflammation/models.py:34:0: C0305: Trailing newlines (trailing-newlines)
************* Module inflammation.views
inflammation/views.py:4:0: W0611: Unused numpy imported as np (unused-import)
Your code has been rated at 8.50/10 (previous run: 8.50/10, +0.00)
Your own outputs of the above commands may vary depending on how you have implemented and fixed the code in previous exercises and the coding style you have used.
The five digit codes, such as C0303
, are unique
identifiers for warnings, with the first character indicating the type
of warning. There are five different types of warnings that Pylint looks
for, and you can get a summary of them by doing:
Near the end you’ll see:
Using the default text output, the message format is :
There are 5 kind of message types :
* (C) convention, for programming standard violation
* (R) refactor, for bad code smell
* (W) warning, for python specific problems
* (E) error, for probable bugs in the code
* (F) fatal, if an error occurred which prevented pylint from doing
further processing.
So for an example of a Pylint Python-specific warning
see the “W0611: Unused numpy imported as np (unused-import)”
It is important to note that while tools such as Pylint are great at giving you a starting point to consider how to improve your code, they will not find everything that may be wrong with it.
How Does Pylint Calculate the Score?
The Python formula used is (with the variables representing numbers
of each type of infraction and statement
indicating the
total number of statements):
For example, with a total of 31 statements of models.py and views.py, with a count of the errors shown above, we get a score of 8.00. Note whilst there is a maximum score of 10, given the formula, there is no minimum score - it is quite possible to get a negative score!
Exercise: Further Improve Code Style of Our Project
Select and fix a few of the issues with our code that Pylint detected. Make sure you do not break the rest of the code in the process and that the code still runs. After making any changes, run Pylint again to verify you have resolved these issues.
Make sure you commit and push requirements.txt
and any
file with further code style improvements you did on to
branch and then merge all these changes into
your development branch.
For the time being, we will not merge the development branch onto
until we finish testing our code a bit further and
automating those tests with GitHub’s Continuous Integration service
called GitHub Actions (to be covered in the next section). Note that it
is also possible to automate the linting kinds of code checks with
GitHub Actions - we will come back to automated linting in the episode
on “Diagnosing
Issues and Improving Robustness”.
$ git add requirements.txt
$ git commit -m "Added Pylint library"
$ git push origin style-fixes
$ git switch develop
$ git merge style-fixes
$ git push origin develop
Optional Exercise: Improve Code Style of Your Other Python Projects
If you have a Python project you are working on or you worked on in the past, run it past Pylint to see what issues with your code are detected, if any.
Optional Exercise: More on Pylint
Checkout this optional
exercise to learn more about pylint
Key Points
- Use linting tools on the command line (or via continuous integration) to automatically check your code style.