Summary and Schedule

This lesson aims to introduce the use of Kubernetes, often referred to as K8s or K-ate-s, with the goal of using Kubernetes to enable reproducible computational environments at scale.

The hands-on work in this lesson is aimed to using Kubernetes on your own laptop. These concepts can be translated to other Kubernetes environments, including those provided by a single compute nodes, campus Kubernetes cluster, large scale national clusters, or cloud providers.

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.

Data Sets

No datasets are required to be downloaded for this lesson.

Software Setup


This lesson is designed around having access to a campus or regional Kubernetes resource. If one is not available, you can create a local one on your computer using a tool called Minikube. To use this tool, please visit the setup guide for MiniKube.

If you have access to a campus or regional platform, please reach out to the support staff of the platform for getting access. As a part of a workshop, this should be handled for you.

To access and interact with the resources, you will need a command line tool called kubectl. Instructions on how to install this for your specific operating system are available at