This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

FAIR for leaders

Open Science and FAIR principles change the way biomedical research is conducted, disseminated, and brings benefits to society. In this workshop you will learn how the adoption of FAIR principles makes you a better leader and how it can increase productivity of your team.


Leading researchers must become conversant with the Open Science ethos, the Reproducible Research movement, and FAIR (Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable) principles to recognize or evaluate them in their peers, to mentor their team members and to benefit from efficient data management.

Target audience

This one-day workshop is aimed at established PIs and institutional leaders who set policy and drive changes.

It will set the foundations of Open Science, FAIR principles and what they mean for biomedical research practices. The participants will be able to steer the adoption of good data management within their organisation and teams for the improvement of both data re-use and work efficiency.


You don’t need to have prior knowledge of data management or programming skills. You do need to be willing to learn how to apply FAIR principles in your research.

We expect you to:

  • have a bio/medical background
  • know basics of scientific communication, publications, citations and their importance for careers in life science research
  • familiarity with spreadsheets (Excel)
  • familiarity with online bioscience data resources


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Better research by better sharing Who are today’s trainers?
Why should you know about Open Science and Data Management?
Why should you adopt good data management practices?
00:40 2. Being FAIR How can you get more value from your own data?
What are the FAIR guidelines?
Why does being FAIR matter?
01:10 3. Tools for Oracles and Overlords

01:10 4. Public repositories Where can I deposit datasets?
What are general data repositories?
How to find a repository?
01:50 5. Template

01:50 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.